Write An Editorial For A Popular Daily On Communal Harmony

Write An Editorial For A Popular Daily On Communal Harmony

write an cause and effect conservation on your daily activities​

Daftar Isi

1. write an cause and effect conservation on your daily activities​


tulis konservasi sebab dan akibat pada aktivitas harian Anda

2. Write a text about your daily routine on sunday


Write a Text about your daily routine on Sunday

di terjemahkan menjadi:

Tuliskan Teks Tentang rutinitas harian Anda pada hari Minggu.

Jadi Jawaban Ini Tergantung Diri Kamu sendiri

Kasih tau dulu aktivitas kamu di hari Minggu Nanti saya terjemahkan

3. write a text about your daily routine on sunday​


in the sunset i wake up,after wake up i washed the clothes,after that i go to school.and after that i back to home.inhome i swept the floor and i sleep


maaf kalau salah

4. write down your daily activity on school?​

My daily activities at school:

1. I usually go to class after I arrive at school

2. I meet my friends and greet them

3. Usually, in Monday morning, we go to the field to attend a ceremony

4. We study hard on subjects we study at that day.

5. After few hours, we have break. I talk, eat, and relax with friends of mine.

6. We continue to study until it is time to go home. (Pakai ini jika sekolah anda melakukan hanya sekali istirahat).

Atau pakai yang bawah ini jika anda memiliki dua kali istirahat.

6. I continue to study until noon when it is time for a lunch break. It is really refreshing for me after hours of studying.

7. I go back to classroom to study again until it is time to go home.

*Sorry if there is any unnecessary words in the daily activities, thanks*

5. write your own daily activitieson monday morning:every morning:every evening:​


Monday Activities

In The Morning: Wake up before 06.00, make my bed, take a shower, wear my outfit, doing breakfast, change to school uniform, and get ready for the 1st class

In The Evening: Take a shower, wear new outfit, eat dinner, read some books, watch tv for a while, brush teeth, get ready for sleep


Semoga benar


Hello, kk coba bantu jawab yaa!

Beef Rendang

This dish originated from Padang, Sumatra. Padang food is famous for its spicyness and richness in flavor. You definitely have to try Beef Rendang. It is somehow similar to Beef Curry but without the broth. We get to appreciate this dish because it take forever to cook to get that tenderness out of the beef. Try this Padang goodness and let the world know how tasty it is!

Makanan ini berasal dari Padang, Sumatera. Makanan Padang terkenal dengan rasa pedas dan kaya akan rasa. Anda pasti harus mencoba Rendang Daging Sapi. Hal ini entah bagaimana mirip dengan Kari Daging Sapi tetapi tanpa kaldu. Kami menghargai hidangan ini karena butuh waktu lama untuk memasak untuk mendapatkan kelembutan dari daging sapi. Cobalah kebaikan Padang ini dan biarkan dunia tahu betapa lezatnya itu!

Nasi Uduk

This aromatic dish is also one of Indonesia’s national dish. The meal revolves around rice cooked in coconut milk. It is quite similar to Nasi Lemak from our neighbouring country, Malaysia. The difference is that nasi uduk is usually served with fried chicken, tempe (soybean cake), shredded omelette, fried onion, anchovies and topped with sambal and emping (melinjo nut crackers). You definitely cannot leave out sambal for Nasi Uduk. This dish is popular among lunchtime crowds.

Hidangan aromatik ini juga merupakan salah satu hidangan nasional Indonesia. Makanannya berkisar pada nasi yang dimasak dengan santan. Hampir mirip dengan Nasi Lemak dari negara tetangga kita, Malaysia. Bedanya, nasi uduk biasanya disajikan dengan ayam goreng, tempe, telor dadar, bawang goreng, teri, dan ditaburi sambal dan emping (kerupuk kacang melinjo). Anda pasti tidak bisa meninggalkan sambal untuk Nasi Uduk. Hidangan ini populer di kalangan orang banyak saat makan siang.


- I hope this answer will help u -

Example:Fried rice/Nasi goreng and Indomie/Noodle


Fried rice is one of many food in Indonesia that is so popular in other country.

Indomie is like normal noodle but Indomie is using Special spice from Indonesia

7. Write down the inside parts of the congratulation cards based on the cover. Write at least two sentences. 1.your friend has got an apportunity to be an interpreter in an international conference on inter religion dialogue to create and preserve peace and harmony


me : "hello dana. i heard that you got an opportunity to be an interprener in a internasional conferense?"

dana : "yap, that's right"

me : "woah amazing! what would you do there?"

dana : "i will create dialogue to preserve peace and harmony"

me : "oh ya? i wish what you do will going well. good luck!"


maaf kalo salah

8. Write your daily activities on Sunday from morning until night! Write the times, too! No. Activity​


Tulis aktivitas harianmu di hari Minggu dari pagi hingga malam! Tulis waktunya juga! No Aktivitas


tinggal tulis aja ngapain aja kmu hr Minggu ^^

ge pamungkas (genrifinardi pamungkas) is a comica of stand up comedy. he is graduate from parahyangan university. other he can make a jokes, he also acting in attractive film such as negeri van oranje and comic 8, he have one drama show in net tv (the east). his girlfriend is indonesian actress, angie ang.

10. artikan dalam bahsa indonesia di bawah ini!!1)write on a piece of paper your family birthday. 2)write on a piece of paper daily activityartikan yah!!

1. tuliskan di kertas selembar ulang tahun keluargamu
2. tuliskan di kertas selembar aktivitas sehari-hari1.tuliis dalam selembar kertas ulang tahun keluargamu
2.tulis dalam selembar kertas kegiatan sehari hari

11. 10. Write a text about your daily routine on Sunday.tolong di jawab ya.​


My daily routine:

My name is Adam. I always wake up at 7 o’clock in the morning then I wash my face and brush my teeth. After that, I do some exercises then I put my clothes on and prepare my school bag. Next, I have my breakfast and wait for the school bus. At 8 o’clock I go to school and start my first class then I go to the second class. After that, I often take my lunch break and talk with my friends. At around 12 noon I go back home and take a rest. Next, I usually watch some TV and chat with my family then I do my homework and help my mother in the house. At 9 o’clock I read a book and go to sleep.

12. Write down the inside parts of the congratulationcard based on the cover. 1. Your immediate neighbor, who has been married for 10 year, has got a cute baby girl 2. Your friend has got an apportunity to be an interpreter in an international conference on inter religion dialogue to create and preserve peace and harmony

1. Dear Alik and Nur
wow..! congratulations on the birth of your baby in your 10 years of your marriage. I hope your baby grows into a healthy child intelligent, dutiful to parents and of course hopefully the cute baby will grow up to be a beautiful girl like her mother.
Warm regards
Fitry and family

2. Dear Alik
oh.. God, congratulations buddy! I'm very proud of you. I know this is your dream be an interpreter in an international conference is a great achievement, so keep your dream up!. You made our country proud of you.
your friend


13. write your daily activities​


ini bisa di bilang aktivitas kita sehari-hari buat dalam bentuk bahasa Indonesia dulu nanti ubah pake bahasa Inggris


semoga bermanfaat

14. 45. Write the daily activity based on the picture ! ​


he brushes his teeth at 5 a.m.

he eats breakfast at 6 a.m.

he reads at (sesuai jam ga kelihatan)

he draws at ...

he plays ball at ...

he plays his toys at 7 p.m.

he sleeps at ...

jadikan jawaban terbaik ^^


5 am henry take a shower

6 am henry having a breakfast

then henry reads a book

henry drawing the cat

henry playing tennis outside

7 pm henry playing his toys at home

then he go sleep

15. 15. Where can you probably find the text?A. On an announcement board.B. On an advertisement column.C. On an editorial column.D. On an opinion column.E. On a pen-pal column.​


D. On an opinion column


Arti dari pertanyaan nya. Dimana Anda mungkin bisa menemukan teks nya?

jawaban yang paling tepat adalah D.

On an opinion column artinya dikolong pendapat

16. Write down your daily activites on sunday


My daily activities On Sunday

1. I do ironing in the morning

2. My friends and I do gossiping at cafe

3. My family and I do shopping in Supermarket

4. Do nothing

5. I wash my clothes

6. My sister and I go swimming to the beach.

17. Write your daily routines in a week

I woke up at 5 am. Then I got up to take Subuh prayer. Afterward I tidied up my bathroom such as opening the window, turning off the lamp, sweeping the floor and arranging my pillow and bolsters and folding my blanket.
After that I went outside my house to work out. I did jogging around my house then I pushed up and sit up to build my muscle. After doing sport, I took a rest for a while. Then I took bath on my bathroom and brushed my teeth. Next I got dress my school uniform and looked to the mirror. I took my comb then I combed my hair.

While I prepared to go to school, my mother made me a breakfast in the kitchen. Then my mother called me to have a breakfast and then I went out from my bedroom to have a breakfast. I saw my father reading a newspaper in the living room so I asked my father to have a breakfast together. We had a breakfast at 7.30 am. After having breakfast, my mother gave me a glass of milk so I drank the milk. Afterwards, I helped my mother to clean the dishes. Next I used my shoes and prepared my motorcycle from the garage. Before I went to school, I asked permission to my mother and my father and shook their hands. Then I turned on my motorcycle and went to school.

18. write biographies often popular?​


Biographies help us gain insight into how successful people handle crises and solve complex problems. ... They invite us into people's lives, allowing us to observe them as they grapple with challenges and make important decisions.

19. write a your daily activity(15 sentences)​


My Daily Activities

Everyday I wake up at 4.00 am. My parents help to wake me up. I make the bed, and do dawn pray. I'm having breakfast and prepare for going to school. But at the moment I cant go to school, so I'm helping my parents with the household. Sweep and mop the floor. At 7.00 am, I'm having an online classes, study with my classmates and learn new things everyday. Doing school exercises and homework.


ini artinya tuliskan aktivitas sehari hari mu jadi,ini merupakan aktivitas sehari hari saya ya,kalau mau buat punya sendiri boleh juga,saya hanya memberi contoh

catatan tambahan: yang didalam kurung yang isinya ada angka itu tanda kalimatnya ya sehingga tidak perlu ditulis

I wake up everyday at 6.30 am.(kalimat 1)Then after i do that,i am going to have breakfast and take a shower.(2)But before that,I will brush my teeth in the bathroom.(3)Then at 7.20 or so,i will log in to whatsapp web,then enter my teacher's zoom meeting.(4)Before studying,i sometimes make sure that i brought my water bottle because i get thirsty.(5)Then at 9.40 i will usually get a snack or at least eat something.(6)Then at 10 am i will join the zoom meeting again.(7)I would study with my friends after that.(8) so at 12 i will still join the zoom meeting,but mostly at 12,we would not study and instead,do some other things like watching,which is enough to remove boredom.(9)Then,at 1 pm,i would eat my lunch and turn on the air conditioner.(10)At 1.45 i would eat dessert or drink some soft drinks.(11)Then i will do my homework,if i don't play tiktok cause it is really distracting, but maybe from now on i might be addicted to brainly haha.(12)Okay,so after that,i will watch youtube,listen to songs or podcasts,or do what most of the time in quarantine i do,play tiktok cause it is very addicting haha.(13)Next at 5 or 6 pm i will take a shower.(14)at 6.30 or 7 i will eat dinner, then i will continue to scroll the tiktok page and at 9 or 10 i will sleep(15)

maaf kalau ada salah salah kata ya,sekali lagi ini hanya contohnya aja


20. write a text about your daily routine on sundayplis tolong jawab​

tuliskan tentang rutinitas keseharian kamu pada hari minggu

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