if lam facing south,so may left hand is pointing
1. if lam facing south,so may left hand is pointing
if you are facing south your left hand is pointing east
2. -You are facing to the north east and u turn to the right 270°. Now you are facing to the... -you are facing to the south west and you turn to the right 90°. Now you are facing to the... C.fill the blanks 1.on the right side of north east is 2.on the left side of north is 3. On the left side of south west is 4. On the right Side of south east is 5. West is between... And... 6.south west is between.. and.. 7.north west is opposite of.. 8.south west is opposite of.. 9.north is on the right side of.. 10.west is on the left side of... Plss bsk mau dikumpulin maksimal smpe jam setengah 8.20 yh kk mksii
-south west
C. fill the blanks
On the right side of north east is south east.On the left side of north is west.On the left side of south west is south.On the right side of south east is north east.West is between south and north.South west is between south and west.North west is opposite of south east.South west is opposite of north east.North is on the right side of west.West is on the left side of north.3. If I stand for facing SOUTH, so my right side is ...................northeastwestnorthwest
B. east
I hope this helps
4. between south and west is ?
southwest klo ngga slhsouthwest
#semoga membantu
5. what is between south and west?
Mata Angin Yang Ada Diantara Selatan(South) Dan Barat(West) Adalah Barat Daya(Southwest)
Semoga Membantu Dan Maaf Kalau Ada Yang Salah/Kurang Lengkap
6. betwee south and east is
South is "Selatan", East is "Timur" Between East and South (diantara Timur dan Selatan) is "Southeast" (tenggara)
== Semoga Membantu ==
between south and east is southeast (tenggara, seperti lokasinya indonesia di dunia) ^^
7. 3.A car moves with constant velocity of 30km/hour. The distance traveled after 5minutes is...
2.5 km
Speed = 30 km/hour
= 30 km/60 minutes
= 0.5 km/minutes
Distance after travel 5 minutes =
0.5 x 5 = 2.5 km
8. between east and south is ....
Sebelum timur dan selatan adalahBetween east and south is southeast
9. Direction between south and easth is
The direction between South and East is called Southeast.
Arah yang di tengan-tengah Selatan dan Timur merupakan Tenggara. Tenggara dalam bahasa Inggris adalah Southeast.
10. between south and east is
southeast........................................Compass point.......
11. between east and south is ....
southeast yaitu tenggaraaaaaaaaaaaaaa
12. A car travels 16 km due south, 33 km due northand then 12 km due south. What is its finalposition from the starting point?
Posisi mobil tersebut dari titik awal adalah berada pada 5 km arah utara. Untuk menjawab soal ini, kita bisa menggunakan konsep pengurangan bilangan bulat positif dan bilangan bulat negatif.
Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkahDiketahui: Sebuah mobil menempuh jarak 16 km ke selatan, 33 km ke utara dan kemudian 12 km ke selatan.Ditanya: Dimana posisi mobil tersebut dari titik awal?Jawab:Langkah 1
Pada soal tersebut diketahui mobil menempuh jarak 16 km ke selatan dan 33 km ke utara.
Karena arah mata angin utara dan selatan bertolak belakang, maka:
16 - 33 = (-17) ⇒ artinya posisi mobil berada 17 km arah utara.
Langkah 2
Kemudian mobil menuju 12 km ke selatan.
Jadi, -17 + 12 = (-5) ⇒ artinya posisi mobil berada 5 km arah utara.
Pelajari lebih lanjutMateri tentang operasi hitung bilangan bulat positif dan negatif: https://brainly.co.id/tugas/3072215
#BelajarBersamaBrainly #SPJ9
13. 1. You are Facing to the south and you turn to the left 90°. Now you are facing to the... 2. You are Facing to the east and you turn to the left 180°. Now you are facing to the... 3. You are facing to the east and you turn to the left 270°. Now you are facing to the... 4. You are facing to the south east and you turn to the left 90°. Now you are facing to the... 5. You are facing to the north east and you turn to the left 180°. Now you are facing to the... Please answer my question i hope you can <3
1. West
2. West
3. South
4. South West
5. South West
14. between the south and west is
west south west & south south west
Southwest/barat daya
15. between west and south is
Between west and south is central Southwest is the real answer
16. what is between north and south?
Maaf Kalo Salah...
17. If I stand for facing SOUTHWEST, so my left side is ...............southnorthnorthwestsoutheast
Jika saya berdiri menghadap barat daya, sisi kiri saya adalah tenggara (southeast)
18. the train moves 150 km/hours .the planemoves 600 km/hours the train is...
Jawaban: The plane faster then the train
Penjelasan: Translate: Pesawat lebih cepat dari kereta api
19. between west and south is
Between west and south is southwest.
Southwestsemoga mmbntu : )
20. diraction between south and east is...
Jawaban, penjelasan:
Southeast (Tenggara)
Direction between south and east is southeast.
In bahasa, southeast means tenggara.
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