Parents Permission Letter For School In Covid 19

Parents Permission Letter For School In Covid 19

Make 5 sentences about asking permission in the school or 5 sentences of asking for permission in your house/your environment​

Daftar Isi

1. Make 5 sentences about asking permission in the school or 5 sentences of asking for permission in your house/your environment​


A In school

1. Do you mind if i lend your book?

2. May i go to the toilet?

3. May i open the window please?

4. Would you mind if i lend your pencil

5. Can i go with you please?

B In House

1. Would you mind if i sit?

2. Do you mind if i wash the dishes?

3. May i help you?

4. What do you thing if we buy the meal?

5. Is it possibly for me to help you?

2. ______ you ______ your parents the letter from the school? ​


Are you give your parents the letter from school?


Semoga membantu, dan maaf kalau salah

3. Buatlah 10 expression off permission in school​

Jawaban:Emosional Panic


4. buatlah permission letter tentang liburan

to: ms.homeroom
from: student
hi ms.
i'm sorry for not attending school in a few days lately. me and my family had a vacation, sorry that i forgot to inform you about that. i guess ill be returning soon.
thank you ms.homeroom

5. my sister writes a letter for our parents . ( how often ?)


my sister writes "a" letter for our parents

"a" bisa dibilang sebuah, jadi tidak ditemukan seberapa sering

6. I (write/writes/writees) a letter for my parents

I write a letter for my parents.

Menggunakan write karena subjeknya I (dianggap plural, seperti you, they, we)I (write) a letter for my parents

I = Write ( tanpa s/es )

7. “Fred, you should have given the letter from the School Principal to your parents.” This means that Fred .... (A) gave the letter to his parents (B) will give the letter to his parents (C) was giving the letter to his parents (D) is giving the letter to his parents (E) didn‟t give the letters to his parents

E. didn't give the letters to his parents
semoga membantu yaJawabannya E.

Semoga membantu, terima kasih.

8. Asking for permission in bahasa Indonesia meas

Means "Meminta perizinan"


minta izin


asking for permission adalah salah satu cara meminta izin kepada guru

9. bulatlah 1 surat personal letter tentang covid 19​


Penjelasan: semoga bermanfaat

10. What do your parents think about covid-19?​


Covid-19 is very danger.My parents was worried about me when i wasn't stayed at home.So everyday i always stayed at home to school and i also help my mother to do something.


we should always wear a mask and keep our distance and wash our hands diligently




11. my sister writis a letter for uor parents.( how often.)?​


Adikku menulis sebuah surat untuk orang tuaku. (seberapa sering.)?


saya artikan saja

12. Format letter tentang permission?

To, Mrs.Karti

Subject:  Permission Letter

Dear Mrs,Karti

I am Rika, Rahmi's mother. Rahmi will not attend school today,

because she's sick and we told her to rest at home, we will have doctor appointment today and she might attend school again at Monday,14 august 2017. Thank you for your understanding


Friday,11 Agustus 2017.

Mrs. Rika  , Rahmi's mother

13. We start school in September apa capital letter







14. asking for permission in the classroom dan artinya

Jawaban nya Meminta izin dikelasExcuse me, Mom. May I wash my hands?
Maaf bu, boleh saya ke belakang?
May I go to the toilet, Mom?
Boleh saya ke kamar mandi, bu?

15. Your school organization is conducting fund raising for Covid-19 outbreak. Make one formal invitation letter, and invite one of school stake holders such as Governor of Bali, Head of Education Department, Headmaster.​


From : Governor of Bali , Head of Education Department , Headmaster

Dear , student we want to make organization and its conducting fund raising for Covid 19 outbreak. We hope you guys come here on Friday , 19 Oct 2020

Place : School Hall

Thanks! We hope your pleasure

To : Student

Maaf kalau salau

16. meeting- for-parents-her – to school –go


Her parents go to school for meeting


Her parents go to school for meeting.


Orang tuanya pergi ke sekolah untuk rapat/pertemuan.

semoga membantu!

17. you plan to watch a film in a cinema with your friends what do you say to ask for your parents permission? ​


mom/dad can i go to the cinema with my friend?

18. One day you are not going to school because of a ceremony .write a letter to your teacher about it to ask for permission

to mr.toni

i`m sorry cos i can`t go to school to day. i have a ceremony that i must follow it. i hope you can give permission for today


19. write a letter to your parents,thinking them for everything they done for your

ingglish --> indonesia

tulis surat untuk orang tua mu pikirkan mereka untuk semua yang mereka lakukan untuk anda

20. terjemahkan katasure. we also get the permission letter for our parents, and we have to return it tomorrow after it is signed by our parentsplis jawab kaks☺​



Tentu. kami juga mendapatkan surat izin untuk orang tua kami, dan kami harus mengembalikannya besok setelahditandatangani oleh orang tua kami.

semoga membantu:)


Tentu. kami juga mendapatkan surat izin untuk orang tua kami, dan kami harus mengembalikannya besok setelah ditandatangani oleh orang tua kami


semoga membantu

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