D Lives Between B And F

D Lives Between B And F

with on/next to/between/above/below Steve Mary Bill Catherine Chris Paul Janet Sandra Joe 1. Chris lives ______ Catherine and Paul 2. Joe lives _____the ground floor 3. Mary lives _____ Steve and Bill 4. Paul lives ____ the first floor _____Chris 5. Catherine lives _____ Janet 6. Chris lives ______ Sandra and _____ Mary

Daftar Isi

1. with on/next to/between/above/below Steve Mary Bill Catherine Chris Paul Janet Sandra Joe 1. Chris lives ______ Catherine and Paul 2. Joe lives _____the ground floor 3. Mary lives _____ Steve and Bill 4. Paul lives ____ the first floor _____Chris 5. Catherine lives _____ Janet 6. Chris lives ______ Sandra and _____ Mary


1. between

2. on

3. between

4. on, next to

5. above

6. above, below

2. Rearrange into good sentence (susun kata berikut menjadi kalimat yang tepat) : land - It- water - in - on - lives - anda. It lives in water and on landb. lives in water and on land itc. lives it in water and on landd. It lives on water and in land​


jawabannya d kalo bukan a


artinya "itu hidup di air dan di darat"

it lives in water and on land(a)
in digunakan utk di dlm air dan on digunakan utk di darat

3. Now she _____ alone, but when she was a child she _____ with her mother and sisters. A. live / lived D. lives / lived B. lives/ lives E. lived / lives C. lived / lived

Jawaban: D


4. 4. How much money does The World Bank estimate that the governments worldwide lose each year? a. Between US$ 50 billion and 150 billion b. Between US$ 100 billion and 150 billion c. Between US$ 10 billion and 15 billion d. Between US$ 1 billion and 5 billion e. Between US$ 105 billion and 150 billion​


4.berapa banyak uang yang diperkirakan hilang dari Bank dunia dan pemerintah di seluruh dunia setiap tahun ?

A. antara US$ 50 M hingga 150 m

B. antara US$ 100 M hingga 150 m

C. antara US$ 10 M hingga 15 m

D. antara US$ 1 m hingga 5 m

E. antara US$ 105 hingga 150 m

p.s ini kayak nya jawabannya ada di teks soalnya

kalo bener sih gitu ;)

5. 1. Andrew and John ... by the seaside.a. livingC. liveb. livedd. lives​


b. lives

maaf ya kalo salah


d. lives

maaf kalau salah:)

6. Andika and Yudi .......by the seaside a. Livingb. Livesc. Lived. Lived​


andika and yudi live by the seaside



maaf kalau salah

7. Sura lives in the....and baya lives in the.....​


Sura lives in the land and baya lives in the sea


maaf kalo salah..

8. 4. How much money does The World Bankestimate that the governments worldwidelose each year?a. Between US$ 50 billion and 150billionb. Between US$ 100 billion and 150billionC. Between US$ 10 billion and 15 billiond. Between US$ 1 billion and 5 billione. Between US$ 105 billion and 150billion​


e. between US$ 105 billion and 150


maaf kalo salah

semoga membantu ya

jadikan jawaban tercerdas ya^^

9. Where is the supermarket?a Between bakery and cinemab Near post office.Between the drugstore and the museum.dNear the bakery and school.​


A. Between bakery and cinema:v I hope Thats True


a.Between bakery and cinema ( deket toko kue dan bioskop )


semoga membantu:)

10. Listen to the dialogue between Paul and Ben. Then look at the pictures and write A-F in the correct order. D​


Dengarkan dialog antara Paul dan Ben. Kemudian lihat gambar dan tulis A-F dalam urutan yang benar. D



11. Mr. Jackson is an American teacher, but he ... and... in DenpasarA. live, workB. live, worksC. lives, workD. lives, works​


Mr. Jackson is an American teacher, but he ... and... in Denpasar

A. live, work

B. live, works

C. lives, work





12. she lives...jakarta. a.on. b.in. c.at. d. with. e. and

B. in
maaf kalau salah
B.in ....................................

13. explain the difference between first sentence and second sentence.1. my sister, who lives in chicago, has two children.2. my sister who lives in chicago has two children.​

Defining vs Non-defining Relative Clause

1. My sister, who lives in Chicago, has two children.

The speaker has only one sister and she lives in Chicago.

2. My sister who lives in chicago has two children.

The speaker has more than one sister, and one of them lives in Chicago.



Relative atau adjective clause adalah anak kalimat yang berfungsi menjelaskan atau memberi informasi lebih akan suatu kata/frasa benda.

For example:

The book that is on the table belongs to Andy. / Buku yang ada di atas meja adalah milik Andy.The book, which is being read by Nina, belongs to Andy. / Buku yang sedang dibacaNina adalah milik Andy.

Defining Relative Clause

Defining relative clause adalah relative clause yang mengidentifikasikan benda yang mana yang dibicarakan. Jika tidak ada relative clause ini, benda yang dimaksud tidak jelas atau ambigu.

For example:

The umbrella is wet. vs The umbrella that isby the door is wet. / Payungnya basah. vs Payung yang ada di dekat pintu basah.

Non-defining Relative Clause

Sesuai dengan namanya, non-defining relativeclausetidak mengidentifikasikan kata benda. Relative clause ini hanya memberikan penjelasanekstra tentang benda yang dimaksud. Tanpa relative clause inipun kita sudah mengetahui benda yang mana yang dimaksud.

For example:

Mary's umbrella is wet. vs Mary's umbrella, which is by the door, is wet. / Payung Mary basah. vs Payung Mary, yang ada di dekatpintu, basah.

Defining relative clause tidak dapat dihilangkan tanpa mengubah arti kalimat, sedangkan non-defining relative clause boleh tidak digunakan dan tidak mempengaruhi arti kalimat.


A man who has a child is a father. (with defining relative clause)A man is a father. (without defining relative clause)

Mr Joko Widodo, who is the president of Indonesia, welcomed the athletes. (with non-defining relative clause)Mr Joko Widodo welcomed the athletes. (without defining relative clause)


Pelajari lebih lanjut:brainly.co.id/tugas/28134705



Year : XI

Subject : English

Category : Structure and Written Expression

Code : 11.5.6

Keywords : defining relative clause, non-defining relative clause, adjective clause

14. 3. S : Is march before..……...…………? T : Yes, it is 4. E : Is May after June? F : ...........………………………… 5. C : What month is between August and October? D : ………………………………………………….…… 6. G : Is June between ………………… and ……………………?


1. April

2. no, it is not

3. it is a September

4. may and july


3. S : Is march before April?

T : Yes, it is

4. E : Is May after June?

F : No, it is not.

5. C : What month is between August and October?

D : The month is September.

6. G : Is June between May and July?


Jawaban dicetak tebal dan merupakan materi pembelajaran The Names of The Months (nama-nama bulan) dalam Bahasa Inggris.

1. Januari = January

2. Februari = February

3. Maret = March

4. April = April

5. Mei = May

6. Juni = June

7. Juli = July

8. Agustus = August

9. September = September

10. Oktober = October

11. November = November

12. Desember = December

Semoga membantu ya.

15. 11. Andrew and Jhon ... by the seasidea. Livingb. Livedc. Lived. Lives​




topic: simple present tense

karena Tidak Ada Time signal Yang jelas maka dipakai simple present



dalam positive sentence:


contoh:I eat banana

dalam negative sentence:

s+don't/doesn't+v infinitive+o

contoh:I don't eat banana

dalam interrogative:

do/does+s+v infinitive+o?

do you eat banana?

16. 20. When is the school auditorium used for theagenda?A. On Wednesday and ThursdayB. Between Wednesday and SaturdayC. Between Thursday and SaturdayD. On Friday and Saturday​


D.on friday and saturday

17. 51. Dito and Wendy ... in Palu. a.live b. lives c.living d. is live ​


A. Live


Maaf jika salah hehehe

jawabannya B. LIVES

semoga membantu ya!

18. Indonesia consist of between...and between...​


2 samudra pasifik dan 2 benua asia

samudra Pasifik and samudra hindia

moga membantu.....

19. match between colomn A and column B

1 = f
2= e
3= b
4= a
5= c
6= dsemoga membantu jawabannya: 
1. F (pengangkut barang berat)
2. C (lorong tempat menunggu)
3. B (tempat tinggal)
4. E (akomodasi/peralatan)
5. A (sesuatu di bangku bus(maybe kayu)
6. D 

20. ..... is between south and west a. west b. southc. southweest d. northeast​




semoga membantu

B. south

maap kalo salah:)

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