Essay On Tree In Marathi

Essay On Tree In Marathi

essay on national education day in ingglish​

Daftar Isi

1. essay on national education day in ingglish​


esai tentang pendidikan di ingglish

2. Fiil in the blanks based on the family tree below


there is no family tree...........

3. translate in indonesia based on yourself make a family tree

Jawaban :
Berdasarkan dirimu sendiri, buatlah sebuah pohon keluarga

Semoga membantu^^

4. Bacalah ini cepat!!1. If tree grow a tree and a tree with the tree in the tree with the tree go the tree​


hah? wkwk maksudnya terjemahannya kah?

jika pohon tumbuh menjadi pohon dan pohon dengan pohon di pohon dengan pohon pergi ke pohon

5. There is a bird cage on one tree. There is ………. in it. *10 poin​

Jawaban :

There is a bird cage on one tree. There is a hatchling in it.

6. arti dari hangs on tree​

Menggantung di pohon

Semoga beruntung!

Maaf kalau salah ya


Digantung di pohon


7. 12. Where did the story happen?a. on the beachc. On a treeb. on the riverd. In the jungle​


D. In the Jungle


maaf ya kalo salah


Story nya kaya gimana?


Gabisa dijawab tanpa baca teks nya

8. I live in the countryside and also a lot of birds chirping on tree branches​


Saya tinggal di pedesaan dan juga banyak burung berkicau di dahan pohon


bahasa inggris:

I live in the countryside and also a lot of birds chirping on tree branches

bahasa indonesia:

Saya tinggal di pedesaan dan juga banyak burung berkicau di dahan pohon

semoga membantu


Arti dalam Bahasa Indonesia =

Saya tinggal di pedesaan dan juga banyak burung berkicau di dahan pohon.

Maaf, kalau ada yang salah.

Semoga membantu.

9. Where are they sitting ? They are sitting ..................tree (10 Poin) onin under at​


Under tree

Dibawah pohon




Dimana mereka duduk? Mereka sedang duduk .......pohon.

a. pada

b. didalam


d. pada

Jadi jawaban yang benar adalah Under(dibawah)SEMOGA MEMBANTU :)

10. there is an eagle ____ (1) on the tree top near my grandparent's house in pangandaran

There is an eagle that is flying on the tree top near my grandparent's house in Pangandaran.there is an eagle which is flying on the tree top... (which is flying = yg sedang terbang)

11. apa itu tree in one yang ada di jakarta

keputusan gubernur jakarta untuk mengurangi kemacetan dgn cara mengharuskan setiap mobil harus berisi 3 orang

12. ...... a monkey on the tree​


There is a monkey on the tree

13. the chinese restaurant.... tree road sells. (with, in, on, and at ​


the Chinese restaurant in tree road sells

correct me if i wrong

14. Arti answer the questions below based on the family tree in taks!


Jawab pertanyaan di bawah ini berdasarkan pohon keluarga di teks


Kalo gk salah gitu :v

Semoga membantu ^^

15. There were birds in the tree shot 1 how many left?Come on, hurry up​


Di sana burung-burung di pohon menembak 1 berapa banyak yang tersisa Ayo cepat


itu artinya

semoga membantu

16. The birds (perch) on the tree branch in front of my house+-?(PRESENT CONTINOUS TENSE) ​


+ The birds are perching on the tree branch in front of my house.

- The birds aren't perching on the tree branch in front of my house.

? Are the birds perching on the tree branch in front of my house.


Untuk menjawab soal di atas, kita harus memperhatikan rumusnya.

present continuous tense:

subject + to be + verb-ing.

Karena pada soal subjeknya jamak (the birds), maka to be yang digunakan adalah 'are'.

17. meaning from familylike branches on a tree, we all grow in different directions,yet our roots remain as on​


Arti : Arti dari keluarga seperti cabang-cabang di pohon, kita semua tumbuh ke arah yang berbeda, namun akar kita tetap ada



18. There are four birds _____ the tree. *10 pointsinonatunder​




There are four birds in the tree.


There are four birds in the tree

19. There were 60 birds on three trees. Then 6 birds flew away from the firsttree, 8 birds flew away from the second tree and 4 birds flew away fromthe third tree. Now there are the same number of birds on each tree. Howmany birds were there on the second tree in the beginning?​


there is 52 birds in the second tree

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:



T1 = Total amount of birds in the first tree

T2 = ... 2nd tree

T3 = ... 3th tree

Then: T1 + T2 + T3 = 60

If T1 - 6, T2 - 8, and T3 - 4 then the result will be: new T1 = new T2 = new T3

The calculation will be:

3 × new T1 = 60 + 6 + 8 + 4

3 new T1 = 78

new T1 = 78/3

new T1 = 26

Because T1 = T2 = T3, then the initial amount of birds in the second three:

26 + 8

= 34 birds

20. There is a bird cage on one tree there is a bird in is.


ada sangkar burung di satu pohon ada burung di dalamnya

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