It Was The Help He Got From His Friends

It Was The Help He Got From His Friends

10.How did Firman learn dance?a. He do a lot of exercisesb. He learn it from his brotherc. He learn it through videosd. He learn it when he was younge. He learn it from his friends​

Daftar Isi

1. 10.How did Firman learn dance?a. He do a lot of exercisesb. He learn it from his brotherc. He learn it through videosd. He learn it when he was younge. He learn it from his friends​



C. He learn it through video

2. How did Firman learn dance?a. He do a lot of exercisesb. He learn it from his brotherc. He learn it through videosd. He learn it when he was younge. He learn it from his friends​

mana teks atau cerita sebelum pertanyaan itu?

jawabannya diperoleh dari teks atau cerita tersebut.

3. How did the writer get the T-shirt? A. His sister gave it to him. B. He got it as a gift from Elvis? C. He bought it with his prize money D. It was the prize of scrabble competition​




He bought it with his prize money

dijelaskan di paragraf 1 baris ke 4

4. Last week Jason(1) to a big party at his friendshouse. The party (2) at 1. am and he got home at 1.30.After he got home he watched TV and(3) on thesofa. Suddenly he fell off the sofa and he(4). It was9 in the morning! He (5) to the kitchen and had a cup oftea. He (6) breakfast. At 9.15 he (7) his bicycleout of the garage.Oh, No ! It (8) broken. He (9) his bicycle and ranto school. He got to school at 9.50 but the school was veryquiet.He was really worried because nobody was at school, he(10) to go back home.His parents (11) still in bed when he(13) the calendar and heHe (15) that it was Sundayhe112) Then(14)​

1. went

2. finished

3. laid

4. woke up

5. went

6. ate

7. spent

8. evidently



11. slept

13. looked at the

14. realized

12. disappointed

14.  went back to sleep

5. It was about 3 30 in the aftemoon Mr Twaiyo had just come back from the forestafter collecting some firewood Before it got dark, he went back home to take a bathand get some restNothing was suspicious when he entered his house yard. However, just as hewent into his house, there was a tiger, standing still in his living room. It was glaring athim. He stunned by the horror he found He saw his wife, shocked, in front of thebedroom door Her face as white as paper, He knew his family was also in dangerMr Tugiyo took several steps back. He gave a sign to his wife to enter and lockthe bedroom After he was sure that his wife was safe, he went out of his house andlocked the front door. Then, he screamed for help from the neighbors. One of hisneighbors called the police Later some policeman and officers from the zoo arvedand caught the tigerFinally, the tiger was brought to the nearest zoo safely The officers said that thetiger was searching for food and it came from the nearby forest"Her face was as white as paper" (Paragraph 2)The underlined phrase has a similar meaning toOA. softOB. paleOC. cleanD. tenderO​




white seperti kertas berarti muka

6. "he got to work really, really late ........ he missed his from​

he got to work really, really late and he missed his from

7. 1. he can play it very easy, because it is his hobby2. when Hendra followed chess games3. he got the first winner and got a trophy.4. he was very happy when his friends said to him "Congratulation for youArrange into a good Paragraph!​


2-1-3-4 i'm sorry if this wrong

8. Eric Holland, aded 80. From Thurgoona,now South Wales, got a surpriese this morming.He was working in his Shed in the backyardWhen he heard a Strange Voica coming fromhis backyard, Ha chacked it and sawan enormous lizard in his bacyard.The rastile was crawling among hisPlants. It was about 1,5 motor long.Ha was tarrifiled, so ha slowlyStalled back into the Shed. He thoughit was an alien or something. The hedecided to take alook at the lizardonca more, this time, it was Climbingon the wall of his house. When thelizard Saw Eric. It quickly crawledaway into the bush!​


Eric Holland, usia 80 tahun. Dari Thurgoona,

sekarang South Wales, dapatkan surpriese morming ini.

Dia bekerja di gudang di halaman belakang

Saat dia mendengar suara Strange Voica datang

halaman belakang rumahnya, Ha mengunyahnya dan melihat

seekor kadal besar di bacyardnya.

Rastile itu merangkak di antara miliknya

Tanaman. Panjangnya sekitar 1,5 motor.

Ha itu bertar, jadi ha pelan-pelan

Terhenti kembali ke dalam Shed. Dia sekalipun

itu alien atau semacamnya. Dia

memutuskan untuk mengamati kadal itu

onca lagi, kali ini adalah Climbing

di dinding rumahnya. Ketika

kadal Melihat Eric. Itu dengan cepat merangkak

pergi ke semak-semak


semoga bermanfaat dan jan lupa 5 star ny

9. Read the text carefully and answer the question below!A tiger in a villager's house.It was about 05.00 in the afternoon. Mr.Sembiring had just come back from the field. As usuallyBefore it got dark, he went back home to take a bath and get some rest.Nothing was suspicious when he entered his house yard. However, just as he went into hishouse, there was a tiger, standing still in his living room. It was glaring at him. He stunned by the horrorhe found. He saw his wife, stood in front of the bedroom door. Her face as white as paper. He knew hisfamily was also in danger.Mr. sembiring took several steps back. He gave a sign to his wife to enter and lock the bedroomAfter he was sure that his wife was safe, he went out of his house and locked the front door. Then, hescreamed for help from the neighbours. One of his neighbours called the police. Later some policemanand officers from the zoo arrived and caught the tigerFinally, the tiger was brought to the nearest zoo safely. The officers said that the tiger wassearching for food and it came from the nearby forest.1. Based on the content of the text, what type of the text above ?​


Type of the text above is recount text.


1. Berdasarkan konten teksnya, apa jenis teks di atas?

Jawabannya : recount text.

➡ Jika dicermati dari konten dan struktur teks, ini termasuk recount text di mana menceritakan pengalaman seseorang di masa lalu.

Struktur umum recount text terlihat jelas dalam unsur² bagian tubuhnya berikut ini :

ORIENTATION [Bagian pembuka paragraf, berisi pengenalan tokoh, scene cerita, kapan dan di mana kejadian tersebut muncul]

It was about 05.00 in the afternoon. Mr.Sembiring had just come back from the field. As usually Before it got dark, he went back home to take a bath and get some rest.

SEQUENCES OF EVENTS [Paragraf ini berisi penjabaran kronologi, runtutan kejadian].

Nothing was suspicious when he entered his house yard. However, just as he went into his house, there was a tiger, standing still in his living room. It was glaring at him. He stunned by the horror he found. He saw his wife, stood in front of the bedroom door. Her face as white as paper. He knew his family was also in danger. Mr. sembiring took several steps back. He gave a sign to his wife to enter and lock the bedroom. After he was sure that his wife was safe, he went out of his house and locked the front door. Then, he screamed for help from the neighbours. One of his neighbours called the police. Later some policeman and officers from the zoo arrived and caught the tiger.

RE-ORIENTATION [Bagian penutup paragraf, berisi kesimpulan/pendapat si penulis].

Finally, the tiger was brought to the nearest zoo safely. The officers said that the tiger was searching for food and it came from the nearby forest.


Learn more about

Factual recount

Personal recount



Grade : X

Subject : English

Category : intensive reading

Code : 10.5.8

Keywords : type of text, a tiger in the villager's house

10. The writer and his friends to their lodge.... it was dark there


Cause and Effect

The writer and his friends to their lodge because it was dark there


Pengertian Cause and Effect

Cause adalah:

The reason or motive, for an action Why something happen Happen first

Effect adalah:

Result or conclusion of an action What happened Happens due to a cause

Jadi cause and effect biasa juga disebut dengan kalimat sebab-akibat atau kalimat kausalitas adalah kalimat yang dibangun dengan melibatkan tindakan yang membuat sesuatu terjadi dan hasil dari tindakan tersebut. Paling gampang ditandai dengan kata hubung yang menandakan sebab akibat.

Signal words of cause

Ketika kita bicara tentang cause maka kata- kata yang dapat kita gunakan adalah sebagai berikut:

Because  the reason for  On account of  Bring about  Give rise to  Created by  Contributed to  Led to  Due to  For this reason  Unless

Signal words of Effect

Ketika kita bicara tentang effect maka kata- kata yang dapat kita gunakan adalah sebagai berikut:

As a result  Then  Hence  For this reason Outcome  So  Consequently Finally  Therefore  In order to

The sentence structure of cause and effect

Due to/Because of/owing to/Thanks to + noun Because/Since/As/For/As a result of + subject + verb


Owing to her hard work and intelligence, we won the trophy. Thanks to Ammar and Ameera’s effective planning, the event went well Because of his hard work, he managed to get the best student award I have  a stomach ache because I ate too much food There was a lot of homework  and test, as a result most of the students were unhappy and couldn’t go anywhere during the weekend.  I don’t go to school because I am sick I am sleepy, so I don’t go to school He can not drive as he does not have license Since he was sick, the teacher allowed her to stay at home Now Ammar lives far from his family that he can be an independent boy Now Amira is sick that she can't go to school. Now Iqbal has a new car that he can give a lift for his friends Since Ammar has much money so he can buy a new car for his parents  Since Ammira becomes a very famous singer so she is very busy every day  Since Iqbal has been promoted as a manager so he always does his best in everything Ammar is such a very smart student that he can pass the test to enter in UI. Ammira has such a very beautiful voice that she becomes a very famous singer Iqbal is such a good man that I choose him as my husband.  The glaciers began to melt; therefore, the land bridge between Asia and North America became flooded.  because they wanted to learn about different civilizations that existed, archaeologists studied artifacts my sister was very tired because she stayed up past midnight she can't go on vacation because she doesn't have enough money I don't have Katya's phone number so I can't call her


materi tentang cause and effect :



Kelas : 11

Mata Pelajaran: bahasa Inggris

Bab : 4

Kode:11 .5.4

Kata Kunci : cause and effect

11. The text is for questions 30 to 331 It was about 3.30 in the afternoon. Mr. Tugiyo had just come back from the forest after collecting some firewood. Before it got dark, he went back home to take a bath and get some Nothing was suspicious when he entered his house yard. However, just as he went into his house, there was a tiger, standing still in his living room. It was glaring at him. He stunned by the horror he found. He saw his wife, shocked in front of the bedroom door. Her face as white as paper. He knew his family was also in danger, Mr. Tugiyo took several steps back. He gave a sign to his wife to enter and lock the bedroom. After he was sure that his wife was safe, he went out of his house and locked the front door. Then, he screamed for help from the neighbours. One of his neighbours called the police. Later some policemen and officers from the zoo arrived and caught the tiger. Finally, the tiger was brought to the nearest zoo safely. The officers said that the tiger was searching for food and it came from nearby forest. what does the underling word mean​


Teks untuk pertanyaan 30 sampai 331 Waktu itu sekitar jam 3.30 sore. Pak Tugiyo baru saja kembali dari hutan setelah mengumpulkan beberapa kayu bakar. Sebelum hari gelap, dia pulang ke rumah untuk mandi dan mengambil beberapa. Tidak ada yang mencurigakan ketika dia memasuki halaman rumahnya. Namun, tepat ketika dia masuk ke rumahnya, ada seekor harimau, berdiri diam di ruang tamunya. Itu melotot padanya. Dia tercengang oleh kengerian yang dia temukan. Dia melihat istrinya, kaget di depan pintu kamar. Wajahnya seputih kertas. Dia tahu keluarganya juga dalam bahaya, Pak Tugiyo mundur beberapa langkah. Dia memberi tanda kepada istrinya untuk masuk dan mengunci kamar tidur. Setelah yakin istrinya aman, dia keluar dari rumahnya dan mengunci pintu depan. Kemudian, dia berteriak minta tolong dari tetangga. Salah satu tetangganya menelepon polisi. Kemudian beberapa polisi dan petugas dari kebun binatang datang dan menangkap harimau itu. Akhirnya harimau itu dibawa ke kebun binatang terdekat dengan selamat. Petugas mengatakan bahwa harimau itu sedang mencari makanan dan itu berasal dari hutan terdekat.

apa arti dari kata bawahan


itu klo artinya maaaf klo salah

12. Read the following recount text, and then answer the questions.Eric Holland aged 80, from Thurgoona, New South Wales, got a surprise thismoming. He was working in his shed in the backyard when he heard a strange VOICEcoming from his backyard He checked it and saw an enormous lizard in his backyardThe reptile was crawling among his piants lt was about 1.5 meter langHe was ternfied so he slowly slepped back into the shed He thought it was analien or something. Then he decided to take a look at the lizard once more. This time, itwas climbing on the wall of his house When the lizard saw Erie, it quickly crawled awainto the bushQuestions :1. What was Enc doing that morning?2. What did he find?3. Why did he step back into the shed?4. What was the lizard doing when Eric saw it for the second time?5. What happened at the end?​


1. is working in this hut

2. see a lizard

4. crawing to brush sarubs

13. When his mom got home, he ___________ his homework. He asked her to help him with it


Ketika ibunya sampai di rumah, dia ___________ pekerjaan rumahnya. Dia memintanya untuk membantunya

,ok makasih


ketika ibunya pulang, dia ..... pekerjaan rumahnya. Dia memintanya untuk menelponnya dengan itu


kurang lebih begituu

14. It was about 3.30 in the afternoon. Mr Tugiyo had just come back from the forest after collecting some firewood. Before it got dark, he went back home to take a bath and get some rest. Nothing was suspicious when he entered his house yard. However, just as he went into his house, there was a tiger, standing still in his living room. It was glaring at him. He stunned by the horror he found, He saw his wife, shocked, in front of the bedroom door. Her face as white as paper. He knew his family was also in danger. Mr Tugiyo took several steps back. He gave a sign to his wife to enter and lock the bedroom. After he was sure that his wife was safe, he went out of his house and locked the front door. Then, he screamed help from the neighbours. One of his neighbours called the police. Later some policemen and officers from the zoo arrived and caught the tiger Finally, the tiger was brought to the nearest zoo safely. The officers said that the tiger was searching for food and it came from the nearby forest. 18.What is the best title for the story? *4 poinA. A Tiger in a Villager's HouseB. A Tiger in the Nearby ZooC. The Police and the TigerD. Finding Food for a Tiger​


A. A Tiger in a Villager's House

15. X: Yesterday was his birthday, he got present from his parents,. ? Y:Oh really​.


X: kemarin adalah ulang tahunnya, dia mendapat hadiah dari orang tuanya

Y:Oh benarkah


ini di translate kan?

16. 200 Last week Jason went to a big party at his friends house. The party 11 at 1 a.m. And he got home at 1.30. After he got home, he 12 ... TV and felt sleep on the sofa. Suddenly, he 13... off the sofa and he woke up. It was 9 in the morning. He ran to the kitchen and had a cup of tea. He 14... have breakfast. At 9.15 he 15... his bicycle out of the garage. Oh no! It was broken. He 16... his bicycle and ran to school. He got to school at 9.50 but the school was very quiet. He was really worried because nobody was at school. He 17... to go back home. His parents was still in bed when he got home. Then he 18... at the calendar and he 19... . He 20... that it was Sunday .​


12. he trun on TV

13.Fell off

14.kurang tau sy

15.bring out




19.gk tau

20.was suprices

17. 1. He can play it very easy, because it is his hobby2. When Hendra followed chess games3. He got the first winner and got a trophy.4. He was very happy when his friends said to him "Congratulation for youArrange into a good Paragraph!​






18. Some days later, the Lion got caught in a hunter's (6) _. He roared and tried to break free but he couldn't. He (7) - loudly and asked for help. The Mouse heard the Lion's roar. He came and (8) the Lion. He bit the net with his sharp (9) and the Lion was free. He (10) the Mouse for his help. From that day on, the Lion and the Mouse were good friends. helped thanked teeth net roared Minta tolong dibantu

6. Net

7. Roared

8. Helped

9. Teeth

10. Thanked


6) net

7) roared

8) helped

9) teeth

10) thanked

19. He usually..........his friends to his house to eat the banana cake.his friends......... The banana cake very much.they say , it ......... a delicious cake


He usually goes with his friends to his house to eat banana cakes. His friends brought a lot of banana cakes. They say, it's a delicious cake

20. he ... the present he got from his poor friends.a. isn't appreciateb. don't appreciatec. doesn't appreciated. aren't appreciatee. haven't appreciatedmenggunakan present past time​


He (doesn't appreciate) the present he got from his poor friends.


Memakai does karena subjek adalah he (does digunakan untuk subjek he, she, it)

Sedangkan do digunakan untuk subjek I, you, they, we.

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