Essay On Newspaper In Hindi

Essay On Newspaper In Hindi

I read it at/in/on a newspaper

Daftar Isi

1. I read it at/in/on a newspaper

i read it on a newspaper


smg mmbntu

2. essay on national education day in ingglish​


esai tentang pendidikan di ingglish

3. find a text in google , newspaper or in magazines that gives opinion on something.​


I dont understand youre question



What does it mean


.... ... .!..

4. Change the sentence to negative !“Father reads newspaper in the morning"A. Father do not reads newspaper in the morningB. Father does not reads newspaper in the morningC. Father is not reads newspaper in the morningD. Father are not reads newspaper in the morning​

C. Father is not reads newspaper in the morning

A. Father do not reads newspaper in the morning

5. I am writing to you on response to your advertisement for a local manager newspaper appeared in the jawa pos on sunday translate


Saya menulis kepada Anda sebagai tanggapan atas iklan Anda untuk surat kabar manajer lokal yang muncul di jawa pos pada hari Minggu

translate b.indo


maaf bgt kolo Salah kak blh report aku kok kolo salah




6. There _________ a newspaper on the table in the kitchen but I _________ read it. ​


There is a newspaper on the table in the kitchen but I have not read it


"a" menyatakan singular = is

"but i" menyatakan belum dibaca = have not

7. Write a newspaper report about a car thief who got trapped in his stolen car.can you guys help me to write this essay

Tulis laporan surat kabar tentang pencuri mobil yang terperangkap di mobil curiannya dapat kalian bantu saya untuk menulis esai ini.

semoga membantu :)

8. 11. Arrange these words into good sentence.livingroom - is-grandfather - newspaper - in-the-reading - aA. Grandfather is in the livingroom newspaper a readingB. Grandfather is reading in the livingroom newspaper aC. Grandfather is reading a newspaper in the livingroomD. Grandfather is in the livingroom a newspaper reading​


C. Grandfather is reading a newspaper in the livingroom.

Jawaban: C. Grand father is reading a newspaper in the living room.


9. 9. Where is this kind of minouncement usually found?A. On the billboardB. In the newspaper.C. In the student textbook.D. On the school announcement board​


yang D kakak jawabannya

10. Sisca....(cook/Cooks) in the kitchen My father .......( Read/reads) a newspaper, whice drinking coffe on the morning


cooks ; reads


Sisca dan my Father itu adalah singular , artinya harus pakai "s" dibelakang verbnya (kata kerjanya)


Sisca Cooks in the kitchen

My father reads a newspaper, whice drinking coffe on the morning


ada ''s'' karena sedang dilakukan

11. rendra is ... a newspaper on thesofa

rendra is reading a newspaper on the sofaRendra is reading a newspaper on thesofa

12. l'm interested in one of the ...... in newspaper


13. rendra is... a newspaper on the sofa

Renda is *reading* a newspaper on the sofaLike
Maaf klo salah
Semoga membantu

14. Newspaper reports event that happen .......the future ( Cocoknya pakai in,on atau at)





artinya ?


GK ngerti artinya aku :)

15. A. Am the newspaper in the kitchen?B. Is the newspaper in the kitchen?C. Are the newspaper in the kitchen?yang mana yang benar?​

Pernyataan yang benar

B. Is the newspaper in the kitchen ?


1) Newspaper berbentuk tunggal sehingga memakai to be "is"

Semoga Bermanfaat

Terima Kasih \^_^/


B. is the newspaper in the kitchen?


they we are you tidak suka s

he she it suka s

16. why tamil is official language in singapore not hindi?

The reason Tamil is official language in Singapore not Hindi:

Tamil people is the third largest ethnicity in Singapore. People from Tamil was the first settlers in the island of Singapore under the Chola empire of Tamil Nadu in 1025 AD. It was the victory by a legendary king Rajendra Chola conquering the Hindu empire of Sri Vijaya (Indonesia/Malaysia).

The naming of Singapore is derived from Sanskrit or Tamil language, in which Singa means lion and pore means city. This is the origin of why Singapore is called the Lion City. There are other similar naming of Singapore by the Tamil emperors such as Singampunari near Madurai. Many places in South East Asia are named after from Sanskrit/Indian language words.

Singapore and India were colonized by the British in the 18th century. Singapore was utilized by the British as a main Asian port to strengthen its influence in India. It resulted a huge group of Indian traders and laborers flocking to Singapore, mainly from the south part of India. Tamil people was known to be sea travelers and they took this opportunity presented by the British. They quickly migrated to Singapore and made up one of the largest population in the Singapore culture, third only to the Chinese and Malay population.

While the Tamil is the most spoken Indian language by the large majority of the Indian population in Singapore, Hindi, on the other hand is the least spoken by the Indians in Singapore.

Therefore, the Tamil is declared as an official language of Singapore for Indians, instead of Hindi.


Cerita di atas tergolong Descriptive Text dimana penulis menjelaskan sesuatu cerita untuk menunjukkan suatu kesimpulan. Narasi dari Descriptive Text dapat berupa sebuah cerita tentang seseorang/sekumpulan orang, binatang, tumbuhan, benda, tempat/lokasi, kebudayaan, kondisi sosial, fenomena, dll. Tujuan dari Descriptive text adalah memberi penjelasan atas sesuatu yang ingin disampaikan ke pembaca secara detail sehingga pembaca dapat memahami fakta yang disampaikan oleh penulis.

Ciri-ciri Descriptive Text adalah sebagai berikut:

1. Menggunakan Simple Present Tense yang menjelaskan hal-hal dalam konteks umum.

2. Banyak menggunakan adjective (kata sifat) untuk mengklarifikasikan kata benda yang mengikutinya. Contoh dari text di atas: the third largest ethnicity, huge group.

3. Pemakaian relating verb (kata kerja penghubung). Contoh: is, was, as

Pelajari lebih lanjut:

Pengertian Descriptive Text

Penjelasan Descriptive Text

#BelajarBersamaBrainly #SPJ4

17. my father...newspaper in the veranda

Bila dalam perintah diminta simple present tense:
My father READS newspaper in the veranda.

Bila dalam perintah diminta present continuous tense
My father IS READING newspaper in the veranda

18. contoh commercials on newspaper


19. You may find the weather forecasts like this in these places, except....A On televisionC. In the magazineB In the newspaperD.In the comic​






20. part of newspaper in the newspepar​


bagian dari surat kabar di surat kabar

maaf yah kalau salah

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