19. The song tells us that .... in life.A. People must live in harmonyB. We have to raise peopleC. Everybody must love their family.D. We need somebody to be strong
1. 19. The song tells us that .... in life.A. People must live in harmonyB. We have to raise peopleC. Everybody must love their family.D. We need somebody to be strong
C. Everybody must love their family
semoga membantu
maaf kalo salab:)
2. Makna Harmony in diversity apa?
artinya adalah harmoni dalam keanekaragaman
3. konsep living in harmony
“living in harmony” atau hidup rukun. Kota Perth-Western Australia adalah kota dengan latar belakang penduduk yang sangat heterogen atau multi kultur.
Kota ini tidak hanya dihuni oleh penduduk asli aborigin dan warga Australia tetapi juga pendatang dari berbagai negara-negara di dunia. Secara budaya saja sudah terdapat ratusan atau bahkan ribuan budaya yang ada di kota ini. Pada waktu-waktu tertentu pemerintah kota Perth memberikan kesempatan pada setiap warga untuk unjuk kebolehan budaya masing-masing. Ini yang sangat menarik, warga yang datang dari berbagai belahan bumi ini bisa hidup berdampingan tanpa ada gejolak dan gesekan. Setiap warga mentaati peraturan yang ditetapkan oleh pemerintah kota dalam hal hidup berdampingan, misalnya pada saat mengadakan acara di rumah (syukuran, pesta atau lainnya) harus memberitahu tetangga di samping kanan kiri agar tetangga tersebut tidak terganggu jika terlalu ramai. Jika tetangga tersebut kurang berkenan biasanya akan menelpon polisi atau Ranger untuk melaporkan ketidaknyamanan mereka. Sehingga nyaris tidak pernah terdengar perselisihan antar tetangga.Hidup rukun ini juga tidak hanya antar sesama manusia, tetapi manusia dengan lingkungan sekitarnya. Pemerintah Australia benar-benar membuat lingkungan kota sebagai tempat yang nyaman juga untuk binatang lainnya, terutama burung-burung seperti burung gagak, beo, kakak tua hitam, angsa, bebek dan lain-lain. Sering kita jumpai burung-burung terbang bebas dan mencari makan di tanah tanpa merasa terusik dengan kehadiran manusia. Orang-orangpun juga patuh pada peraturan untuk tidak mengganggu kehidupan bebas burung-burung tersebut. Tidak jarang angsa dan bebek liar juga bebas berenang dan mencari makan di sepanjang sungai “SWAN RIVER”. Pemerintah Australia benar-benar memanjakan “wild life” dari binatang-binatang ini dan mempertahankan keserasian hidup berdampingan dengan manusia dan makhluk lainnya.
4. (must/have to) 2. You ... speak English to live in London
Jawaban: Must
Penjelasan: mohon maaf kalo salah dan semoga bermanfaat.
You have to
mohon maaf kalau jawabannya tidak benar
5. Susunan yg benar adalah must-a strong sovi-in live-we-have-problems -to face
we have must a strong sovi to face in love
6. must and must not in school
yg harus dan tidak harus dilakukan saat di sekolahharus dan tidak boleh bersekolah
7. You... speak english to live in london. tolong jawab pake must/have to..
Karena kita harus mengucapkan bahasa inggris di London
8. buatlah pidato bahasa inggris dengan tema "Harmony in diversity for country development"
Good morning i say to all my friend, all contestant,all attendant guest,and especially all respected judgest.Before I deliver my speech, I want to introduce my self,my name is . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . student of SMA 7 Bengkulu city.
Then,I am really grateful for giving me time.In this opportunity I want to deliver my speech with topic Beauty In Diversity.
The main speech
We have to realize that our country has too many differences because is inhabited by many different ethnic group.All differences in Indonesia have considered and accepted as mercy of god.So,there is no doubt that we are obligated to keep the available differences.
When we are able to keep all differences in Indonesia. Then, we can actualize harmonious and integrated society.Ladies and gentlemen, Indonesia consist of thousand island. The sovereignty of Indonesia extends from Sabang until Merauke.
It is the biggest country among other countries in South East Asia.We must be proud as Indonesian.For other countries,Indonesia is considered as :
The land of black gold,because our country has abundant spice and pepper. We still remember,in the past Indonesia was occupied by European people,because they wanted to get spice and pepper in this country.
Our country is also called as the symbol of pluralism in the world. Because our country is inhabited by many different ethnic groups.even so,we can be united we have taken an oath that we will always keep the wholeness of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia.
That’s why as good Indonesian citizens,we are obligated to do important things as follows:
We have to keep tolerant in this country. We aware that our country has some religious. All religion in Indonesia are protected and recognized by the goverment of Indonesia.
Then each Indonesian have freedom to profess religion and perform religious, then as good and civilize Indonesian We must keep tolerant in the circle of our society
We must keep polite behavior in the circle of our society. According to the second moral principal of pancasila, all people of Indonesia have to love and respect other people without discriminating religion, ethnic groups, social status and other differences.
Then we must avoid doing the act of violance, oppression to others. Then, we can actualize prestigious life.
All of Indonesian are obligated to keep harmonious,togetherness,solidarity,unity and integrity for the wholeness of the unitary state of the republic of Indonesia. Besides, we must avoid doing of sparatism.
All indonesian must have sportmanship. It means we are ready to win and ready to sustain defeat. We have to develop the values of democrasy in the circle of our society. Besides, we must avoid doing the act of anarchism and vandalism in the circle of our society.
All Indonesian including us must be ready to study and work hard. Life based on good standar can actualized if we have capacity to gain it. Besides,we are obligated to glorify the values of justice.
All Indonesian including us must be ready to study and work hard. Life based on good standar can actualized if we have capacity to gain it. Besides,we are obligated to glorify the values of justice.
I think that’s all my short speech let’s keep the spirit of the red and white. So we can actualize the beauty of life in diversity.
Thank you for your attention.
9. 1 What is wiliam?2 what class is wiliam in a093 Where does he live ? ..9is Roni wiliam's brothers5 where does Roni Live ??
1 Apa itu william?
2 kelas apa itu william di a
3 Di mana dia tinggal? ...
adalah saudara laki-laki Roni wiliam
5 Di mana Roni tinggal ??
1 Apa itu wiliam?
2 kelas apa itu william in a
3 Dimana dia tinggal? ..
adalah Ronnie williams bersaudara
5 Di Mana Roni Tinggal?
10. Choose the best answer to each of the following questions by crossing the letter A, D, or E. Ebony and Ivory (Paul McCartney) Ebony and Ivory live together in perfect harmony Side by side on my piano keyboard, oh Lord, why don' t we? We all know that people are the same wherever you go There is good and bad in everyone And we learn to live, we learn to give each other What we need to survive together alive Ebony and Ivory live together in perfect harmony Side by side on my piano keyboard, oh Lord, why don't we? Ebony, Ivory living in perfect harmony Ebony, Ivory, oh We all know that people are the same wherever you go There is good and bad in everyone We learn to live when we learn to give each other What we need to survive together alive Ebony and Ivory live together in perfect harmony Side by side on my piano keyboard, oh Lord, why don't we? Ebony, Ivory living in perfect harmony Ebony, Ivory living in perfect harmony Ebony, Ivory living in perfect harmony 1. Ebony and Ivory are... names of people a boy and a girl CD metaphoric brothers AEB a brother and sister 2. Ebony and Ivory are.. A. actually non-existent B. actually found on a piano keyboard C. not related to a piano keyboard D. never found E. recently found 3. The writer is questioning God .. A. why Ebony and Ivory are non-existent B. why people don't live in harmony C. why we are like a piano keyboard D. why people are the same E. why people are like Ebony and Ivory
Ebony and Ivory (Paul McCartney) Ebony and Ivory live together in perfect harmony Side by side on my piano keyboard, oh Lord, why don' t we? We all know that people are the same wherever you go There is good and bad in everyone. And we learn to live, we learn to give each other what we need to survive together alive.
Ebony and Ivory live together in perfect harmony Side by side on my piano keyboard, oh Lord, why don't we? Ebony, Ivory living in perfect harmony Ebony, Ivory, oh We all know that people are the same wherever you go There is good and bad in everyone We learn to live when we learn to give each other What we need to survive together alive Ebony and Ivory live together in perfect harmony Side by side on my piano keyboard, oh Lord, why don't we? Ebony, Ivory living in perfect harmony Ebony, Ivory living in perfect harmony Ebony, Ivory living in perfect harmony
1. Ebony and Ivory are...
A. names of people
B. a boy and a girl
C. metaphoric brothers
D. a brother and sister
2. Ebony and Ivory are..
A. actually non-existent
B. actually found on a piano keyboard
C. not related to a piano keyboard
D. never found
E. recently found
3. The writer is questioning God ..
A. why Ebony and Ivory are non-existent
B. why people don't live in harmony
C. why we are like a piano keyboard
D. why people are the same
E. why people are like Ebony and Ivory
semoga membantu..
11. Ebony and Ivory (Paul McCartney)Ebony and Ivory live together in perfect harmonySide by side on my piano keyboard, oh Lord, why don't we?We all know that people are the same wherever you goThere is good and bad in everyoneAnd we learn to live, we learn to give each otherWhat we need to survive together aliveEbony and Ivory live together in perfect harmonySide by side on my piano keyboard, oh Lord, why don't we?Ebony, Ivory living in perfect harmonyEbony, Ivory, ohWe all know that people are the same wherever you goThere is good and bad in everyoneWe learn to live when we learn to give each otherWhat we need to survive together aliveEbony and Ivory live together in perfect harmonySide by side on my piano keyboard, oh Lord, why don't we?Fbony, Ivory living in perfect harmonyEbony, Ivory living in perfect harmonyEbony, Ivory living in perfect harmonyEbony and ivory areA names of peopleB. a boy and a girlC. a brother and sisterD. metaphoricE. brothersD. never foundE. recently found2. Ebony and Ivory areAactually non-existentB. actually found on a piano keyboardC. not related to a piano keyboard3. The writer is questioning GodA. why Ebony and Ivory are non-existentB. why people don't live in harmonyC. why we are like a piano keyboardD. why people are the samet. why people are like Ebony and Ivorytolongin dong guys
Learning Song
D. Metaphoric
B. Actually found on a piano keyboard
B. Why people don't live in harmony
Jawaban di atas diperoleh dari hasil memahami bacaan lirik lagu "Ebony And Ivory", berikut terjemahannya:
Ebony and Ivory live together in perfect harmony
=> Ebony dan Ivory hidup bersama dalam harmoni yang sempurna
Side by side on my piano keyboard, oh Lord, why don't we?
=> Berdampingan di keyboard piano saya, oh Tuhan, mengapa kita tidak?
We all know that people are the same wherever we go
=> Kita semua tahu bahwa orang sama di mana pun kita pergi
There is good and bad in everyone
=> Ada yang baik dan buruk pada setiap orang
We learn to live, we learn to give
=> Kita belajar untuk hidup, kita belajar untuk memberi
Each other what we need to survive together alive
=> Satu sama lain apa yang kita butuhkan untuk bertahan hidup
Ebony and Ivory live together in perfect harmony
=> Ebony dan Ivory hidup bersama dalam harmoni yang sempurna
Side by side on my piano keyboard, oh Lord, why don't we?
=> Berdampingan di keyboard piano saya, oh Tuhan, mengapa kita tidak?
Ebony, Ivory living in perfect harmony
=> Ebony, Gading hidup dalam harmoni yang sempurna
Ebony, Ivory, Ooh
We all know that people are the same wherever you go
=> Kita semua tahu bahwa orang-orang adalah sama di mana pun Anda pergi
There is good and bad in everyone
=> Ada yang baik dan buruk pada setiap orang
We learn to live, when we learn to give
=> Kita belajar untuk hidup, ketika kita belajar memberi
Each other what we need to survive together alive
=> Satu sama lain apa yang kita butuhkan untuk bertahan hidup bersama
Ebony and Ivory live together in perfect harmony
=> Ebony dan Gading hidup bersama dalam harmoni yang sempurna
Side by side on my piano keyboard, oh Lord, why don't we?
=> Berdampingan di keyboard piano saya, oh Tuhan, mengapa kita tidak?
Side by side on my piano keyboard
=> Berdampingan di keyboard piano saya
Oh Lord, why don't we?
=> Ya Tuhan, mengapa kita tidak?
Ebony, Ivory living in perfect harmony
=> Ebony, Gading hidup dalam harmoni yang sempurna.
1. Ebony dan Ivory adalah ...
A. nama orang => SALAH
B. anak laki-laki dan perempuan => SALAH
C. Seorang saudara lelaki dan perempuan => SALAH
D. metaforis => BENAR
E. Saudara => SALAH
Option A, B, C dan E adalah SALAH, karena Ebony dan Ivory adalah nama not yang ada di piano, itu adalah metafor (metaphor) yang menunjukkan orang atau manusia. Maka jawaban yang benar adalah D. Metaphoric.
2. Ebony dan Ivory adalah...
A. Sebenarnya tidak ada => SALAH
B. sebenarnya ditemukan pada keyboard piano => BENAR
C. Tidak terkait dengan keyboard piano => SALAH
D. Tidak pernah ditemukan => SALAH
E. baru-baru ini ditemukan => SALAH
Option A, C, D, dan E adalah SALAH, karena Ebony dan Ivory adalah nama not hitam dan putih yang di temukan di piano, seperti yang dinyatakan pada kutipan lagu tersebut berikut " Ebony and Ivory live together in perfect harmony side by side on my piano keyboard ". Maka jawaban yang benar adalah B. Actually found on a piano keyboard.
3. Penulis mempertanyakan Tuhan ...
A. mengapa Ebony dan Gading tidak ada => SALAH
B. mengapa orang tidak hidup dalam harmoni => BENAR
C. mengapa kita seperti keyboard piano => SALAH
D. mengapa orang itu sama => SALAH
E. mengapa orang seperti Ebony dan Gading => SALAH
Option A, C, D, dan E adalah SALAH, karena yang dipertanyakan penulis adalah mengapa kita tidak hidup dalam harmony seperti not-not yang terdapat di piano. Hal ini dinyatakan pada kutipan lagu berikut "Ebony and Ivory live together in perfect harmony Side by side on my piano keyboard, oh Lord, why don't we? " (Ebony dan Gading hidup bersama dalam harmoni yang sempurna , Berdampingan di keyboard piano saya, oh Tuhan,mengapa kami tidak?). Maka jawaban yang benar adalah B. Why people don't live in harmony
Kelas : 10
Mata Pelajaran: bahasa Inggris
Bab : 15
Kode: 10.5.15
Kata Kunci : song
12. B. USE THE WORDS IN PART B TO COMPLETE THE PARAGRAPH BELOW!……………………….. to be happy, we must live in harmony. We must greet each other in the morning. Don’t forget to ………………….. your smile to everyone. We should do some …………………….………… every morning. We better to eat some ……………………………. Don’t waste your ………………… by sleeping lately. tolong di jawab makasih
don't forgetkeepexercisefoodtime13. How many brothers people in my family
Berapa banyak orang saudara laki-laki di keluarga saya?
14. susunlah kalimat how life and to harmony our keep in happiness
life to harmony and our keep in happiness
maaf kalo salah
15. B. USE THE WORDS IN PART B TO COMPLETE THE PARAGRAPH BELOW! ……………………….. to be happy, we must live in harmony. We must greet each other in the morning. Don’t forget to ………………….. your smile to everyone. We should do some …………………….………… every morning. We better to eat some ……………………………. Don’t waste your ………………… by sleeping lately. tolong di jawab terima kasih.
In order to be happy, we must live in harmony. We must greet each other in the morning. Don’t forget to show your smile to everyone. We should do some exercise every morning. We better to eat some fruit. Don’t waste your time by sleeping lately.
Semoga jawabannya bermanfaat ya.
16. Indonesia, s rich culture cintributes in most parts of our lives in this country. We live with the others having different ethnics, traditional languages and religions.However ,we all live in harmony by respecting each other
Indonesia, kekayaan budaya berkontribusi dalam sebagian besar kehidupan kita di negeri ini. Kita hidup bersama dengan orang lain yang berbeda suku, bahasa dan agama tradisional, namun kita semua hidup rukun dengan saling menghormati.
Semoga membantu...
17. 17. The three basic chords in........the tonic,the dominat,and the subdominant. (A) functional harmony (B) functional harmony are (C) functional harmony is (D) functional harmony which are
of course (C) functional harmony isThe answer will be (B) functional harmony are
18. It must be sad to be an orphan and live in an orphan home,artinya ?.
itu pasti sangat menyedihkan menjadi yatim piatu yang tinggal di panti asuhan
pasti sedih jadi yatim piatu dan tinggal di panti asuhan
maaf kalo salah
19. artinya Rudy live with his brothers
Rudy tinggal bersama saudara-saudaranya
itu artinya ya
semoga bermanfaat^^
Rudy tinggal bersama saudara laki-lakinya
20. Ebony and ivory live together in perfect harmony side by side on my piano keyboard, oh lord eboy and ivory are .....
damage my piano!!
sorry if wrong
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