How Many Litres Of A 90 Solution

How Many Litres Of A 90 Solution

A water tank has a capacity of 6.25 kilo litres. How many litres does the water tank hold when it is full?

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1. A water tank has a capacity of 6.25 kilo litres. How many litres does the water tank hold when it is full?


so its about convertion in mathematics.

1kilo litres = 1000 litres


6,25 kilo litres = 6.250 litres

(max capacity)

2. 0.08 moles of sulfuric acid in 2 litres of solution has a Ph?​

n (moles) = M / V

M (concentracion) = n x V = 0,08 moles x 2 Litres = 0,16 M

Since H₂SO₄ is strong acid, we must use this formula:

[H⁺] = acid valence x Concentration

[H⁺] = 2 x 0,16 M

[H⁺]= 0,32 M = 32 x 10⁻² M

pH = - log [H⁺]

pH = - log (32 x 10⁻² M)

pH = 2 - log 32

~apply some logarithm properties~

pH = 2 - 5 log 2

pH = 0,5

That gives us pH of said acid is 2-5log2.

I hope this helps~

3. 200 bottles of herbal tea is brewed by mixing water, sugar juice and tea extracts in the ratio 7: 1: 2. (a)How many litres of herbal tea can be brewed if 21 litres of water is used? (b)How many litres of herbal tea does each bottle contain?

[tex]a).water \div sugar \: juice \div tea \: extracts \\ 7 \div 1 \div 2 \\ - - - - - - \times 3 \\ 21 + 3 + 6 \\ 30 \: litres \\ \\ b).30 \: litres \div 200 \: bottles = 0.15 \: litres[/tex]

4. Help ya 1. A 250 cm3 of solution contains 132 mg of ammonium sulphate, (NH4) 2SO4 If dissociation constant of ammonia is 2.0 x 10¯5 what is the pH of the solution? The molecular mass of (NH4) 2SO4 id 132 /mol) 2 . one litre of sodium acetate solution has a pH of 9.0 Ka for CH3COOH is 10¯5 how many grams of sodium acetate present in solution? The molecular mass of CH3COONa is 82

1) mole of (NH4)2SO4 = 132/132 = 1 mmole
[(NH4)2SO4] = M = 1/250 = 4.10⁻³ M
[H+] = √(Kb. M. valency) = √(2.10⁻⁵×4.10⁻³×2) = 4.10⁻⁴ M
pH = - log 4.10⁻⁴ = 4 - log 4 = 4 - 2 log 2 = 3,4

2) pH=9 —> pOH=5 —> [OH-] = 10⁻⁵ M
[OH-] = √(Ka. M. valency)
10⁻⁵ = √(10⁻⁵×M×1)
10⁻¹⁰ = 10⁻⁵. M
M = 10⁻⁵ M
mole of CH3COONa = V. M = 1×10⁻⁵ mole
Mass of CH3COONa = 10⁻⁵ × 82 = 0,00082 grams

5. A shopkeeper bought 1280 tins of paint. Each tin had 10 litres of paint If he sold 440 tins, how much paint he had left ? Give your answer in litres !

8400 liter wrong prob so sorry if its wrong

6. How many grams of silver will be produced if a current of 1.50 A passes through a solution of AgNO3 for 30.0 minutes?

larutan AgNO3 dielektrolisis dengan arus listrik sebesar 1.5 ampere selama 30 menit (1800 detik). Maka reaksi ionisasi AgNO3 adalah :

AgNO3 ⇒ Ag⁺  +  NO₃⁻

jika massa atom relatif Ag adalah 107.8 gr/mol maka berat endapan yang terbentuk dikatoda adalah sebanyak :

W = e x i x t /96500

W = (107.8/1)(1.5)(1800)/96500

W = 3.02 gr

jadi jummlah endapan Ag yang terbentuk di elektroda adalah 3.02 gram.


Sel elektrolisis atau kebalikan sel galvani merupakan sel elektrokimia yang mampu merubah energi listrik menjadi energi kimia. Reaksi kimia tidak spntan dapat berlangsung dengan bantuan muatan listrik pada sel. Prinsip kerja sel volta dalam menghasilkan endapan logam adalah aliran transfer elektron dari reaksi oksidasi di anoda menuju reduksi di katoda melalui rangkain listrik.

Sel elektrolisis secara umum tersusun atas beberapa komponen diantaranya:

anoda merupakan elektrode tempat reaksi oksidasikatoda merupakan elektrode tempat reaksi reduksielektrolit merupakan zat kimia yang mampu menghantarkan arus listrikjembatan garam merupakan rangkain dalam yang merupakan zat garam. Jembatan garam berperan menjaga kesetimbangan ion antara setengah sel anoda dan setengah sel katoda sehingga terbentuk rangkain listrik tertutup.

Dalam sel elektrolisis, elektroda yang digunakan bisa berupa elektroda inert seperti karbon (C), Platinum(Pt) dan Emas (Au). Beratnya endapan yang terbentuk (W) setelah sel elektrolisis dijalankan bergantung pada beberapa besaran seperti rumus berikut :

W = e x i x t/96500

dimana i adalah besarnya arus dan t adalah lamanya proses elektrolisis berlangsung.

Pelajari lebih lanjutKorosi di link nerst di link di link tambahan

Kelas : XII SMA

Mapel : Kimia

Materi : Redoks dan Elektrokimia

Kode : 12.7.2

Kata Kunci : Sel Volta, deret potensial reduksi, korosi

7. how many litres of cola are there in 6 similar cans if each can contains 0 .33 L of cola ? round off your answer to the nearest litre

each can contains 0,33 L
6 cans contain = 6 x 0,33 L
                        = 1,98 Litre 
                        ≈ 2 Litre (rounded to zero decimal place)

8. Susie prepared 12 litres of fruit punch. She used 1/6 of fruit punch for Caleb's birthday party. How many litres of fruit punch did she have left? Expressyour answer in millilitres.​



10 x 1000=10000 mililitres

9. How many grams of potassium dicromat will it take to create an indicator solution Potassium chromate, 1% by 100 ml?​


1 grams, my method is written in the image below

semoga membantu,

jangan lupa jadikan jawaban terbaik :)

10. Luke had a 2-litre carton of apple juice. He drank 1 4 ℓ of the apple juice. How many litres of apple juice were there left? Jangan ngasal ya terima kasih (kalo gak ngerti pake kamus)


[tex] \frac{3}{2} \: l[/tex]

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Tl : Luke punya 2 liter jus apel, dia kemudian meminum ¼ liter. Berapa liter jus apel yang tersisa?

Jus yang diminum :

= 2 × ¼

= ½

Jus yang tersisa

= 2 - ½

[tex] = \frac{4}{2} - \frac{1}{2} [/tex]

[tex] = \frac{3}{2} \: l[/tex]

11. One pint of milk is about 560 ml. Cinta has 3.5 pints of milk. How many litres of milk does Cinta have? Help pliss



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

1 pint = 560ml

3.5 pints = 1960ml

1ml = 0.001L

1960ml = 1960 × 0.001

= 1.96L

12. a car used 16 litres of petrol after it traveled 128 km how many kilometers can the car travel on one liter of petrolWith the way please​


8 kilometers

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

litres. km

16 lt. 128 km

1 lt. x

16/1 = 128/x

x = 128/16

x = 8 km

13. A rectangular container measures 15 cm by 10 cm by 80 cm. It is completely filled with water. How many litres of water are there in the container?



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

sorry if wrong

14. 6. A bathtub is known to hold as much as 50 litres of water. In the bathtub,12500 cm3 of water has been filled. How many liters of remaining water isneeded to fill the tub completely?​


37,5 litres


1 litres = 1000cm³

12500cm³=12,5 litres

the water needed to fill the bathtub completely

=50 litres-12,5 litres

=37,5 litres

15. a bottle of medicine holds 0.25 litres. the instructions on the bottle of medicine say: 'take two 5ml spoonfuls three times a day'. how many days will a bottle full of medicine last?​


Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:


16. A hawker mixed watermelon juice, orange juice and carrot juice in the ratio 4:3:1 to make 20 litres of mixed fruit juice. How many litres of orange juice did she use ?

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

20 litre : (4+3+1) = 20/8 litre = 2,5 litre

orange juice = 4*2,5 = 10 litre

17. Hari buys 38.5 litres of petrol. He pays $54.67Josie buys the same type of petrol and pays $80.00 Calculate how many litres Josie buys.


Josie buys 56.33 litres

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Price of the petrol = $54.67 / 38.5 litres = $1.42

Josie pays $80 ==> Josie buys $80 / $1.42/litres = 56.33 litres.

18. How many grams of NaOH needed to make 250 cm3 of solution of concentration 0.1 mol/dm3?


[tex]M = \frac{gr \: solute}{Mr \: solute} \times \frac{1000}{ml \: solution}[/tex]

[tex]0.1 = \frac{gr}{40} \times \frac{1000}{250} \\ mass = 1 \: gram[/tex]

19. If 7 litres of petrol cost $14.70, calculate the cost of 15 litres of petrol.



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

[tex]7 \: litres \: - > \: 14.70 \\ 15 \: litres \: - > x \\ \\ \frac{15}{7} = \frac{x}{14.70} \\ 7x = 15(14.70) \\ 7x = 220.5 \\ x = \frac{220.5}{7} \\ x = 31.5[/tex]

20. How many grams of calcium chloride, CaCl, should be used to prepare 250.00 mL solution with a concentration of 0.500 M.​


rumus :

M = n/V atau Massa / Mr × 1000 mL / mL

n = Mr/M × 1000 / mL

massa = Mr × M × V

Jawab :

massa = 0,5 M . 75,5 g/mol . 0,25 L

massa = 9,4375 gram

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