28. Which does NOT change with time for a first-order reaction? (A) the amount of reactant that disappears in each half- life (B) the concentration of the reactant (C) the length of each half-life (D) the rate of the reaction
1. 28. Which does NOT change with time for a first-order reaction? (A) the amount of reactant that disappears in each half- life (B) the concentration of the reactant (C) the length of each half-life (D) the rate of the reaction
Pada reaksi order pertama yang tidak mengalami perubahan adalah :
C. The length of each half-life
Reaksi orde pertama adalah reaksi dalam orde menetap, laju reaksi berbanding lurus dengan konsentrasi salah satu reaktan. Reaksi orde pertama sering memiliki bentuk umum A → produk. Tingkat diferensial untuk reaksi orde pertama adalah sebagai berikut:
Jika konsentrasi A digandakan, laju reaksi menjadi dua kali lipat, jika konsentrasi A dinaikkan dengan faktor 10, laju reaksi meningkat dengan faktor 10, dan seterusnya. Karena satuan laju reaksi selalu mol per liter per detik, satuan konstanta laju orde pertama adalah detik timbal balik (s−1). Hukum laju terintegrasi untuk reaksi orde pertama dapat ditulis dalam dua cara yang berbeda: satu menggunakan eksponen dan satu menggunakan logaritma. Ingat bahwa hukum laju terintegrasi memberikan hubungan antara konsentrasi reaktan dan waktu.
Pelajari lebih lanjut
Pelajari lebih lanjut mengenai materi laju reaksi orde pertama pada link berikut :
2. Find about the advantage and benefit of order form
temukan tentang keuntungan dan manfaat formulir pemesanan
3. "In a moment of worry about the problem with the cash in the account." KALIMAT TERSEBUT CORRECT ATAU INCORRECT?
dalam hal apa?
KARENA ARTINYA " saat khawatir dengan masalah tentang aung tunai di akun"
4. 1.The government promotes a campaign about the danger of smoking in order toThe government promotes a campaign about the danger of smoking so that
Yes the you no speak English
5. if the mass of the products of the reaction above was 45g,what was the mass of the reactants?
karena itu bisa pakai mandiri
6. Why is concentration vs reaction rate linear for first order reaction ?
The reason why on order 1 reaction the concentration and reaction rate is linear for first order reaction, That's because experiments have shown that the rate of a reaction is directly proportional to the concentration.
Reaksi primer adalah reaksi yang laju reaksinya sebanding dengan konsentrasi reaktannya. Dengan kata lain, menggandakan konsentrasi menggandakan laju reaksi. Reaksi primer dapat memiliki satu atau dua reaktan, seperti dalam kasus reaksi dekomposisi. Reaksi primer dapat didefinisikan sebagai reaksi kimia di mana laju reaksi bergantung secara linier pada konsentrasi hanya satu reaktan. Dengan kata lain, reaksi primer adalah reaksi kimia yang lajunya berubah berdasarkan perubahan konsentrasi hanya satu reaktan. Jadi orde reaksinya adalah 1.
Pelajari lebih lanjut
Pelajari lebih lanjut mengenai materi laju reaksi pada link berikut :
#BelajarBersamaBrainly #SPJ4
7. The correct order of the
Urutan yang benar dari
maaf kalo salah
8. The rate constant for a first-order reaction is 3.64. 10 - 2 seconds -1 at 298 k.. what is the rate constant for the reaction at 350 k if the activation energy of the reaction is 50.2 kj/mol. given: the quantity r = 8.314 j/k.mol.
Jawaban terlampir di foto ya!
9. which is incorrect about the advertisement above
Bahasa inggris ya gan
10. the reaction of potassium and silver with dilute acid
reaksi kalium dan perak dengan asam encer
11. Make the explanation text about "How your body reaction the corona virus?"
Our body have an immune system, so The human immune system continuously defends us against these threats to our survival. Understanding how immunity works is important for making sense of the news around the risk, spread, and treatment of diseases like COVID-19
Coronaviruses cause respiratory illnesses, so the lungs are usually affected first. Early symptomsnclude fever, cough, and shortness of breath. These appear as soon as 2 days, or as long as 14 days, after exposure to the virus. But damage can also occur in other parts of the body, especially during serious illness.12. Write the mechanism of the following reaction CH3CH2OH + HBr ---->
substitution reaction
CH3-CH2-OH + HBr --> CH3 - CH2 - Br + H2O
I hope its helps...
13. Word equation for the reaction of astatine with iron
Persamaan kata untuk reaksi astatin dengan besi
suruh apasih aku artiin aj
14. you little sister drew a picture of you she shows you the picture what kind of reaction should you say in order to encourage her?
Wow, it is an amazing picture. I really like it, I appreciate your effort.
15. correct or incorrect the name of the baby in the crib ia jack
The answer is Incorrect
that name was correct
sorry if i wrong
16. What are the products of the reaction between lithium and water ?
Lithium reacts intensely with water, forming lithium hydroxide and highly flammable hydrogen. The colourless solution is highly alkalic. The exothermal reactions lasts longer than the reaction of sodium and water, which is directly below lithium in the periodic chart.
17. 1. The government promotes a campaign about the danger of smoking in order to Plis Di Jawab sekarang Yha
dilarang merokok di area ini karena berbahaya
18. how is the reaction of photosynthesis?
Photosynthesis occurs in two stages. In the first stage, light-dependent reactions or light reactions capture the energy of light and use it to make the energy-storage molecules ATP and NADPH. During the second stage, the light-independent reactions use these products to capture and reduce carbon dioxide.
19. ammonia sulfate is the product from the reaction between ammonia and sulfuric acid.write down the chemical formula of substances involed in the reaction
Ammonium sulfate : (NH₄)₂SO₄
Ammonia : NH₃
Sulfuric acid : H₂SO₄
Reaction :
2NH₃ + H₂SO₄ --> (NH₄)₂SO₄ (balanced)
20. The government promotes a campaign about the danger of smoking in order to--------The government promotes a campaign about the danger of smoking so that-----
Prevent the use of cigarettes
People stop smoking
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