Notes Of Chapter Minerals And Energy Resources

Notes Of Chapter Minerals And Energy Resources

absorbs water and minerals is function of the

Daftar Isi

1. absorbs water and minerals is function of the


Absorbs water and minerals is the function of the "Plant roots" (Maaf jika salah)



Root / Akar


Akar yaitu salah satu organ tumbuhan yang memiliki fungsi utama yakni untuk menghisap air dan garam mineral dari dalam tanah. ... Akar mempunyai bagian luar yang terdiri dari daerah pertumbuhan akar, tudung akar, dan bulu akar.


The root is one of the plant organs that has the main function of absorbing water and mineral salts from the soil. ... The root has an outer part consisting of the root growth area, root canopy, and root hair.

2. what is the meaning of renewable resources and non-renewable resources?

artinya adalah sumber daya yang terbarukan dan sumber daya yang tak terbarukan atau bisa juga dibilang Sumber Daya yang dapat diperbarui dan Sumber Daya yang tidak bisa diperbarui
renewable resources = sumber daya alam yg bisa diperbaharui
non-renewable resources = sumber daya alam yang tidak bisa dperbaharui

3. 43. Dari gambar di bawah ini sumber daya alamdikelompokkan menjadi berapa dan jelaskan!Types of Natural ResourcesVegetationAnimalsSoilMineralsEuzzle.comWater​



Sumber daya alam hayati Sumber daya alam hayati adalah sumber daya alam yang berasal dari makhluk hidup. Sumber daya alam hayati bisa berasal dari hewan maupun tumbuhan. Contoh sumber daya alam hayati yakni ayam, sapi, sayur, padi, jagung, kapas, kayu, teh, kopi, hingga ikan.  Sumber daya alam nonhayati adalah sumber daya alam yang bukan berasal dari makhluk hidup. Contohnya air, sinar matahari, udara, tanah, bahan tambang, minyak bumi, dan gas alam.   Sumber daya alam yang dapat diperbarui artinya bisa dibuat atau dipulihkan kembali. Contohnya hewan, tumbuhan, pepohonan, dan ikan. Sumber daya alam yang tidak dapat diperbarui Sumber daya alam yang terbentuk oleh proses alamiah dan membutuhkan jangka waktu yang lama disebut sumber daya alam terbatas atau sumber daya alam yang tidak dapat diperbarui. Sumber daya alam ini akan habis suatu saat dan sulit atau tidak mungkin dibuat kembali. Contohnya minyak bumi, batu bara, dan gas alam.Sumber daya alam kekal adalah sumber daya alam yang tak akan habis dan selamanya ada di bumi. Contohnya, air, udara, sinar matahari, angin, gelombang, pasang surut, dan panas bumi.


bismillah bener

4. What kind of minerals do guavas consist of​


Energy: 49 kilocalories (kcal)

Protein: 0.9 g

Carbs: 12.2 g

Fiber: 5.6 g

Calcium: 14 milligrams (mg)

Phosphorus: 28 mg

Iron: 1.1 mg

Vitamin A: 25 International Units (IU)

Vitamin B1: 0.02 mg

Vitamin C: 87 mg

Water: 86 g


semoga membantu

5. disadvantage and advantage of geothermal energy

Keunggulan enègi geothermal adalah sebagai energi alternatif, digunakan sebagai pembangkit listrik karena keberlangsungannya bisa terus menerus. Kelemahannya adalah suhu di sekitar pembangkit listrik geothermal cukup panas dan bising

6. bagaimana menyusun kalimat ini? there are two kinds of natural resources, they are natural resources that can be renew and natural resources that can't be renew.

Itu udah bener "There are two kinds of natural resources, they are natural resources that can and can't be renewed" gitu juga bisa

7. Your body ______ energy, protein, minerals, vitamins, and fiber. a. Needed b. need c. needs d. needing




present tense :kejadian yang terjadi dimasa sekarang

fungsinya: menyatakan rutinitas

menyatakan fakta

need + s

kata kerja +s untuk kata kerja NEED berdasarkan soal.

Adapun ditambahkan es dan ies

Watch menjadi watches

Study menjadi studies

untuk subject(she,he,it,1 nama orang)

8. Sirius reached home after a long day of work. Sitting down, he started to count his allowance of $480, which consisted of $2 and $10 notes only. After exchanging 3 pieces of $10 notes to $2 notes with his roommate Anis, the number of $10 notes and $2 notes he had were the same. How many pieces of $10 notes did Sirius have in the first place?



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

10x + 2y = 480

Divide both sides by 2, we get:

5x + y = 240 ... (i)

x = the number of $10 notes Sirius had in the first place

And then, 3 pieces of $10 were exchanged to $2 notes, and the number of both notes became the same.

We know that 3×10 = 15×2.


x – 3 = y + 15

x – y = 18 ... (ii)

Given these two equations, we can eliminate y:

5x + y = 240

x – y = 18

------------------ +

6x = 258

x = 43

Let's verify this result.

10x + 2y = 480

430 + 2y = 480

2y = 50

y = 25

Exchange 3 pieces of $10 notes to 15 pieces $2 notes:

New x = 43 - 3 = 40

New y = 25 + 15 = 40


Conclusion :

The number of $10 notes Sirius had in the first place is 43.

9. A me chame energy consist of apa ye? tolong ye ni kena hantar besok

nih artinya tp gak tau jawbnya,
Energi yang saya buat terdiri dari ....... energi..... dan energi.....


10. can the heat and pressure change the composition and appearance of the minerals in rocks?​


Different temperatures and pressures cause new minerals to grow in rocks that have the same composition.

11. Fungtion of heat energy and sound energy

heat energy = memanskan suatu benda

sound = bunyi

12. We get almost all of our vitamins and minerals from the food we...


because the food will breakdown into smaller particles inside our body

13. Fruits and vegetables.....ofvitamins and minerals.OA. contain B. containsC. containedD. containing​


d. containing


maaf kalo salah.


D. containing


karna arti dari containing adalah mengandung jadi Fruits and vegetables containing of vitamins and minerals.

maaf kalau salah

14. 2 kinds of energy comes from.........and ............

2 kinds of energy comes from sun(heat) and light.
Mohon maaf jika salah.....

15. 2. The food contains kind of minerals. They are ... and ....5. The minerals that are not contain-ing on the product above are ...and ....Help me :(​


2. The food contains kind of minerals. They are Vitamin A, Vitamin C, and Calcium.

16. ___the process of removing valuable minerals and metals from the earth.




Mining is the process of removing useful materials from the earth. Some examples of substances that are mined include coal, gold, or iron ore. Iron ore is the material from which the metal iron is produced

17. there are a total of 240 pieces of $5 notes and $10 notes.The numbers of $5 and $10 notes are in the ratio 3:2 find the number of $10

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

Ratios and Proportions

Total amount of notes = 240 pieces
Known ratio = 3 : 2 ( $5 notes : $10 notes)

First, we are going to add a variable into the ratio. We will be working out on that so that the numbers in the ratio can be multiplied by the value of the variable itself.

3 : 2
3x : 2x

We'll be adding both of the numbers of the ratio.

3x + 2x = ?

There are a total of 240 pieces of $5 and $10 notes, so let's add them to the line.

3x + 2x = 240
5x = 240
x = 240 ÷ 5
x = 48

The variable has a value of 48. Multiply the ratio number that represents the amount of the $10 notes. (2x)

= 2 × 48 (2x -> 2 × x, x = 48)
= 96

There we have it!
In conclusion, there are 96 pieces of $10 notes.
I hope I did help!

18. there are a total of 240 pieces of $5 notes and $10 notes.The numbers of $5 and $10 notes are in the ratio 3:2 find a)the number of $10b)the ratio of the value of the $5 notes to that of the $10 notes.

240 : (3+2) = 48


$5 = 48 x 3
$10 = 48 x 2

A) the number of 10 = 96
B) ratio = 144 - 96 = 48 Total piece of notes = 240
$5 notes = x
$10 notes = y
Ratio of number = x : y = 3 : 2

x : y = 3 : 2
2x = 3y
x = ³/₂ y

a. The number of $10 (y = ?) 
[tex]x+y=240 \\ \\ \frac{3}{2}y+y=240 \\ \\ \frac{3}{2}y+ \frac{2}{2}y=240 \\ \\ \frac{5}{2}y=240 \\ \\ y=240 \times \frac{2}{5} \\ \\ y= 48 \times 2 \\ \\ y=96[/tex]

So, the number of $10 are 96 pieces

b. The ratio of value (value of $5 : value of $10)

The number of $5 (x)
x + y = 240
x = 240 - y
x = 240 - 96
x = 144 pieces

The ratio is
= (144 × $5) : (96 × $10)
= $720 : $960............both sides are devided by $240
= ($720/$240) : ($960/$240)
= 3 : 4

So, the ratio of the value of the $5 notes to that of the $10 notes is 3 : 4

19. there are a total of 240 pieces of $5 notes and $10 notes.The numbers of $5 and $10notes are in the ratio 2:3 find the number of $5 notes

$5 notes = x
$10 notes = y

x : y = 2 : 3 ⇒ 3x = 2y ⇒ x = ²/₃ y

x + y = 240

[tex]\frac{2}{3}y+y=240 \\ \\ \frac{2}{3}y+ \frac{3}{3}y=240 \\ \\ \frac{5}{3}y=240 \\ \\ y=240 \times \frac{3}{5} \\ \\ y= 48 \times 3 \\y= 144 \\ \\ \\ x+y=240 \\ x+144=240 \\ x=240-144 \\ x=96 \\ \\ So,\ the\ number\ of\ \$ 5\ notes\ are\ 96\ pieces. [/tex]

20. They (49) ........ water and minerals

They . . . water and minerals

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