2 kalimat sentence in descriptive and critical discourse analysis
1. 2 kalimat sentence in descriptive and critical discourse analysis
kalimat kalimat dalam analisis wacana deskriptif dan kritis
maaf kalo salah
2. mention positive and negative impact of globalization on education
positive :
1. the easier access to information
2. creating professional human and international standards
3. bringing education to compete with other countries
4. creating a quality workforce and competitive
5. A change in the structure of the education system which is the goal to improve education for the development of science in Isi will be rapid
negative :
1. Education world dominated by capital owners
2. Education world be heavily dependent on technology
3. Make paragraph of hope and dreams on your education career
I like carer and dont like carrer
4. bantu review jurnal "The Current Paradigms of Science Education and Their Expected Impact on Curriculum"?
Ada gambarnya, gak? Jurnalnya kayak gimana dulu, nih?
5. Nutrition and Counselingduring PregnancyMaintaining good nutrition and a healthy diet during pregnancy iscritical for the health of the mother and unborn child. Nutritioneducation and counselling is a widely used strategy to improve thenutritional status of women during pregnancy. The strategy focusesprimarily on:169
Nutrisi dan Konseling selama masa kehamilan Menjaga nutrisi yang baik dan pola makan yang sehat selama kehamilan penting untuk kesehatan ibu dan anak yang belum lahir. Nutrisi pendidikan dan konseling adalah strategi yang banyak digunakan untuk meningkatkan status gizi wanita selama kehamilan. Strateginya fokus terutama pada:
Nutrisi dan Konseling
selama Kehamilan
Menjaga nutrisi yang baik dan diet sehat selama kehamilan adalah
penting bagi kesehatan ibu dan anak yang belum lahir. Gizi
pendidikan dan konseling adalah strategi yang banyak digunakan untuk meningkatkan
status gizi wanita selama kehamilan. Strategi berfokus
terutama pada:
Aku terjemahin itu maksudnya apa ya suruh jawab apaan maaf klo aku gk jawab
6. National Education Day is on ... of May
National Education Day is on the second of may
7. make a text cause and effect essay about Effects of social networks on education. !
Social networking has changed the way people interact with each other forever. Social networking first existed as an invention created in 1975 known as email, which is still used today (Email). However social networking has advanced in to using a profile to give information about a user and his or her interests, and has integrated the use of email. Now social networking involves sharing stories, photos, and involves the use of apps as well as messaging to communicate with others. This type of social networking did not become popular until the year 2003 when MySpace and Friendster were launched. Shortly after Facebook was launched but was not open to the general public until 2006, which has become the number one social networking site today. These networks have many positive effects such as remaining in contact with friends, meeting new people, providing educational benefits, as well as the convenience of mobilly accessing it. Also there are some negative effects which include identity theft, cyber bullying, decreased social interaction in real life, and social isolation. Increase in mobile social networking could possible cause future health problems.
8. analysis of grammar (tenses) of the texthe took of his own cap and threeKK tolong analysis kn teks yg di atas
Dari teks tersebut, terdapat satu kata kerja yaitu "took" yang digunakan dalam bentuk Past Tense. Kata kerja "took" merupakan bentuk Past Tense dari kata kerja "take". Past Tense digunakan untuk menyatakan aksi yang terjadi di masa lalu.
Sedangkan, tidak ada kata kerja lain yang terdapat dalam teks tersebut, sehingga tidak dapat dianalisis tenses-nya. Sekian, semoga informasi ini membantu Anda.
maaf kalau salah kak
9. mention positive impact of globalization on education
Teaching and Learning Systems that Are Not Always Face-to-Face. ...
Ease of Accessing Educational Information. ...
Increasing the Quality of Educators. ...
Increasing the Quality of Education. ...
Student exchange
10. different of administration for Malaysia on your think and country
1. Anglo-Dutch Treaty of 1824 officially divided the Malay archipelago into two; Malaya, which was ruled by the United Kingdom, and the Dutch East Indies, which was ruled by the Netherlands. The successor states of Malaya and Dutch East Indies are Malaysia and Indonesia, respectively. The line that separated the spheres of influence between the British and the Dutch ultimately became the border between Indonesia and Malaysia (with a small segment becoming the border between Indonesia and Singapore).
[Answer below focus on Independence movement after World War II]
2. Different path chosen toward independence.
i. Indonesia
Indonesian National Revolution - The revolution (ended in 1949) destroyed the colonial administration of the Dutch East Indies which had ruled from the other side of the world. It also significantly changed racial castes, as well as reducing the power of many of the local rulers (raja). It did not significantly improve the economic or political fortune of the majority of the population, though a few Indonesians were able to gain a larger role in commerce.
ii. Malaysia
Before Malaysia was established in 1963, Federation of Malaya achieved independence in 1957 through a election process, Malayan general election, 1955.
World War 2:
During occupation, ethnic tensions were raised and nationalism grew.[35] The Malayans were thus on the whole glad to see the British back in 1945, but things could not remain as they were before the war, and a stronger desire for independence grew.[36] Britain was bankrupt and the new Labourgovernment was keen to withdraw its forces from the East as soon as possible. Colonial self-rule and eventual independence were now British policy.
The tide of colonial nationalism sweeping through Asia soon reached Malaya. But most Malays were more concerned with defending themselves against the Malayan Communist Party (MCP) which was mostly made up of Chinese, than with demanding independence from the British; indeed, their immediate concern was that the British not leave and abandon the Malays to the armed Communists of the MPAJA, which was the largest armed force in the country.
Japanese troops moving through Kuala Lumpur during their advance through Malaya In 1944 the British drew up plans plans for a Malayan Union, which would turn the Federated and Unfederated Malay States, plus Penang and Malacca (but not Singapore), into a single Crown colony, with a view towards independence.
11. 1. Using an analysis of supply, demand and equilibrium price, explain why price differences for certain goods exist between different countries in Europe
Uhm, maybe i can help you a bit.
1. there is a difference about the entry fees for each country.
2. how much that goods are needed in that country.
3. comparison between demand and supply
That's what i thought about it and... i'm not sure this question is in a middle high school's lesson.
12. Answer the questions!1. What is globalization?2. Mention negative impact of globalization on education!3. Why does the important of globalization on education?4. Mention positive impact of globalization on education!5. Mention the example of globalization?
Jawablah pertanyaan!
1. Apakah globalisasi itu?
2. Sebutkan dampak negatif globalisasi terhadap pendidikan!
3. Mengapa pentingnya globalisasi terhadap pendidikan?
4. Sebutkan dampak positif globalisasi terhadap pendidikan!
5. Sebutkan contoh globalisasi?
maaf saya cuma artikan ke bahasa INDONESIA
13. analysis of the lion and mouse please answer :)
what do you mean i do not understand maam
14. buatlah contoh judul discourse analysis descriptive dan critical
1. A General Critical Discourse Analysis
2. discourse analysis descriptive dan critical
3. What is discourse analysis used for?
4. How is discourse analysis different from other methods?
5. How to conduct discourse analysis
15. The following are NOT included in the determinants of different human needs ... A. Gender, Education Level, Environment of residence B. Social Status, prestige, extravagant C. Income level, Different of taste, Science and technology D. Different of taste, gender, social status
A. Gender, Education Level, Environment of residence
16. what are thr challenging parts in conducting critical text analysis
apa adalah bagian menantang dalam melakukan analisis teks kritis
17. analysis of marxism in antony and cleopatra drama
analisis marxisme dalam drama antony dan cleopatra
18. discuss differences between different genres of writing like fiction and nonfiction? you may focus on: how are they different
to writing fiction story we need imagination to expand the plot (jalan cerita)
tapi kalau bikin cerita non fiksi kita harus bisa menjabarkan plot itu sesuai dengan realita/fakta
semoga membantu
19. Why does the important of globalization on education
Globalization is defined as all processes that refer to the unification of all citizens of the world into a global community group. However, in reality globalization is a false union, because economic, social, and cultural values are dominated by values that are actually foreign to the world community. Globalization is often translated "global". An entity, however, wherever, at any time, quickly spreads to all corners of the world, whether in the form of ideas, ideas, data, information, production, development, rebellion, etc., once delivered, at that time it is known to all people in the world. globalization according to expert analysis generally rests on 4 global forces, namely: a. The progress of science and technology, especially in the field of information and new innovations in technology that facilitates human life. Free trade supported by the progress of science and technology. C. Regional and international cooperation that has united the common life of nations without knowing the national borders. Increased awareness of human rights and human obligations in shared life, and in line with that increasing awareness of the common in the realm of democracy. The advancement of science and technology accompanied by the increasingly rapid globalization of the world has its own impact on the world of education. For example, various levels of education ranging from high school to tertiary institutions both public and private open international class programs. This is done to answer the market needs for quality workforce that is getting tighter. This is what is meant by globalization of education.
Positive impact of educational globalization: a. The easier access to information. B. Globalization in education will create people who are professional and have international standards in the field of education. C. Globalization will bring the world of Indonesian education to compete with other countries. Globalization will create a quality and competent workforce. There is a change in the structure and system of education that has the aim of improving the quality of education because the development of science in education will be very rapid. The negative impact of globalization on education: a. The world of Indonesian education can be controlled by capital owners. The world of education will be very dependent on technology, which has an impact on the emergence of the "all-time tradition". Globalization will give birth to groups in the world of education. Increasingly eroded culture due to the inclusion of culture from outside. Globalization has resulted in the loosening of the power of educational control by the state.
20. Three committees meet today. Of these three committees, one meets every 11 days, a second meets every 15 days, and the third meets every 21 days. What is the number of days before they all meet on the same day again?
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