A Man Is 45 M Behind The Bus

A Man Is 45 M Behind The Bus

Susun kalimat bus-restaurant-is station-the-behind-the

Daftar Isi

1. Susun kalimat bus-restaurant-is station-the-behind-the

Behind the restaurant is the bus station
smga membantuu:)the bus station is behind the restaurant

2. people say that man is behind the gun . buatlah kalimat pasif

That man whom people say is behind the gun

3. A-there-me-behind-starng-walking-man-is


There is a strange men walking behind me.

semoga membantu


there is a strange man walking behind me

4. office - the - behind - the park - is - police. The right sentence is ...  a. The behind police office is the park b. The police office is behind the park c. The park is the police office behind d. Behind the police office is the park tolong dijawab yak​


A.the behind police office is the park


maaf kalau salah

b. The police office is behind the park

Maaf klo salah

5. 2. the yard is ________ the school.3. the bus runs ________ the long bridge4. the man sits ________ the counter.5. miss nita teaches _________ the class.pilihlah jawaban dibawah ini !A. behindB. in front ofC. betweenD. acroos​


2. behind

3. acroos

4. between

5. in front of


maap kalo salah semoga membantu jadikan jawaban terbaik

6. 29. The man is in the bus station, heis...............for a bus to Batam centre.a. buyingb. waitingc. playingd. watching​


B. Waiting

Semoga bermanfaat


The man is in the bus station,he is waiting for a bus to Batam centre.


maaf kalo salah

semoga membantu

7. Yang disebut sebagai the man behind dalam lapangan sejarah adalah


The man behind dalam lapangan sejarah yang dimaksud adalah para peneliti sejarah

8. Ganti kata ini ke Passive Sentence ! People say that man is behind the gun.

_Impersonal passive_
1. It is said that man is behind the gun.
2. The man is said to be behind the gun.That man is behind the gun was said by people

9. Riri : Where is the bus station? Sukma It is the Italian restaurant A beside B. between C behind D. in front of​


D. in front of


tolong jadikan jawaban tercerdas ya kak

10. The library is behind the school. The antonym of behind is *​


antonim dari behind: front

maaf jika salah atau tidak sesuai ekspetasimu, semoga membantu banyak!


in front of (semoga membantu)

11. Yang sering disebut the man behind dalam lapangan sejarah adalah​

Mereka yang disebut sebagai the man behind the gun dalam lapangan sejarah adalah para peneliti sejarah atau sejarawan. Sebab seluar biasa apapun pelaku sejarah atau suatu peristiwa sejarah, jika tak ada peneliti sejarah yang mengkaji dan menuliskan sosok dan rangkaian peristiwanya (secara kronologis) maka hanya akan jadi kisah semata.


Ungkapan the man behind the gun bermakna sumber daya manusia atau manusia yang berada di balik terjadinya atau berjalannya sesuatu hal. Seperti misalnya samurai, sehebat apapun sebuah katana (pedang), tetap penentu kehebatannya adalah bushi atau sang samurai. Seperti sejarah, sehebat apapun seorang pelaku sejarah dalam kisah sejarah, tetap kehebatannya tercatat dalam sejarah berkat peneliti sejarah yang andal dalam menjalankan tugasnya.

Pelajari Lebih LanjutPelajari lebih lanjut tentang materi peran manusia dalam sejarah pada link berikut https://brainly.co.id/tugas/327430




maaf kalo salah

semoga membantu

12. people say that man is behind the gun .buatlah menjadi kalimat pasif

man is behind the gun people say..maaf kalau salah

13. 17 The library is behind the school. The antonym of behind is​




Behind : Belakang

Front : Depan


behind = belakang


in front of= di depan

14. If a comet is travelling towards the sun, …………………… a. the tail is following behind it b. the tail will following behind it c. the tail is follow behind it d. the tail will follow behind it​




will follow

will karena belum terjadi (if) . tidak pakek inh karena tidak saat ini.




maaf kalau salah

15. market-my-the-behind-is-house *A. The house is behind my marketB. Behind my house is the marketC. My house is behind the marketD. The market behind is my house​



C. My house is behind the market

16. apa maksud kata'the man behind the gun'​


pria di balik senapan.


semoga membantu ea


= Pria di belakang pistol

17. the park is behind the school.the antonym of behind is​


in front


Semoga membantu :)

Antonim behind : Front

18. Look! That man .... behind the stage.The best answer to fill the blank is... .AIs standingBStandingCStandsDStand​


A. Is standing


Translate Indonesian:

Look! That man .... behind the stage.

Lihat! Pria itu .... di belakang panggung.

A. Is Standing: Sedang berdiri

B. Standing: Kedudukan

C. Stands: Berdiri

D. Stand: Berdiri

Mapel: English


#Learn with Brainly

# Sorry if I'm wrong

#I hope this helps

#Have a good study

19. Ganti kata ini ke Passive Sentence ! People say that man is behind the gun.

that man is behind the gun was said by people

semoga membantu
maaf jika keliruThat man is behind the gun was said by people

20. the hospital is behind the school .the antonym dari behind is

behind >< in front ofthe hospital is behind the school .the antonym dari behind is in front of

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