Mr A Is Travelling In His Car

Mr A Is Travelling In His Car

mr hamid and his wife have a car ... like travelling

Daftar Isi

1. mr hamid and his wife have a car ... like travelling

mr hamid and his wife have a car they like travelling

2. Mr. Deri has a car (he,his) car is very old


Jawaban yang benar adalah his, karena menunjukan kepemilikan dari kata benda car. "his car" berarti "mobilnya".

3. b. not - car - Mr. Reno - in - repairing - his - now - garage - is - the.

Mr reno is not repairing his car in the garage now,The answer:
Mr. Reno is not repairing his car in the garage now.

Semoga membantu dan bermanfaat. Jadikan jawaban yang terbaik ya.

4. tom his new carAm, Is, Are​


Tom is in his new car.


Tom nama laki-laki.

Laki-laki = He

"He" pake is

5. Mr. rahmad has a car. ...... car is new.


Mr. Rahmad has a car.He has car is new.

Semogabermanfaat y



Mr rahmad has a car his car is new

6. Soal: Is he washing his car? The passive form is ... Is his car washing by him? Is his car being washed by him? Is his car being wash by him? Is his car being washed by he? Tolong dong

Soal: Apakah dia sedang mencuci mobilnya?

Bentuk pasifnya adalah ...

Apakah mobilnya sedang dicuci olehnya?

Apakah mobilnya dicuci olehnya?

Apakah mobilnya sedang dicuci olehnya?

7. 1. He is repairing my car in his garage​


Dia sedang memperbaiki mobil saya di garasinya

8. Mr Aldo has a carThat is .....carThat car is....


Dua duanya His yaThat is Mr. Aldo's car
That car is Mr Aldo's

9. His car my father is garage repairing the in

My father is repairing his car in the garage.

10. Lengkapi pernyataan berikut. mr adam got a new car. his car is .. than mine

His Car is Bigger than Mine.

Semoga jawabannya membantu! Semangat.


cheaper / more expensive


11. . (+) Mr. Rahadi repaired his car in the workshop last month. (-) ............................................................................................ (?) ...........................................................................................

(+) Mr. Rahadi repaired his car in the workshop last month.

(-) Mr. Rahadi did not repair his car in the workshop last month.

(?) Did Mr. Rahadi repair his car in the workshop last month?

PEMBAHASANSimple Past Tense

Yaitu bentuk kalimat dalam bahasa Inggris yang digunakan untuk menunjukkan kejadian yang terjadi pada masa lampau.


Positive Sentences

Subject + Verb 2 + Object

Negative Sentences

Subject + did + not + Verb 1 + Object

Interrogative Sentences

Did + Subject + Verb 1 + Object + ?


(+) They cleaned this class last friday.

(-) They didn't clean this class last friday.

(?) Did they clean this class last friday?


:: semoga membantu ::

(+) Mr. Rahadi repaired his car in the workshop last month.

(-) Mr. Rahadi didn't repair his car in the workshop last month.(?) Did Mr. Rahadi repair his car in the workshop last month?



Merupakan jenis kalimat dalam Bahasa Inggris yang membicarakan tentang kegiatan atau situasi yang telah terjadi pada masa lampau.


(+) Subject + V2 + Object

(-) Subject + didn't + V1 + Object

(?) Did + Subject + V1 + Object + ?

➡Contoh kalimat(+) Zizabini walked to school this morning.(-) Zizabini didn't walk to school this morning.(?) Did Zizabini walk to school this morning?

➡Time signalYesterdayThis morningLast yearTwo weeks agoetc




Mapel:Bahasa Inggris

Bab: 9 - Past Simple


12. Mr. rahmad has a car. ...... car is new. it it is...

~ Answer:

Mr. Rahmad has a car.

His car is new.It is his car.It is his.

Let's complete all of three statements by his. xD

~ Introduction:

Pronounmerupakan bagian kata menunjukkan perubahan pada kata benda. Pronoun digunakan sebagai kata alternatif pada kata benda yang dimaksud.

Jenis-jenis pronoun:

1. Subjective pronoun


2. Objective pronoun


3. Possessive adjective pronoun


4. Possessive pronoun


5. Personal pronoun


~ Discussion:

Halo, sobat cerdas! ^^

— Mengenai pernyataan di atas, kita perlu melengkapinya dengan menggunakan kata ganti (pronoun) karena menunjukkan kata alternatif dari Mr. Rahmad. Subyeknya adalah Mr. Rahmad. Nah, kalau Mr. itu kan Mister merupakan bentuk maskulin(laki-laki) jadi pakai kata ganti he.

〝 Mr. Rαhmαd hαs α cαr. 〞

Mr. Rahmad itu subjective pronoun-nya: he.

...cαr is new menunjukkan kepemilikan berarti menggunakan possessiveadjectivepronoun.

〝 His cαr is new. 〞

it is ... cαr menunjukkan kepemilikan, berperan sebagai obyek. Masih sama pakai possessive adjective pronoun. :)

〝 It is his cαr. 〞

it is... menunjukkan kepemilikan benda yang disamarkan. Dimana benda tersebut tidakdisebutkan jadi menggunakan possessivepronoun.

〝 It is his. 〞

Jadi, jawabannya:

亗 semuanya hisyaa... 亗

——— ✿ ——— ✴ ——— ✿ ———

~ I wish my αnswer is helpful. ❀

Good luck! I wish you the best. ^^

~ Learn more:

If you need any extra materials, you can learn more about:

— possessive adjective pronoun:

— pronouns:

— auxiliary has/have:

~ Details

Subject: English

Material: Pronouns

Level: Middle(JHS)

Grade: 7

Keywords: possessiveadjective,possessivepronoun,his

Subject code: 5

Categorization code: 7.5.4

13. Mr. Han is travelling abroad this summer. So he...get his passport soon *


Maaf jika salah <3

Jawaban:Mr. Han traveled abroad this summer. So he (must) get his    passport immediately

Penjelasan:jawabannya must..semoga dapat membantu

14. Mr. Fandi parks his car in the...A. garageB. bathroomC. bedroomD. garden​


A. garage


garage= garasi

bathroom= kamar mandi

bedroom= kamar tidur

garden= kebun

15. Reading Text.It is raining now. Mrs. Smith is sitting in a car. The Car is not going quickly, It isgoing very slowly. The Car is on the road to Newtown. The road is flooded. Mr. Smithis mrs's Smith husband. He is phusing the car. His son John and peter, are helpinghim. The water on the road is deep. The car can not go fast. Mrs smith is not wet.The boys and their father are wet.Answere these question.1. What is the name of mr's Smith wife?a. Mr. Johnb. Mr. PeterC. Mr. Smithd. Mrs. Smith12. What is mrs. Smith doing?a. She is sitting in the waterb. She is pushing the carc. She is sitting in a card. She is going very quickly.3. What is peter doing?a. He is sitting in acarb. He is pushing the carC. He is helping his mother4. Is mr. Smith in a car?a. Yes, he isb. No, he isn'tc. I don't know5. Is John helping his father?a. Yes, he isb. No, he isn'tc. I don't know2​

Based on the text above, we can conclude that:

What is the name of Mr. Smith wife? d. Mrs. Smith.What is Mrs. Smith doing? c. She is sitting in a car.What is peter doing? b. He is pushing the car.Is Mr. Smith in a car? b. No, he isn't.Is John helping his father? a. Yes, he is.


Sekarang sedang hujan. Nyonya Smith sedang duduk di dalam mobil. Mobil tidak berjalan cepat, itu berjalan sangat lambat. Mobil ada di jalan menuju Newtown. Jalan tergenang air. Tuan Smith adalah suami Nyonya Smith. Dia sedang memencet mobil. Putranya John dan Peter, membantunya. Air di jalan itu dalam. Mobil tidak bisa melaju kencang. Nyonya smith tidak basah. Anak laki-laki dan ayah mereka basah.

Dari terjemahan teks yang ditampilkan pada soal diatas, maka dapat kita simpulkan bahwa:

Nama istri Tuan Smith adalah Nyonya Smith.Yang dilakukan Nyonya Smith adalah duduk di dalam mobil.Peter membantu mendorong mobil.Tuan Smith berada diluar mobil.John juga membantu ayahnya.

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#BelajarBersamaBrainly #SPJ1

16. my father is a policeman.he drives his car to his office everyday and my father puts his car in the​


garage or parking lot

semoga membantu :)

17. Mr. Trunking is driving in .... new purple sports car

Mr.Trunking is driving in A new purple sports carMr.Trunking is a driving in his new purple sports car

18. Mr Hadi is washing his car. Offering to help?


1. Would like some help, Mr. Hadi ?

2. Shall I lend a hand for you, Mr. Hadi ?


Hi, Mr Hadi. Can i help you to wash your car?

19. Is his car parking correctly? In negative form is ....His car is parking correctly.His car isn't parking correctly.His car is parking not correctly.His car not parking correctly.#Mohon bantuannya kk makasih ​


His car isn't parking correctly


isn't = is not

20. which is more compor table travelling by car ortravelling by tran?in my opinion traveling by trans is....because...​


in my opinion traveling by trans are more comfortable than a car. because,has adequate facilities and is faster than a car

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