Keep It Up Bro Meaning In Hindi

Keep It Up Bro Meaning In Hindi

announcea.21. "to avoid" has the same meaning withto keep it upb. to keep away fromC to keep in orderd. to keep in mind​

Daftar Isi

1. announcea.21. "to avoid" has the same meaning withto keep it upb. to keep away fromC to keep in orderd. to keep in mind​


21. B

semoga membantu~


21. B


Pertanyaan :  "untuk menghindari" memiliki arti yang sama dengan

To keep it up : Untuk mempertahankannya

To keep away from : Untuk dijauhi

To keep it in order : Untuk menjaga ketertiban

To keep in mind : Untuk diingat

2. keep it up really exciting

Pertahankan. Benar-benar menarikteruskan,sangat menarik

3. apa artinya victoria can keep it up

victoria bisa menyimpan ini. Victoria bisa melanjutkan

4. apa artinya they want too keep it up

mereka ingin itu untuk tetap di atas
mereka ingin tetap menjaga itu..  (kalau gk salah)

5. REWRITE THE SENTENCES IN IMPERATIVE. KEEP UP THE SAME MEANING. 1. You can't park in the street....... 2. We needn't wait for me

1. Don't park in the street
2. Don't wait for me

6. What the meaning is how can we keep water in our body

bagaimana bisa kita menjaga air di tubuh kitaApa maknanya bagaimana kita bisa menyimpan air di tubuh kita

7. season to keep it moist, but not (soggy). thr underlined word is closest in meaning to... a.sticky b.soaked c.clammy d.drained

Soggy (lembab/basah) mempunyai sinonim yaitu B.soakedjawabannya b.soaked.

semoga bermanfaat *-*

8. Submit it today is closest in meaning to

kirimkan hari ini paling dekat

9. If you dont understand the meaning of word, you... Loke it up in you dictionary


kalo menurut saya ituIf you dont understand the meaning of word, you( can) Look it up in you dictionary

10. "Save up to 50%" The word "Save" is closest in meaning to? A. sale B. keep C. discount D. deposite
Semoga membantuD.deposite
Maaf klo salah

11. i always wake up in the meaning (he) @tolong di jwb yah ​

------syafira with luv brainly-----

Soal :

I always wake up in the meaning ( he).


Saya selalu bangun dlm arti ( dia).

Detail jawaban

Kls: Vl

Mapel': bahasa Inggris/ English


Semoga bermanfaat

Semangat belajarnya

Good luck study English


a. to keep away from


avoid yang artinya adalah menjauhkan dan sesuai dengan keep away dan lanjutan dari teks nya danger/berbahaya

13. Awesome!mind blowing performance!keep it up!

Luar biasa! penampilan yang menakjubkan! pertahankan!

14. लोग meaning?Language- hindiNo spam!​


लोग = Peoples in English

This is Hindi word which refers to people.


Well, I'm Indian So, I know this Language [tex].[/tex]

15. respon untuk kalimat"awesome!mind blowing performance!keep it up"

okay, thanks. i will keep it upOk, Thank You. I'll do it

16. "I can't keep my promise...the word keep is dosent in meaning to...​


"I can't keep my promise

the word keep is dosent in meaning to (maintain).

Semoga membantu:-)

17. what is the meaning notice keep the classroom clean in english?​


"Peringatan" menjaga kelas tetap bersih

18. why di Annisa's parents write 'keep it up' to Annisa? Because they want to?

D. Motivate her to continue her successD. Motivate her to continue her success .

Yang C Salah soalnya dia udh berhasil dan ibunya mau dia mempertahankan prestasi nya

19. bantu bro yg benar nanti gw top up in game​


a.sumpeg atine

b.rupak atine

c.padhang pikirane

d.luhur drajad

e.seneng nyolong

f.ngemut driji

g.engekep dengkul


kykny salah maaf klo salah

20. Suggestions Accepting Barry : what's up bro? Joe : i failed in english test Barry : Joe : Declining Barry : what's up bro? Joe : i failed in english test Barry : Joe : Offering Accepting Barry : what's up bro? Joe : i failed in english test Barry : Joe : Declining Barry : what's up bro? Joe : i failed in english test Barry : Joe :




accepting :

Barry : Oh i'm so sorry to hear that, you should try learning it from the e-book the teacher gave you.

Joe : ah! i forgot that book existed, thank you for you suggestion Barry. i'll study it later


Barry : Oh i'm so sorry to hear that, you should try learning it from the e-book the teacher gave you.

Joe: i have read that book but the questions in the test is far different from the book.



Barry : Do you need help learning? i can help teaching you english if you want to.

Joe: yes, please teach me!

declining :

Barry : Do you need help learning? i can help teaching you english if you want to.

Joe: No, thank you.  i already got a tutor to help me learn the materials

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