What benefits can a business have when he knows the business cycle of his business?
1. What benefits can a business have when he knows the business cycle of his business?
Business cycle is the periodic rises and falls which occurs in economy over time.
The benefits for someone who knows the business cycle of his business are :
He knows how to make a managerial decisions related to growth or down - sizing within his businessHe can put his current business in a better perspective He can increase his profit and overcome the recessionsPembahasanThe stages of business cycle :
Expansion : During this stage, the business runs well. Business produce more goods and more staff to deal with the demandPeak : The highest point of the growth. The best selling happens in this stage.Recession : It happens where the consumers don't have enough money to buy your products. The business is slowing downThrough : The lowest business condition when you need to make decision to end the business or go out and find a way out of itBusiness cycle keeps going because of these two :
The first is interest rate. If the interest rate is low, the new investment will come and it will add the jobs. If the interest rate is climbed, the investment dries up and less job growth. The second is consumer expectation. Forecast of expanding economy fuels more spending, while fear of recession decreases consumer spending. Pelajari lebih lanjutThe term of business cycle https://brainly.com/question/1928467Definition of business cycle https://brainly.in/question/14800866Cause of business cycle recessions https://brainly.co.id/tugas/880074--------------------------------------------------------------
Detil jawabanKelas: 10
Mapel: Bahasa Inggris
Bab: Business Cycle
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2. what benefits can a business have when here knows the business cycle of his business
when i know my business cycle , so my business with grow up
3. 1. what is a business cycle? 2. what benefits can a business have when he knows the business cycle of his business? 3. what month of the year is the best to open a business in your opinion?
1. Business cycle is the periodic growth and decline of a nation's economy, usually measured by the GDP of the country. On the other hand, the government is doing the spending, raising or lowering taxes, and adjusting interest rates as an effort to manage the business cycle of its country. The reason why business cycles are important is that they can affect individuals in a number of ways, from job-hunting to investing.
2. A business can utilize the knowledge of a country business cycle by choosing the suitable business according to the current condition of the country business cycle. For example, if there's a recession the business can focus more on low-risk business activities, or investing in the stock market since the stock market will experience a temporary drop in the price when there's a recession, for example like last year during the pandemic recession.
3. In my opinion, the best month of the year to open a business is in the holiday's month such as December or mid-year months (June/July), especially if our business is in the Food & Beverages or Tourism area. Since there will be more potential customers (people want to celebrate/take a holiday trip).
4. The aim of a business activity is?
in order to lauch what is intendedlooking for new profits and insights
5. What is the benefit of reading text? A to know the value of the product
The benefit is we will understand about the information of a product such as the compotition,the nutrition,and the expired date of the product
Thank you
6. Answer these Questions1. What is a Business Cycle?2. What benefits can a business have when he knows the business cycle of his business? 3. What month of the year is the best to open a business in your opinion?
Below is my answer :
1. What is a Business Cycle?
"Business cycles are a type of fluctuation found in the aggregate economic activity of nations…a cycle consists of expansions occurring at about the same time in many economic activities, followed by similarly general recessions…this sequence of changes is recurrent but not periodic." That description, from the 1946 magnum opus by Arthur F. Burns and Wesley C. Mitchell, Measuring Business Cycles, remains definitive today.
In essence, business cycles are marked by the alternation of the phases of expansion and contraction in aggregate economic activity, and the comovement among economic variables in each phase of the cycle. Aggregate economic activity is represented by not only real (i.e., inflation-adjusted) GDP—a measure of aggregate output—but also the aggregate measures of industrial production, employment, income, and sales, which are the key coincident economic indicators used for the official determination of U.S. business cycle peak and trough date
2. What benefits can a business have when he knows the business cycle of his business?
The benefits for someone who knows the business cycle of his business are :
He knows how to make a managerial decision related to growth or downsizing within his business
He can put his current business in a better perspective
He can increase his profit and overcome the recessions
3. What month of the year is the best to open a business in your opinion?
in my opinion in the Hotel industry, the best month to open the business is by January ( the construction, recruiting etc..)
so by end of May, the preparation is ready, and early June can start the soft opening, by July the operation is ready because July is starting of the busy time till December for a holiday etc.
7. 1.how can the students join the seminar? 2.what is the benefit of attending the seminar? 3.who is the well-know education consultant?4.you can learn a lot of from mr. jonathan,a well-know education consultant what is the synonym the underlined word? Anyone can help??
1. They can join the seminar by calling Kania's number
2. The benefit of attending is that students will be able to prepare the final examination, with the help of well-known education consultants
3. The name of the consultant is Mr. Jonathan
4. Gain knowledge from Mr. Jonathan
Semoga membantu ^^
8. The manager are analysing all of the data before they can submit a proposal for business expansion
Manajer menganalisis semua data sebelum mereka dapat mengajukan proposal untuk ekspansi bisnis
semoga bermanfaat
9. 8.What is the topic of the second paragraph?a. How a banker gives creditsb. The financial system of a bankc. The job description of a bankerd. A banking business as a company
c. The job description of a banker
10. the best title of the text is a business failure
judul teks yang terbaik adalah kegagalan bisnis
11. What is the purpose of the text a .explain nining halte konsumen teteh produk b. driving the song information of the product c.telling How the product is maded. Describe the benefit of the product
odading mangsholeh enakk
where is the text ?.....
How i want to answer you question
If you want to me answer, my prediction is d. Describe the benefit is made
thank u
12. What is the benefit of reading the label above? We .... A. can buy the product easily B. know where to get the product easily C. will know how to make the product. D. get the detailed information of the product
kita bisa dapet detail kalo liat label
13. An....,..........keeps the finacial record of a business
gaaaaa jeeeeeelaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasssssssssssssss
i am
maaf klo salah
14. 6. what is the function of the caption?7. what is in the picture?8. how tall are tge ceilings?9. how is the style of the house?10. what is the benefit of having a deep porch?
6. The function of the caption is to describe the picture shown/to describe Cooper Pierce's house that is shown in the picture.
7. Cooper Pierce's house is in the picture.
8. The ceilings are 10-and 12-foot tall.
9. The style of the house is Southern-style.
10. The benefit of having a deep porch is it wraps around the entire house and makes it stay shaded in the summer.
maaf jika salah,semoga jawaban ini bisa membantu!
15. what are the benefit of having a caption? explain it
biar lebih jelas/tau itu jawaban saya
16. a) What is the benefit of the body colour of the clown fish?
Performa warna ikan badut palsu, Amphiprion ocellaris Cuvier, diperiksa di bawah tiga tingkat intensitas cahaya (20-50, 600-850, dan 2700-3500 lx) selama 5 minggu. Percobaan dilakukan di sembilan akuarium kaca persegi panjang (25 × 25 × 20 cm) dengan tiga ulangan. Setiap akuarium diisi dengan 36 ikan, dan 3 ikan diambil secara acak dari setiap akuarium setiap minggu. Gambar digital diambil setiap minggu pada setiap individu ikan setelah dibius dalam MS-222. Performa warna dalam hue, saturation, dan brightness diukur dengan menggunakan analisis citra. Selain analisis seluruh tubuh, setiap citra ikan dibagi menjadi bagian perut dan punggung untuk menilai efek yang bergantung pada posisi tubuh. Selanjutnya, perbedaan warna antara sirip punggung, sirip dubur, sirip perut, dan sirip ekor juga diukur. Seluruh tubuh lebih terang pada cahaya rendah daripada pada
maaf kalo salah
17. Explain how unethical business practices degrade the quality of the experience a customer has with a service or product. How is the International Organization for Standardization trying to encourage ethical business behavior?
Jelaskan bagaimana praktik bisnis yang tidak etis menurunkan kualitas pengalaman yang dimiliki pelanggan dengan layanan atau produk. Bagaimana Organisasi Internasional untuk Standardisasi mencoba mendorong perilaku bisnis yang etis?
18. the benefit of reanding the texts
The benefits of reading texts.
• Improve Brain Connectivity.
• Increase Your Vocabulary.
• Gain Valuable Knowledge.
• Reduce Stress.
• Improve Your Mental Well-Being.
• Helps to prevent you from deppression.
19. how is the future need of your business??? What the meaning of this sentence
bagaimana membutuhkan bisnis masa depan muIs the assumption about the world order and economical revolution. Its meaning relates with entrepreneurship and free trade who basically was been approved and started now
20. 3. What is the benefit ofattending the training?Students can...
1.Increased productivity or amount of production.
2.Reduce or avoid mistakes in working.
3.There is no need for excessive monitoring.
4.Change of attitude.
5.Have the ability to work.
6.Avoid or reduce Ternover (employee replacement)
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