Make a short summary about conditional sentence type I. your summary should cover the pattern, the function and the meaning.
1. Make a short summary about conditional sentence type I. your summary should cover the pattern, the function and the meaning.
Conditional Sentences type 1 adalah kalimat pengandaian. Kalimat pengandaian ini berdasarkan fakta yang ada dan digunakan untuk menyatakan situasi yang mungkin terjadi atau tidak mungkin terjadi.
Pada umumnya kalimat pengandaian (conditional sentences) terdiri dari dua bagian yaitu "main clause" dan "if clause." Jadi, pada kalimat conditional sentences type 1 ini, kondisi pada "main clause" akan terjadi jika syarat -syarat pada "if clause" terpenuhi.
Secara penulisan tidak masalah apabila anda menuliskan "main clause" terlebih dahulu atau "if clause" terlebih dahulu.
Rumus untuk Conditional Sentences Type 1 :
If + Subject + Verb (present), S + Will + Verb 1
Subject + Will + Verb 1, if +Subject
Contoh kalimat conditional type 1 beserta artinya :
If I have free time, I will go to visit you. (Jika aku ada waktu luang, aku akan mengunjungimu)If you finish your homework, you can go home. (Jika kamu selesai mengerjakan PR, kamu boleh pulang)You can go home, if the bell rings (Kamu boleh pulang jika bel berbunyi)Mother will pick me up, if she finish work. (Ibu akan menjemput saya jika dia selesai bekerja).If you study hard, you will pass the exam. (Jika kamu belajar sungguh-sungguh kamu akan lulus ujian.If you exercise regularly, you will stay fit. (JIka kamu berolahraga secara teratur, maka kamu akan tetap bugar)If you wake up late, you will be late for school. (Jika kamu terlambat bangun, maka kamu akan terlambat ke sekolahDari contoh percakapan diatas yang memenuhi conditional sentence type 1 adalah kalimat yang digaris-bawahi yaitu :
If there's news about natural disaster in a place, people will quickly know what happening there through satellite, radio and TV, as well as the internet and send their donations to the affected place. (Jika ada berita mengenai bencana alam di tempat, orang akan cepet mendengar berita tentang apa yang terjadi melalui satelit, radio, TV dan juga internet, mereka akan mengirimkan donasi ke tempat yang terkena bencana).
Selamat belajar! Untuk mempelajari lebih lanjut mengenai conditional sentences type 1 silakan kunjungi link berikut :
Detail tambahan :
Kelas : XI
Mapel : Bahasa Inggris
Kategori : Conditional Sentences
Kata Kunci : conditional sentences, if clause, kalimat pengandaian
Kode : 11.5 .1
2. the summary and moral value of "the faithful lover" (narrative text)
Inikah narrativenya? (Link:
Then, the moral value is 'we shouldn't forgot about person who really really love us'
Hope its help you
3. The difference between executive summary and business description .....
An executive summary, as per Wikipedia, is a short document or section of a document, produced for business purposes, that summarizes a longer report or proposal or a group of related reports in such a way that readers can rapidly become acquainted with a large body of material without having to read it all.
In a way executive summary is like a trailer and business plan is the full movie. But executive summary is most important part of document because if the trailer or executive summary is not interesting probably the audience won’t read the whole business plan document (which is usually lengthy) or watch the full movie.
Executive summary is 1 to 2 pages long where as business plan can be between 20 pages to 40 pages long on an average.
4. summary of the movie "the karate kid" apa ya?
12-year-old Dre Parker and his mother Sherry move from Detroit to Beijing. Dre develops a crush on a young violinist, Meiying, but a 14-year old boy named Cheng, attempts to keep them apart by beating Dre. During an attack, the maintenance man Mr. Han comes to Dre's aid. After Han mends Dre's injuries using fire cupping, Dre asks if Mr. Han could teach him kung fu. Han refuses, but meets Cheng's teacher, Master Li, to make peace. Li challenges Dre to a fight with Cheng. Han instead proposes that Dre compete against Li's students at an open kung fu tournament, and also requests the students leave Dre alone to train. Li accepts the offer. Han promises to teach Dre kung fu. Han begins training Dre. He teaches Dre by having Dre go through various actions with his jacket. Han then takes Dre to a temple in the Wudang Mountains, and Dre witnesses a woman making a cobra reflect her movements and Han allows Dre to drink the water from a magical well. Dre persuades Meiying to cut school for a day of fun, but when she is nearly late for her violin audition, her parents deem him a bad influence and forbid her from spending more time with him. Han gives Dre a day off. Dre goes to Han and finds Han, apparently drunk, smashing a car he was working on. Han tells Dre that he crashed the same car years ago. His wife and his son were died in the car crash. Dre shows Han the kung fu techniques he has learned while his mother arrives . Han assists Dre in reading a note of apology to Meiying's father in Chinese, he accepts and promises that Meiying attend the tournament to support Dre. At the tournament, Dre begins beating opponents and advances to the semifinals, as does Cheng. Dre comes up against Liang, who severely hurts Dre's leg and Liang is disqualified as a result, while Dre is taken to the infirmary. Dre convinces Han to mend his leg by using fire cupping in order to continue. Dre returns to the arena, facing Cheng. Dre flips and catches Cheng with a kick to his head, winning the tournament along with the respect of Cheng and his classmates.
5. apa arti : "and soon ate up the pie" pliis jawab ka....
dan segera habiskan pie itudan segera memakan kue itu
6. Mention the name and the colour of the things in the pieD. WritingOghtmmcдеуuthExercise
ini apa
7. 1. The process of writing 2. Example and exercise of summary writing.
1. Proses menulis2. Contoh dan latihan menulis ringkasan.
8. a summary of the different conditions of Dutch and Japanese colonialism in the economic fields of religion and culture
A summary in indonesia economic of religion
9. what is the executive summary
kalo untuk tujuan executive summary to find the moral value from the story
executive summary adl kesimpulan pendek dari sebuah proposal atau report bisnis...
10. find any references about recount text and make a summary about it. write the summary in your book and submit it here
Soal :Find any references about recount text and make a summary about it. Write the summary in your book and submit it here.Temukan referensi-referensi tentang recount text dan buat rangkuman tentang itu. Tulis rangkuman di bukumu dan kumpulkan di sini.Jawaban :
Recount Text
Definition of recount text :Recount text is a text that telling about events in the past.
Recount text has 3 generic structures,they are :Orientation : Contains introduction of the participants,time,and place of event.Events : Contains description and explanation about the event in the past.Reorientation : Contains writer's comment or impression about the event. It's the ending of the story.Characteristics of the language of recount text :Characteristics of the language of recount text :Using past tenseThere are 3 kinds of past tense,they are :
A. Simple past tense
B. Past continuous tense
C. Pastperfect tense
2. Using action verbs (walked,went,bought,slept,ect)
3. Using conjunction (then,but,and,because,ect)
4. Usingadverboftimeandplace(yesterday,now,soon,market,hospital)
Hope it can helps,keep spirit!
Translate :Recount text
Definisirecounttext:Recount text adalah teks yang memberitahukan tentang kejadian-kejadian di masa lalu/di masa lampau.
Recount text memiliki 3 struktur utama,yaitu :Orientasi:Berisi pengenalan tokoh,waktu,dan tempat kejadian.Rangkaian peristiwa : Berisi deskripsi dan penjelasan mengenai kejadian di masa lalu.Reorientasi/penutup/kesimpulan : Berisi komentar atau kesan penulis tentang kejadian itu. Itu adalah akhir dari cerita.Ciri-ciri kebahasaan recount text :Menggunakan masa lampauAda 3 jenis masa lampau,yaitu :
A. Masa lampau sederhana
B. Masa lampau berkelanjutan/bersambung
C. Masa lampau sempurna
2. Menggunakan kata kerja aksi (telah berjalan,telah pergi, telah membeli,telah tidur,dll)
3. Menggunakan konjungsi/kata hubung (kemudian,tetapi,dan,karena,dll)
4. Menggunakan keterangan waktu dan tempat (kemarin,sekarang,segera,pasar,rumah sakit)
Semoga membantu,semangat!
11. complete the summary. use the past simple form of the verbs
There was (be) a table tennis championship in japan in 1971. An American and a Chinese player played together for fifteen minutes.
The American missed his bus, but the Chinese player invited him onto his bus.
The Chinese player gave the American player a present. The American was happy, and he wanted to give a present back. He bought a t-shirt for the Chinese player. They became friends.
The next year, the American president went to china for a historic visit.
12. apple pie on the mountain
kue apel di atas gunung
kalo di artikan = pie apel di gunung
semoga membantu
13. please make the summary of the passive and active voice then make the example of then. Tolongggg bantuin
*Passive voice is relationship between a subject and a verb in which the subject receives the action of the verb
1.The canal is cleaned by the people in the village
2.A lot of animals are found dead in Ujungkulon
3.We are showed by our teachers new a rainbow occurs
4.Many tourist are fascinated by the beauty of a rainbow
5.Color is used for signal also
*Active voice is when the subject is doing the acting
1.The gardener plants trees
2.Teachers give us information
3.Susan write a letter to Salma
4.All around the world speak English
5.Sony mixes red yellow and blue paint
Semoga membantu
14. Summary the wagon driver's patron
Rangkum pelindung pengemudi kereta??Artinya: rangkum pelindung pengemudi kereta
15. Write a summary about INVITATION both spoken and written and give the examples !
What is an Invitation? Menurut, Invitation is An invitation is a request, a solicitation, or an attempt to get another person to join you at a specific event. Kalau kita artikan dalam bahasa Indonesia, invitation adalah sebuah permintaan, ajakan, atau upaya terhadap orang lain agar bersedia bergabung atau datang dengan kita pada suatu acara tertentu.
Invitation a text which containing a request, a solicitation, or an attempt to get another person to join you at a specific event (sebuah teks yang berisi sebuah permintaan).
Sebuah undangan dapat digunakan untuk mengundang seseorang untuk datang ke suatu acara, adapun beberapa hal diantaranya adalah:
Birthday : Ulang tahun
Weeding : Pernikahan
Anniversary : Hari jadi
Meeting : Rapat
Graduation : Kelulusan
Dinner : Makan malam
Beberapa ungkapan yang biasa digunakan untuk membuat sebuah undangan:
I invite you to come…
I invite you to join…
Would you like to come
Would you like to join us
I would like to invite you
Request the present of…
Secara umum/dasar bagian teks sebuah undangan meliputi:
1. Receiver/To: nama orang yang dituju/yang diundang
2. Body of invitation/isi undangan: Isi undangan biasanya berupa hal hal berikut ini:
Subjek: Nama Acara
Day or Date: Hari dan tanggal
Time: Waktu yang ditetapkan
Place: Tempat dimana acara tersebut diadakan
3. Sender/from: Orang yang mengirim.
To: Reva
Would you like to come to my parents wedding anniversary party. The party will be held:
Day/ date: Sunday/11 march 2016
Time: 07.00 pm
Place: at my house
No meaning without your coming.
Your Best friend
Ini Penjelasanya Jadikan Yang Terbaik:)
Jangan Lupa Follow Ya:) 0w0
16. summary the lagecy?
'The Legacy' is a modernist short story by British writer Virginia Woolf. It is a story about how the wife of a well-known politician commits suicide to reunite with her lover. ... The politician's wife's name was Angela Clandon. This is Angela's story that her husband, Gilbert Clandon, reads about from her diaries' pages
The Legacy' is a modernist short story by British writer Virginia Woolf. It is a story about how the wife of a well-known politician commits suicide to reunite with her lover. ... The politician's wife's name was Angela Clandon. This is Angela's story that her husband, Gilbert Clandon, reads about from her diaries' pages.11 Sep 2020
The Legacy 'adalah cerita pendek modernis oleh penulis Inggris Virginia Woolf. Bercerita tentang bagaimana istri seorang politisi terkenal bunuh diri untuk bertemu kembali dengan kekasihnya. ... Istri politisi itu
17. οanswer!Text for no. 1-5.2How to Make Oreo PleIngredients1250 ml whipped cream2. 100 gram butter3. 150 gram cooking chocolateStrawberry5. 300 gram Oreo cookiesStepsCrush the Oreo into fine crumbs.You can use your hands or a foodprocessor2. Melt the butter and mix it with theOreo3. Press the crumbs evenly on thebottom and sides of a pie pan. Leavethe pan in the fridge for about 10minutes4. While waiting for the pie crust to set,make the filling. Heat the whippedcream and cooking chocolate.5. Pour the mixture into the pie crust.6. Decorate the pie with slicedstrawberry. Leave it in the fridge forthree hours.1. What does the text tell about?a. How to make chocolate pieb. How to make Oreo pieC. How to make pie crustd. Materials of making Oreo pieWhat should we do with the Oreocookies?We should fry themb. We should melt them.We should press them.d We should freeze them.We should crush them.3. What ingredients are needed to makethe filling?Whipped cream, butter, cookingchocolate, strawberry, and Oreocookiesb Butter and Oreo cookiesC. Strawberry and whipped creamd. Chocolate and whipped creamOreo cookies, whipped cream,and butter4. What is the fifth step in making the pie?a. Pour the mixture into the pie crust.b. Melt the butter and mix it with theOreo.C Leave it in the fridge for three hoursd. Melt the butter and mix it with theOreoMake the filling5. Where should we put the pie in threehours?a. In the kitchenb. In the ovenC.In the refrigeratorIn the microwaved.minic
1. B. How to make Oreo pie
2. E. We should crush them
3. D. Chocolate and whipped cream
4. A. Pour the mixture into the pie crust
5. C. In the refrigerator
18. write in to some sentences ( 6 sentences ) the summary of.. A.The mouse deer and the crocodiles B.The ugly duckling and the new friends
A.The Kancil walked to the forest. On the trip near the river a lot of crocodiles are starving.Buaya was very happy to see the deer. But the mouse deer requires all crocodiles to count first. And all the crocodiles exposed the deceit of the deer.
B. The gray duckling had big eyes, and was ugly, but mother duck loved him.It was winter, so mother duck took her ducklings to the warm barn.The ugly duckling couldn’t wait to go to the pond again. He wanted to see the beautiful swans.You see, he wasn’t a gray duckling – he was a beautiful swan!The young swan smiled – he rustled his feathers, curved his slender neck, and cried joyfully, “I never dreamed of this, I am so happy!”a. the mouse deer and the crocodiles
- the crocodiles want to eat the mouse deer
- the mouse deer trying to deceive crocodiles to not eat it
- mouse deer jumping over crocodile
- mouse deer told the crocodile to line up so he could count the crocodiles
- the crocodiles can not wait to eat the mouse deer
- the crocodiles are very angry when knowing the mouse deer escape
b. the ugly duckling and new friens
- the ugly duckling into a beautiful swan - the ugly duckling swim with his brother and his mother in the river - the ugly duck is afraid of approaching the bird because of its likeness - The duck got scorn from his brother - he left his flock in very cold weather - the mother of the duck feels worried that her eggs have not hatched yet
19. Take a pie of banana leafs, give the rice and conten discharged
Take a pic of banana leaves, give the rice and content discharged
Ambil daun pisang, beri beras dan isinya habis
20. how to make pie (Strawberry Pie)Ingredients :✔ 250 ml✔ 100 gr butter✔ 300 gr oreo✔ strawberrySteps :1. Crush the oreo into fine crumbs. You can use your hands or a food processor.2. Melt the butter. Mix it with the oreo.3. press the crumbs evenly on the bottom and sides of a pie pan. Leave the pan in the fridge for about 10 minutes.4. While waiting for the pie crust to set, make the filling. Heat the whipped cream and cooking chocolate.5. Pour the mixtur into the pie crust.6. Decorate the pie with sliced strawberries.Leave it in the fridge for three hours.Notes : You can use kiwi or banana instead of strawberry if you likeWhat is the writer’s intention in writing the text? a. To tell readers how to decorate pie with sliced strawberries. b. To give information about the benefit of consume pie. c. To share the steps of making pie d. To explain how crush the oreo into crumbs
C. To share the steps of making pie
Jawabannya :
C. To share the steps of making pie
karena penjelasan diatas berisikan cara membuat kue pai secara step by step
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