Three Question Long Question Answer

Three Question Long Question Answer

(+) He plays football (-) (?) - - QUESTION WORD - Long Answer= Short Answer= - Long Answer= Short Answer=

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1. (+) He plays football (-) (?) - - QUESTION WORD - Long Answer= Short Answer= - Long Answer= Short Answer=


(+) He plays football

(-) He doesn't play football

(?) Does he play football?

Yes, he does.No, he doesnt.


Sentences in Simple Present 

This English grammar lesson will concentrate on the simple present tense. Here is an example of a sentence in the simple present:

He plays football.

This is a simple sentence with a subject (“he”) and a verb (“to play”), which is conjugated in third person singular (“plays”). Easy, right?

Negative Sentences in Simple Present

But what if I want to make this sentence negative? Many languages simply add the word for “no” or “not” to make the sentence negative. Unfortunately, it does not work that way in English. ESL (English as a second language) learners often make this common English mistake.


He no play football.

He not play football.

No he play football.

To make this sentence negative using proper English grammar, you must use the words “does not” (or the contraction “doesn’t”) after the subject. This makes the correct negative sentence one of the following:


He does not play football.


He doesn’t play football.

But did you notice any other changes? The main verb has changed back to the base form of “play” (with no “s”). This is the rule. In negative sentences with action verbs in the simple present, we must do the following:

1) Add a form of “do” (“do” or “does”)

2) Add the word “not” (or use the contraction “doesn’t” for “does not” or “don’t” for “do not”)

3) Use the verb in the base form (play, talk, write, etc.)

To confirm, the sentences with correct English grammar are the following:

Positive: He plays football.

Negative: He does not play football.

I hope this answer will help u..

Jadikan jawaban terbaik ya!

He plays football

JAWABAN (-) He does not play football.(?) Does he play football?



Long Answer= Yes, he plays football.Short Answer= Yes, he does.



Long Answer= No, he does not play football. Short Answer= No, he doesn’t.


Simple Present adalah sebuah tenses yang berfungsi untuk menyatakan Kegiatan yg dilakukan secara berulang, rutin, kebiasaan dan hal2 bersifat umum/fakta.

Rumus Present Tense

(+) S + V1 (-s/es) + O/C(-) S + do/does + not + V1 + O/C(?) [WH] do/does + S + V1 + O/C?

Question Word (+)

Long answer : Yes, S + V1 + O/CShort answer : Yes, S + do/does

Question Word (-)

Long answer : No, S + do/does not + V1 + O/CShort answer : No, S + don’t/doesn’t


Jika Subjek He, She, it, Satu nama

kalimat positive menggunakan Verb+s/es kalimat negative dan interrogative menggunakan does

Jika Subjek I, you, we, they, Dua nama

kalimat positive menyatakan Verb1 tanpa tambahan -s/es kalimat negative dan interrogative menggunakan do


Present Tense:


Mapel: Bahasa Inggris

Materi: Present Tense

Level: JHS

Kode Soal: 5

Kode Kategorisasi: 7.5

2. arti give long answer for this question​


beri jawaban yang lengkap, atau jawaban panjang untuk pertanyaan ini


beri jawaban panjang untuk pertanyaan ini

3. 10. in pairs, discuss and answer three question​

Jawaban:berpasangan, diskusikan dan jawab tiga pertanyaan


in pairs=berpasangan


and answer=dan jawab

three question=tiga pertanyaan

4. There were.... Many question to answer so i only Didi three




5. (+) a table is painted by a man (-) (?) - - QUESTION WORD - Long Answer= Short Answer= - Long Answer= Short Answer=


(+) a table is painted by a man

(-) a table is not painted by a man

(?) Is a table painted by a man?

- Yes, it is.

- No, It is not.


- What is painted by a man?

Long Answer= a table is painted by a man.

Short Answer= a table.

- Whom is it painted by?

Long Answer= It (a table) is painted by a man.

Short Answer= A man.


Jawaban dicetak tebal dan merupakan materi pembelajaran Passive Voice dalam bentuk kalimat Simple Present Tense.

Passive Voice (Simple Present Tense):

(+) Subject + Tobe (is/am/are) + Verb-3

(-) Subject + Tobe (is/am/are) + not + Verb-3

(?) Tobe (is/am/are) + Subject + Verb-3

(?) 5W1H (What/Whom) + Tobe (is/am/are) + Subject + Verb-3 + ?

Semoga membantu ya.


liat jawaban yang diatas


ituh ☝️


6. Imagine one of your partners has just come back from holiday. Ask him / her about his / her and write down the questions and the answers 1. Question = ( make / friends ) ? Answer = yes, 2. Question = ( stay / at an apartment ) ? Answer = No, 3. Question = ( stay / at a hotel ) ? Answer = yes, 4. Question = ( how long / stay there ? ) ? Answer = i 5. Question = ( the weather / nice ) ? Answer = yes,


1.QUESTION=will you make you a good friends?

ANSWER=yes,I will do the best for you

2.QUESTION=do you stay at an apartment ?

ANSWER=no,I don't stay at an apartment

3.QUESTION=do you stay at a hotel ?

ANSWER=yes,I stay at a hotel

4.QUESTION=how long have you stay there ?

ANSWER=i stay there for one month

5.QUESTION=the weather is nice ?

ANSWER=yes,is nice

7. QuizPermutations- Very- Long- This- AnswerNote: It's a very long question of permutations, aren't you tired of answering? :v​



Total huruf : 4huruf

Unsur ganda : -

4 × 3 × 2 × 1 = 24


Total huruf : 4huruf

Unsur ganda : -

4 × 3 × 2 × 1 = 24


Total huruf : 4huruf

Unsur ganda : -

4 × 3 × 2 × 1 = 24


Total huruf : 6huruf

Unsur ganda : -

6 × 5 × 4 × 3 × 2 × 1 = 720

€ YeKan? €






Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Very : V E R Y

very : 4! = 4×3×2×1 = 24

Long : L O N G

Long : 4! = 4×3×2×1 = 24

This : T H I S

This : 4! = 4×3×2×1 = 24

Answer : A N S W E R

Answer : 6! = 6×5×4×3×2×1 = 720


8. 5. Question: ....................... Answer : I will do my project all day long.DIISI TITIK TITIK NYA​


who will work on the project?

semoga jawabannya membantu ya :)

9. answer three question below1.mention two of reminding someone to do something​

1. You won't forget to do it, will you?

2. Sorry to be a bore but remember to eat 3 meals a day

10. Answer the following question! • Mention three facts of frogs!

#frog are amphibians insectivorous
#frog live in fresh water or on the mainland
#the back legs of frog is long to jump to the next

11. What is the most suitable answer for question number three ​




moga membantu dan bermanfaat

12. Answer the question below.1. Mention three expressions to introduction our self.​

I suppose we’re using adjectives here

1. I’m very caring
2. I study a lot and are diligent
3. I love animals, especially domestic cats


Answer the questions below.

1. Say three phrases to introduce ourselves.



my name......

nice to meet you

Jawab pertanyaan di bawah ini.

1. Sebutkan tiga ungkapan untuk memperkenalkan diri kita.


salam kenal

nama saya......

senang berjumpa kalian

Maaf kalau salah

13. Apa arti Wel, to find the answer to question number three


Arti: Selamat, untuk menemukan jawaban untuk pertanyaan nomor tiga


Sorry... Pertanyaan kurang jelas.

14. SOAL 28 Answer this question! Three days ago was Sunday. Today is…


Three days ago was Sunday. Today is...

(3 hari yang lalu hari Minggu. Hari apa sekarang?)


Today is Wednesday.

(Sekarang hari Rabu.)


Sunday (Minggu) ➔ 3 Hari yang lalu ✔Monday (Senin) ➔ 2 Hari yang laluTuesday (Selasa) ➔ 1 Hari yang laluWednesday (Rabu) ➔ Sekarang/Hari ini.Thursday (Kamis)Friday (Jumat)Saturday (Sabtu)

Jadi jelas ya jika 3 hari yang lalu adalah Minggu (Sunday), maka hari ini adalah hari Rabu (Wednesday).


Today is Wednesday


Three days ago was Sunday. Today is... // Tiga hari kemarin adalah hari Minggu. Sekarang hari..

So, the answer is Wednesday // Jadi, jawabannya adalah Rabu

I just can answer that:)

Hope that help^^

Sorry if my answer is wrong')


15. 1.Answer These Following Question Correctly!1. Mentions three examples of asking for attention!2. Mention three examples of asking opinion!​


jjjnnnn . mnmmm vvvkvjfulcjyjlvaljxtickcyxb.zupcv

16. mention three types of Question


1. open minded questions

2. specific questions

3. motivation questions

your welcome study well and stay safe!! :)

17. Answer these question below!1. Please mention at least three of expression asking for opinion​


As for me, I reckon … In my opinion/In my humble opinion. I reckon/suppose. I know.


18. Question: ........ Answer: they eat rice three times a day tolong buat pertanyaan nya ya

how many do they eat rice a day?. saya rasa itu many times they eat rice in a day?

19. What ia the most suitable answer for question number three


artinya: Apa jawaban yang paling cocok untuk pertanyaan nomor tiga?

20. Answer the following question!Jawablah soal-soal berikut ini!31. Mention three your activities in themorning!Answer:​


Morning activities:

1.getting up

2.taking a bath

3.having breakfast

4.going to school/work

5.doing exercise

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