Figure Shows A Circular Loop With Radius R

Figure Shows A Circular Loop With Radius R

FIGURE 1 below shows a circular loop L1 of radius 7 cm carries a 12 A current and another one loop L2 of radius 1.6 cm, having 30 turns and carrying a 3A current is placed at the centre of loop L1. What will be the resultant magnetic field at point P if the two current flow in the opposite direction?

Daftar Isi

1. FIGURE 1 below shows a circular loop L1 of radius 7 cm carries a 12 A current and another one loop L2 of radius 1.6 cm, having 30 turns and carrying a 3A current is placed at the centre of loop L1. What will be the resultant magnetic field at point P if the two current flow in the opposite direction?

A circular loop L₁ with a radius of 7 cm carries a current of 12 A and another circular loop L₂ with a radius of 1.6 cm, has 30 turns and a current of 3A is placed at the center of the circle L₁. The resultant magnetic field at point P if two currents flow in opposite directions is equal to [tex]2,305\pi \times 10^{-3}~T[/tex] or [tex]7,24 \times 10^{-3}~T[/tex] with the resultant inward.

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:


Kawat melingkar L₁ dengan radius r₁ = 7 cm dialiri arus listrik 12 A.Kawat melingkar L₂ dengan N = 30 lilitan dan radius r₂ = 1,6 cm dialiri arus listrik 3 A.Kedua kawat sepusat pada titik P.


Berapakah resultan medan magnet di titik P jika kedua arus mengalir dalam arah yang berlawanan?


Rumus induksi medan magnet kawat melingkar di pusat lingkaran adalah sebagai berikut.

[tex]\boxed{B=\frac{\mu_0 I N}{2a} }[/tex]


B = medan magnet (T atau Wb/m²)I = kuat arus (A)N = banyak lilitana = radius (m)[tex]\mu_0 = 4\pi \times 10^{-7}[/tex]

Aturan tangan kanan pada kawat melingkar berarus.

Arah B = arah ibu jariArah I = arah putaran keempat jari tangan

Step-1: hitung medan magnet L₁

[tex]\boxed{B_1=\frac{(4\pi \times 10^{-7})(12)(1)}{2(7\times 10^{-2})} }[/tex]

[tex]B_1=3,43\pi \times 10^{-3}~T[/tex] dengan vektor B₁ berarah ke dalam.

Step-2: hitung medan magnet L₂

[tex]\boxed{B_2=\frac{(4\pi \times 10^{-7})(3)(30)}{2(1,6\times 10^{-2})} }[/tex]

[tex]B_2=1,125\pi \times 10^{-3}~T[/tex] dengan vektor B₂ berarah ke luar

Step-3: hitung resultan medan magnet di titik P

Misalnya acuan arah positif adalah ke dalam, maka [tex]\Sigma B = B_1 - B_2.[/tex]

[tex]\Sigma B = 3,43\pi \times 10^{-3}- 1,125\pi \times 10^{-3}[/tex]

[tex]\therefore \Sigma B = 2,305\pi \times 10^{-3}~T[/tex] atau [tex]\Sigma B = 7,24 \times 10^{-3}~T.[/tex]

Karena hasilnya positif, maka resultan medan magnetik berarah ke dalam.

Pelajari lebih lanjut

Pelajari materi tentang tentang cara memperbesar induksi magnetik pada solenoid melalui pranala


2. The figure shows a quarter circle with radius 7 cm. What is the perimeter of the quarter circle?

r = 7 cm

1/4 p = ( 1/4 x π x 2 x r ) + 2r

(1/2 x 22/7 x 7 cm) + 14 cm

11 cm + 14 cm = 25 cm

3. A planet of mass p moves in a circular orbit of radius r round a sun ....

moving in the sun

semoga bermanfaat

4. The volume of a cone with a circular base of radius 6 m is 84πm3. find it's height.

itu ya maaf kalo salah

5. A Circular Mirror Has An Area of 616 cm2 The Radius Of The Mirror Is Help​


radius circular mirror is r = 14 cm

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

area = π r²

616 = 22/7 x r²

616 ÷ 22/7 = r²

616 x 7/22 = r²

196 = r²

r² = 196

r = √196

r = 14

6. 11. The figure shows a quadrant with a radius of 28 cm. Find the area of the figure. (Take pi = 22/7O (A) 14 cm2O (B) 77 cm2O (C) 154 cm2O (D) 616 cm2​



7. in the figure, 4 quadrants, each of radius 2 m, are removed from a rectangle. find the perimeter and the area of the figure​



Kok yang nanya pakai Bahasa Inggris ya?

8. the figure shows a human urinary system.the function of Q os to...

I think it's A mate...

9. The volume of a cone with a circular base of radius 8 cm is 3207 cm. Find its height.

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

V = ⅓πr²t

t = (3 x 3207)/(3,14 x 8²)

t = 9.621/200,96

t = 47⅞ cm

10. 2. The figure shows a semicircle and an equilateral triangle. Find the perimeter of the figure. (Take it 3.14) att​


semoga bermanfaaat...........................

11. The figure shows circle of radius 14 cm with one quadrant removed, touching the sides of square. Find @ the perimeter of the unshaded region, (i) the area of the unshaded region, (iii) the area of the shaded region. ​

di antara nilai p berikut yang memenuhi proporsi p:7 21:49 adalah

12. the figure shows a human urnaey syestem

Ginjal (Kidney), bagian sistem yang mengatur urinasi/urinea

13. The figure shows a square with sides 14 cm. Calculate the area and perimeter of the shaded region. (Take π=22/7)


AREA = 98cm²


Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Info :

s ( side ) = 14cm

r ( radius ) will be half of s (side)

r ( radius ) = 7cm

π = 22/7


Area :

=> we will divide a square into 2 rectangles :

A rec = s × r

A rec = 14cm × 7cm

A rec = 98cm²

=> Area of Semicircle :

A sc = ½ × π × r²

A sc = ½ × 22/7 × (7cm²)

A sc = 11 × 7cm²

A sc = 77cm²

=> Area equal to 1 Area of semicircle +

(1 Area of rectangle - 1 Area of semicircle)

A = A sc + (A rec - A sc)

A = 77cm² + ( 98cm² - 77cm² )

A = 77cm² + 21cm²

A = 98cm²

Perimeter :

=> Perimeter ( P ) in the question formed by

4 perimeter of ¼ circle :

P = P ¼ circle + P ¼ circle + P ¼ circle + P ¼ circle

P = P circle

P = 2 × π × s

P = 2 × 22/7 × 14cm

P = 88cm

14. struktur large circular loop of DNA​

| Genetika, Biologi Molekuler |

DNA terlilit akan membentuk kromosomsirkular. Kromosom sirkular ini ada pada bakteri yang mengkode sifat-sifat minor. Large circular loop of DNA memiliki struktur yang menyerupai dengan DNA double helix. DNA ini sering disebut DNAekstragenus.

15. a figure with three sides is called a​




A polygon with three sides is a triangle.

16. Sebuah benda bermassa m mulai dari keadaan diam pada posisi yang ditunjukkan pada gambar. Benda ini bergerak sepanjang lintasan yang licin dan loop yang radiusnya R. Berapakah nilai minimal y supaya benda tidak terlepas dari lintasan?


y > 0


Supaya benda tidak terlepas dari lintasan maka benda ketika mencapai titik paling tinggi dari lintasan lingkaran, kecepatannya tidak boleh nol. Jika kecepatannya nol maka benda langsung jatuh tegak lurus ke bawah.

Gunakan hukum kekekalan energi

m. g. ( 2R+y )  = m. g. 2R + 1/2. m. v²

m. g. 2R + m. g. y =  m. g. 2R + 1/2. m. v²

m. g. y =  1/2. m. v²

g. y =  1/2. v²

v² = 2. g. y

v = √( 2. g. y )

Agar v > 0 maka y > 0

Jika y = 0 maka v = 0 benda tidak dapat berputar dalam setengah lingkaran yang kiri dan langsung jatuh.

17. The figure is made up of 4 identical small circles of radius 3cm and a bigger circle of radius 14 cm. Find the area of the shaded part of the figure (take π = 3,14)​


Correct option is B)

Let r,ρ,R be the radii of small, medium and big circles respectively.

Radius of small circle =r=4 cm.

Radius of medium circle =ρ=4×



=6 cm. (small:medium=2:3)

Radius of big circle =R=2×6=12 cm.

(a) Area of unshaded part =2×πr








)=104π cm


Area of big circle =πR





Area of shaded part =πR


−104π=144π−104π=40π cm


(b) Fraction of area shaded =







∴ The answer is [B].

18. hula loop radius 4dm.berapa cm diameter hula hoop tersebut. dan keliling hula hoop tersebut​


diameter=2×r=2×4=8 dm=80 cm


19. 1. The volume of a cone with a circular base of radius 8 cm is 320π cm³. Find its height.​



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

circular base of radius 8cm is 320

320/8=4 cm

20. a circular hoop of radius 16 cm is cut into 4 equal pieces and then rearanged to form the figure shown. find the perimeter of the figure, giving your answer correct to 1 decimal places

perimeter of circular
= 2πr
= 2 x 3,14 x 16
= 100,48
= 100,5

I'm sorry, if the answer ia false

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