English Task Identify the part of food and drink label Write down in ur English book.
1. English Task Identify the part of food and drink label Write down in ur English book.
tinggal translet aja apa susahnya
2. English Task Identify the part of food and drink label Write down in ur English book.
aku tidak bisa menjawab karena sibuk ada tugas
aku tidak bisa menjawab karena sibuk ada tugas
3. Tolong di bantu jawab ya... pleeesss activity 5 (task 3) dan activity 6 (task 4)
activity 5 task 3 :
1. Thanks You ,Mom
2. Have A Sweet Dream , Dear
3. Wait , My mom Is Calling Me , Sorry , I'll Talk To You Later , See You
4. See You
activity 6 task 4 :
greeting :
good morning
good afternoon
whats up
good evening
how are you all?
how's it going?
how are you
leave taking :
see you tomorrow
see you soon
see you then
take care
good night
see you later
4. Do activity 11 on page 59 class 7
lakukan kegiatan 11 di halaman 59 kelas 7
maaf kalau salah ya
semoga membantu ya
5. task 1 Activity 1 ......
1. busy
2. olimpyad
3. problem
4. prepare
5. support
maaf kalau salah
6. bantu yang task 6 dan individual activity
1. There are
2. There is
3. There are
4. There is
7. There is
8. There is
10. There is
7. Tolong plisss jawab activity 5, activity 6, dan activity 7 ^_^
Activity 5
1. for
2. ago
3. since
4. ago, for
5. ago, since
6. for
7. since, ago
8. since
9. for
10. since
[Jawaban][ Activity - 5 ]
1. for
2. ago
3. since
4. ago & for
5. ago & since
6. for
7. since & ago
8. since
9. for
10. since
[ Activity - 6 ]
{membenarkan kesalahan yang ada}
3. When I saw him yesterday, he didn’t tell me anything.
4. Did you already do your homework? Yes, I did.
7. I have been so angry with him because he has hit me.
8. He is always good at math.
10. Did he cry at the party yesterday?
[ Activity - 7 ]
( 1 ) been
( 2 ) have not / haven’t
( 3 ) have been
( 4 ) had
( 5 ) is
( 6 ) went
( 7 ) visited
( 8 ) visited
( 9 ) was
( 10 ) I ever seen
Apologies if there were some mistakes. Hopefully it’s helpful to you;))
8. Quiz English :task 9
1.Her name is Diana Puspita Sari
2.Her nickname is Diana
3.She is 14 years old
4.She lives in Jakarta
5.Her hobbies are reading novel and listening to music
6.University student?
7.She likes pop and jazz music
9.She has 3 cats
10.Yes,she does
Someone pls fix this grammar TwT thank you
and also hope this is helpful :333
9. Task 4 activity 1 jawabannya?
1. The orchids are beautiful, aren’t they?
2. Yes, they really are
3. Do you think the purple one is beautiful ?
4. I think the red one is better
5. Oh, you’re right
10. tolong dibantu yang task 1,activity ,dan task 2. #harusbenar#terimakasih
Task 1
1. Dress
2. White
3. Fabrics
4. Thin
5. New
6. Under
7. Without
8. Wide
9. On
10. High
Task 2
1. Named
2. Cute
3. Adorable
4. Year old
5. Long fur
6. Brown
7. White
8. Beautiful
9. Fluffy
10. Bark
11. Heavy
12. Attention
13. Intimidated
14. Hisses
15. Arch
16. Jump
17. Weird
18. Soft
19. Pounces
20. Boxes
21. Hide in
Semoga jawabannya membantu, untuk activity bisa ditranslate sendiri yaa
11. the teacher of class 5 uses a model to show part of the solar system
nggk bisa basa inggris.
12. bantuuu donggg yang task 6 dan individual activity
Task 6
1.There are
2.There is
3.There are
4.There is
5.There are
6.There are
7.There is
8.There is
9.There are
10.There is
Individual Activity
1.There are two cats under the tree
2.There are many flower in the room
3.There are a lot of students at the conference
4.There are many tomato in the basket
5.There is a library around the corner
13. Activity 10 English
Hendrik: Hello! What's your name?
Nico: My name is Nico. Howaboutyou?
Hendrik: I'm Hendrik. HernameisSalma.
Salma: Hi! Youarethenewstudent, aren't you?
Nico: Yes,Iam.
Salma: Look! We have a nice classroom. Please come in.
Hai kaa •-•"
Ini aslinya di dengar pakai audionya trs isi sesuai audionya, aku gaada audionya jdinya aku isi setau aku aj.
Btw, yg ngapus jwbnku cmn gara² gk ada audionya & gk sesuai opinimu maklumin otaknya ilang setengah ;-;
14. what do you think activity learny about english subject in your class!
English lesson teaches us about the English way of speaking, and this lesson is fun and also important to learn
15. tolong ya activity 4 task 1
nomor satunya mana bosqu
16. tolong dong mendingan masuk mana? bingung bgt 1. basic English class (BEC)2. elementary English class (EEC)3. intermedite English class (IEC)4. training class (TC)
kalau menurut aku pribadi mending masuk basic English class (BEC)biasanya pembelajaran yang didapat merupakan basic dari bahasa inggris.
semoga membantu :)
17. tolong bantu ya kakactivity 1 task 1 dan task 2
Task 2 1.sania mikaela yofan 2.solo 3.jaya daya street semarang 5.rendang
18. please help meENGLISHCLASS 7
1.are there five student in the classroom?
2.there are five magazine on the table
3.then Ten children aren't on the field
4.there is a dictionary in your bag
5.there aren't five pencil in my pencil case
6.there are fifty people in the hall meeting
7.are there balls in storeroom?
8.there is a pair of slippers in front of the door
19. Activity Individual Task 1 dan 2
Jawaban Task 1
1. True
2. True
3. True
4. False
Correction: The mega launching of the company's new apparel series.
5. True
6. True
7. False
Correction: The small opening ceremony and dinner party.
8. True
9. False
Correction: May 20th, 2011
10. True
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20. Catatan :* Activity 7 : Cocokan antara accasion(perayaan) dgn purpose of greeting card ( tujuan kartu ucapan)** Activity 8 : Jelaskan tujuan kartu ucapan dari tiap no yg tersediaTolong bantu kak jangan ngasal di kumpulin sekarang:)English Class 8
Activity 7:
1. Bithday: e. To wish him/her a happy birthday
2. A baby's birth: f. To congratulate the parents on the birth of a baby
3. Recovery: g. To cheer up a sick person by wishing him/her a quick recovery
4. Graduation: c. To congratulate someone on his achievement for finishing his/her study
5. Mother's day: a. To tell your mother how much you love and appreciate her
6. Father's day: h. To tell your father how much you love and appreciate him
7. New home: b. To congratulate someone on his/her new house
8. Wedding: d. To wish the bride and the groom a happy life
Activity 8:
1. To wish him/her a happy birthday
2. To cheer up a sick person by wishing him/her a quick recovery
3. To congratulate the parents on the birth of a baby
4. To thank you someone
5. To congratulate someone on his/her achievement for finishing his/her study
Semoga membantu. Jadikan sebagai jawaban tercerdas ya!
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