The man ... very pale was not sick. (A) who looked (B) whom looked (C) which looked (D) who is looked (E) who was looked
1. The man ... very pale was not sick. (A) who looked (B) whom looked (C) which looked (D) who is looked (E) who was looked
Materi : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas : -
Kata kunci : -
Penanya : Farah
Penjawab : Rikaalissa
Tanggal : 12 April 2018
The man WHO IS LOOKED very pale was not sick.
Semoga bermanfaat.... :)
2. the.....looked high and low for the other children who were hiding around the house.
Jawaban nya ( Wall )
3. The man had to stop under the tree because
{ D. The tree was so shady. }
[ D. Pohon itu begitu rindang. ]
Orang yang berjalan dengan waktu yang lama atau berlari biasa nya capek jadi mereka pergi ke tempat untuk berteduh dan salah satu nya adalah pohon.
4. 20. the rose ignored other plants’ advice to change its attitude because …
soalnya gak jelas boleh dikasih mungkin cerita nya biar bisa dilihat
5. the teacher is very important because they can makes other people .....
smart. / succes
Yes, the teachers makes people's children smart and makes people's children know about what they don't know
6. D. A farmer and a emperor16. Why did not the man let the farmer use the water from the well?A Because the man needed the water for himselfB. Because there was no water in the wellC Because the man obeyed what the emperor saidD. Because the mean thought that lead sold the wellbut the water was not involved
a the man needed it for himself
maaf jika salah
7. menyusun kata jogging-the-energetic-old-man-is-he-because-likes
Menyusun kata:
jogging - the - energetic - old - man - is - he - because - likes
answer : The old man is energetic because he likes jogging.
(Lelaki tua itu aktif karena dia suka jogging/lari-lari kecil.)
8. the man .....(talk)on the phone when he(crash)against the other car artinya
The man was talking on the phone when he crashed against the other car.
Artinya : pria itu sedang berbincang di telepon saat dia menabrak mobil yang lain
pria itu berbicara di telephone ketika ia menabrak mobil lain
jadi pria itu lagi teleponan trus karena dia ga fokus nyetir jadinya dia nabrak mobil. gitu
9. The man had to stop under the tree because
Pria itu harus berhenti di bawah pohon karena
mungkin lelah dan harus beristirahat
10. lanjutkan shirt story berikut minimal 150 kata, terimakasih "A girl and a young man were falling in love. They're love each other, but the girl's parents didnt agree with it. They asked the man to leave the girl because..."
... they have promised their friend, "name" 's son to be engaged to their daughter. But their daughter won't listen. She ran away from home and arrived at the young man's house. "I ran away, I will be with you. No matter what!" She told the young man who hugged her right away. The young man then married the girl. As soon as they bought a new house, the girl became more quiet. The young man is curious and about to ask her about what's making her different. Just then, the girl was singing on her room by the mirror. AND SOMEHOW IT'S NOT THE GIRL ANYMORE!!! SHE TURNED INTO SOME DEMON! /I'm sorry/ And the desk was wet, as the young man looked at the mirror, the girl was crying. "What's wrong my sunshine?" /whoops, you might want to change that/ the girl turned as she answer the young man. "I'm alright." "Then, why are you crying?" "I'm happy." "You cry when you're happy?" "I....I miss my family, I miss my parents, I miss my mom's cooking, my dad's snore, I miss them so much. I feel sorry for running away..." She cried and cried more. The young man suddenly felt heartbroken, he felt so betrayed HE WANTS TO KILL HER RIGHT AWAY / too much emotion here/. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have married you without your parents permission, I shouldn't have moved here without you being happy." "I-it's not your fault. If maybe I listen to my parents, this won't happen." AND AGAIN THE YOUNG MAN FELT HURT SO MUCH HE KICKED THE GIRL OUT OF THEIR HOUSE :V ~THE END~ because the man doesn't has the criteria that the girl's parent want. so the young man start hardworking to collect moneys for his future girl, eventhough he didn't know how its would going to. he is hardworking to proofing the girl's parent that he was the best man that the girl ever had. so when the time is right, and the young man has established his own career and being rich, he asked the parent to proposed their daughter to be his fiances, so the girl parents answered.....(silahkan lanjutin sendiri, itu gatau dah berapa kata)
11. .Why did the dog want to get the other meat? Because..
because it's still hungry
where are you doing tonight of your life is good for you doing tonight of your regret when you hurt someone's heart with the description of the YouTube's link
12. Cerita narative the kusu legend 1. Why did they move to other island? A. Because they bored with the village B. Because the island began to crowd C. Because they dont like to live in the island anymore D. Because the other island was quite E. Because they liked to travel
D. Because the other island was quitejawabannya d, karna yang pulau sebelumnya kan berisik
lalu mereka pengen ke tempat yg tenang
13. lengkapi kalimat the man.......bag was stolen looked some help menggunakan relative pronoun
yaengak tau kok Tanya saya
14. the man let out a cry and jump several paces because
maybe he make a pilgrimage, then pass through a graveyard of someone who loves him
15. the man was sick he looked very pale.. sastra inggris.. tlgbantu jawab ya
The man was sick. He looks very pale, and he had a crutch beside him "The man who was sick, he looked very pale" 89% itu jawabannya.
16. The man (run) because the dog (want) to get the meat in his hand. the correctpattern of the sentence is... a. the man ran because the dog wants to get the meat in his handb. the man runs because the dog wanted to get the meat in his handc. the man run because the dog wants to get the meat in his handd. the man was running because the dog wants to get the meat in his hande. the man ran because the dog wanted to get the meat in his hand
jawabannya yang : D
*maaf kalu salah, semoga membantu, tq.Jawabannya adalah D
because im good at english
17. 1. What is the man doing? 2. What do you think the man says? 3. What ate the other expression you can use?
Jawaban:1 . At first glance as if talking individually to individuals2 . I think he's talking about work3 . Serious, Casual, Not Tense, Average
18. 1. Therelationship between tje speakers is probably ? 2. The dialog is about ? 3. The man says ....... To respond the compliments the man because? 4. The boy compliments the man because? 5. The speakers look?
1. Apakah ada hubungan antara pembicara tje? 2. Dialognya adalah tentang? 3. Pria itu mengatakan ....... Untuk menanggapi pujian orang itu karena? 4. Anak laki-laki memuji pria itu karena? 5. Speaker terlihat?
19. early man used weapons because the needed to find food
laki - laki sekarang menggunakan senjata karena butuh untuk mencari makan.awalnya Laki laki menggunakan senjata karena dibutuhkan untuk mncari makan
20. tolong lanjutkan short story berikut, min 150 kata yaa, makasih "A girl and a young man were falling in love. They're love each other, but the girl's parents didnt agree with it. They asked the man to leave the girl because..."
because there's another man who better than a man. the girl vry sad knowing her mother didnt agree w their relationship.. but a man didnt gave up .. he keep fighting . he try and try to be the best. but, his effort being ignored by girl's mom.. and the man finally gave up, he tell the girl dat she should forget him and obey what his mother want. the girl confused cuz a man give up so easily. and then.... the girl bunuh diri :"v
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