What Differentiates Accenture Intelligent Platform Services

What Differentiates Accenture Intelligent Platform Services

what differentiates are type of bullying from another teenage bullying?

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1. what differentiates are type of bullying from another teenage bullying?

The diferent of teenage bullying anf other bullying:
1. teenage bullying is more rugged,
2. teenage bullying is more using mouth or the rough word,
3. if they're impatient, they can hurt your body and your heart..

Sekian, kayaknya bermanfaat.. ;)

2. what services are offered​


Technology solution and support for home users, home offices, and small-mid sized business.



3. what is the definition services ​

Jawaban:Services can basically be defined as the activities of a person, group or organization either directly or indirectly to meet needs

Penjelasan:maaf kalo salah

4. What are the issues of lower index education services in Indonesia?​


Apa masalah layanan pendidikan indeks rendah di Indonesia?

Education is a means of improving the quality of a nation, in general the progress of a nation cannot be separated from the progress of education in a country. The better the quality of education in a country, the more it will determine the country's progress.

The quality of education in Indonesia is currently so concerning. This is evidenced by UNESCO (2000) data regarding the Human Development Index (Human Development Index), which is a composition of achievement rankings in the fields of education, health, and per capita income which shows that the Human Development Index in Indonesia is decreasing, especially in the field of education.

The low quality of education can also be seen based on the list of quality education in the member countries of the Organization for Economic Development Cooperation (OECD) released on Wednesday, May 13 2015 by the BCC and the Financial Times. The results published in this release published the highest rankings of global schools.

Of the 76 countries, Indonesia is in the 69th position or the 8th lowest, while Singapore is one of the Asian countries that is able to occupy the top five positions. While many Asian countries are high on the OECD-made list, Indonesia's ranking has fallen to 69, only 7 ahead of Ghana at the bottom. Compared to Thailand, which is in 47th position, and Malaysia is in 52nd place, both of which are in the Asian region. The Indonesian nation should be able to learn from other Asian countries, if we see that our sons and daughters have the same potential as other Asian countries if we balance it with other potentials.

5. "what public services they are.1. otpffeocsi2.rrsaketeupm3 chruch​


1. Post office

2. *tidak tahu jawabannya*

3. Church


Maaf ya saya tidak bisa jawab no 2 karena bingung saya kalimatnya seperti menyusun

6. What is Internet Information Services Windows 10?


Internet Information Services(IIS) is nothing but an extended web server that is made by Microsoft so that it can be made use along with Windows NT. Also, ASP.Net developers will be looking to enable IIS in the first place as IIS is required to host ASP.NET.


sorry if i was wrong

7. 1. What does Lancaster Financial Services Ltd. offer? 2. What does Lancaster Financial Services Ltd. provide? 3. What does Lancaster Financial Services Ltd. match its knowledge-base to? 4. What type of planning does Lancaster Financial Services Ltd. offer? 5. What type of daily summary does Lancaster Financial Services Ltd. provide? 6. What do the monthly reports monitor?

Note: The answer of each reading comprehension question can be found in the text. To find the answer, you have to be able to find the keyword of the question in the text. Once you find the keyword, the answer must be nearby.


1. What does Lancaster Financial Services Ltd. offer?

Lancaster Financial Services Ltd. offers a wide range of financial package.

As written in the text: "Lancaster Financial Services Ltd. offers a wide range of financial package to suit the individual needs of its clients" (line 1)

2. What does Lancaster Financial Services Ltd. provide?

Lancaster Financial Services Ltd. provides advice based on their outstanding information sources.

As written in the text: " To that end, we provide advice based on our outstanding information sources." (line 3)

3. What does Lancaster Financial Services Ltd. match its knowledge-base to?

Lancaster Financial Services Ltd. matches its knowledge-base to our understanding of individual markets.

As written in the text: "Matching our knowledge-base with your understanding of individual markets can make you a big winner in the increasingly complex marketplace" (line 4)

4. What type of planning does Lancaster Financial Services Ltd. offer?

The type of planning that Lancaster Financial Services Ltd. offers is strategic planning

The answer can be found in the line 7

5. What type of daily summary does Lancaster Financial Services Ltd. provide?

The type of daily summary that Lancaster Financial Services Ltd. provides is daily summary of stock market and industry trends

The answer can be found in the line 10

6. What do the monthly reports monitor?

The monthly reports monitor company-to-peer performance

The answer can be found in the line 12.

I hope the answer is clear enough and matches with your expectation

Detil tambahan:

Kelas: SMP

Pelajaran: bahasa inggris

Kategori: Advertisement

8. What is offering help/services meaning? Explain !

Offering is asking someone rather they want it or not
Example:john is offering james a cookie

Help is doing something for others that makes them happy
Example: help your little brother study for his exam

Semoga membantu;)

9. In what ways can we respect the services of the independency figures?


1. Remember the services of the heroes and make it motivation

2. Mutual Respect and Respect.

3. Love the Motherland

4. take part in building the country

5. help others.


semoga membantu :)

10. What are goods and services


Goods are items that are usually tangible, such as pens, salt, apples, and hats. Services are activities provided by other people, who include doctors, lawn care workers, dentists, barbers, waiters, or online servers, a book, a digital videogame or a digital movie.


maaf klo salah....

11. contoh kalimat yang menggunakan kata differentiates


- Could you differentiate between this house and that house

- I can not differentiate the two chairs

-I will differentiate between this boy and another boy

-will you differentiate between this book and that book


Differentiatemerupakan sebuah kata dalam bhs inggris yg memiliki arti membedakan, namun yg dimaksud membedakan disini ialah membedekan sesuatu dgn suatu lainnya yg sejenis atau hampir sama.. seperti contoh yg aku kasih diatas :)

12. olphins are ……………...than fish. * 4 points A. as intelligent as B. more intelligent C. the most intelligent D. intelligent


more intelligent


Dolphins are ……………...than fish

Jawaban : more intelligent


Mengapa more intelligent bukan intelligenter ?

Karena intelligent memiliki lebih dari 2 suku kata yaitu

In - te - lli - gent ( 4 suku kata )

Comparitive digunakan untuk membandingkan antara dua objek sedangkan superlative digunakan untuk menyatakan apa yang satu satunya di data tersebut contohnya biggest , smallest , tallest , dan lain - lain

13. saya mau betanya, apa itu services ?, services bisa di lihat di task manager yang saya ingin tanyakan apakah fungsinya dan pengertian services itu sendiri

Service di Windows adalah program yang berjalan dibalik layar (background) dan tidak memiliki tampilan apapun.

Fungsinya ialah melayani operasional dari sistem operasi serta software–software yang berjalan.

14. they are also intelligent and have good memories..what does the synonym of" intelligent ?"A. diligentB. smartC. lazyD. honest​




intelligent itu artinya cerdas


B. Smart


Synonym of inteligent is smart. The answer is B.

Inteligent meaning is cerdas.

Smart meaning is pintar.

15. What is the relation between assurance services, audit service and attestation services, give some example !


yes you how do you want mo

16. Apa itu platform internet serta apa yang dimaksud dengan Coworker platform?


Dalam ilmu komputer, platform, serambi, atau wahana merupakan kombinasi antara sebuah arsitektur perangkat keras dengan sebuah kerangka kerja perangkat lunak (termasuk kerangka kerja aplikasi). Kombinasi tersebut memungkinkan sebuah perangkat lunak, khusus perangkat lunak aplikasi, dapat berjalan.

17. Apa arti dari kalimat what is the advantages of intelligent woman in leadership


Apa keuntungan wanita cerdas dalam kepemimpinan


terjemahan bahasa inggris ke bahasa indonesia dari kalimat "what is the advantages of intelligent woman in leadership" menjadi Apa keuntungan wanita cerdas dalam kepemimpinan

semoga membantu

maaf jika salah


apa kelebihan wanita cerdas dalam kepemimpinan

18. Catherine is the.... (intelligent) student in class A. Most intelligent B. More intelligent C. Inteligenter D. AS INTELLIGENT AS​


B. More intelligent


About reason? idk, i just wanna answer this. 'Cause her name make me cant forget my little sister:")

19. What does Lancaster Financial Services Ltd. match its knowledge-base to ?

SOAL : What does Lancaster Financial Services Ltd. match its knowledge-base to?


customers' understanding of individual companies

20. Their unlisualy large differentiates proboscis monkeys from other monkeys

perbedaan besar mereka dengan bekatan dari monyet lainnya

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