The Resultant Of Two Forces F1 And F2 Is P

The Resultant Of Two Forces F1 And F2 Is P

two forces of magnitude 3N and 7N respectively act on body. What are the maximum and minimum resultant forces that act on the body?​

Daftar Isi

1. two forces of magnitude 3N and 7N respectively act on body. What are the maximum and minimum resultant forces that act on the body?​


Max = 10 N

Min = 4 N


If there are two force act on the same body, the value will be maximum if both of them in same direction so we can add to calculate. Otherwise if one another isn't in same direction, it will be minimum (because we can subtract the big one with the little one)

2. Two pieces of each force vector F1 and F2=10N =10N to form an angle of 60° as shown below. Resultant vector is...

given :
F1 = 10 N
F2 = 10 N
α = 60

R = ?

answer :
R² = F1² + F2² + 2 F1 F2 cos 60
R² = 10² + 10² + 2x10x10x1/2
R² = 100 + 100 + 100
R² = 300
R = √300
R = 10√3 N

3. Two pieces of each force vector F1 and F2=10N =10N to form an angle of 60° as shown below. Resultant vector is...

R = √f1² + f2² + 2.f1.f2 x cos60
R = √100 + 100 + 200 x 1/2
R = √200 + 100
R = √300
R = 10√3 N

4. If the mass of the box = 4 kg, F1 = 10 N, and F2 = 2 N, then the magnitude and direction of the acceleration of the box is


Magnitude: 4 m/s² Direction: towards the left (due to F1 being greater than F2)


Acceleration of the box is 8 N.


The magnitude and direction of the acceleration of the box can be calculated using Newton's Second Law, which states that the net force (Fnet) acting on an object is equal to the mass of the object (m) multiplied by its acceleration (a):

Fnet = ma

In this problem, the mass of the box is given as 4 kg. The forces F1 and F2 are given as 10 N and 2 N, respectively. Therefore, the net force is Fnet = 10 N - 2 N = 8 N.

Substituting the given values into Newton's Second Law, we have:

Fnet = ma

8 N = (4 kg)(a)

Solving for a, we have:

a = 8 N / (4 kg) = 2 m/s2

Therefore, the magnitude of the acceleration of the box is 2 m/s2 and the direction of the acceleration is in the same direction as the net force, which is 8 N.

5. Three forces A, B, and C, act on a massless body simultaneously, as shown in the following figure. The component of resultant force in the X and Y directions is ( do it with steps pls, thank you)​


Maaf bahasanya Bahasa Indonesia bisa ga bingung aku tu

6. 28. Two vectors are A = 1 N and B = 1 N. If the magnitude of resultant vector is √2, the angle formed by the two vectors is


Cos θ = 90°

i've maked the formula in the picture. thanks

7. tolong bantu jawab plissssssss kakk cukup caranya ajaaaaaa plisssssssTwo charge each of +90 µC and+40 μC are separated 20 cm. Thelocation of the third charge+2 μC from the first change so thatthe resultant of the force on thischange is zero is....​


q1 = 90μC

q2 = 40μC

q3 = 2μC

d = 20cm = 0.2m

Let d1 = x

d2 = 0.2 - x

ΣF = 0

F1 - F2 = 0

F1 = F2

[tex] \frac{k \times q1 \times q3}{(d1)^{2} } = \frac{k \times q2 \times q3}{(d2)^{2} } [/tex]

[tex] \frac{q1}{ {(d1)}^{2} } = \frac{q2}{ {(d2)}^{2} } [/tex]

q1(d2)² = q2(d1)²

90μ(0.2-x)² = 40μ(x)²

9(0.2-x)² = 4x²

3(0.2-x) = 2x

0.6 - 3x = 2x

x = 0.6 ÷ 5

= 0.12 m

= 12 cm

8. Assumed two vectors of force : F 1 which is 12 N F 2 which is 16 N. The angle between both vectors is 60°. Calculate the length of the resultant. Determine the direction of the resultant.​


Arti soal:

Diasumsikan dua vektor gaya: F, yaitu 12 N dan F, yaitu 16 N. Sudut antara keduanya

vectore adalah 60 °. Hitung panjang resultannya. Tentukan arah resuhant


Gw gabisa jawab njir- (maap ya)


#Jadikan jawaban terbaik# Kasih love nya#Semoga membantu

9. The Forces o Water is an important force that greatly effects weathering, but it is not the only force. Other forces include the atmosphere, and even plant and animal life.di terjemah kn​


Kekuatan o Air adalah kekuatan penting yang sangat mempengaruhi pelapukan, tetapi itu bukan satu-satunya kekuatan. Kekuatan lain termasuk atmosfer, dan bahkan kehidupan tumbuhan dan hewan.

Semoga membantu

Kekuatan o Air adalah kekuatan penting yang sangat mempengaruhi pelapukan, tetapi itu bukan satu-satunya kekuatan. Kekuatan lain termasuk atmosfer, dan bahkan kehidupan tumbuhan dan hewan

10. Dua buah vektor masing-masing F1= 8N dam F2= 5N. Bila F1 membentuk sudut 30° terhadap x positif dan F2 membentuk sudut 60° terhadap y positif, berapa N resultant kedua vektor tersebut ?

Jadi sudut antara F1 dan F2 = 120°
R = √(F1² + F2² + 2F1.F2 cos 120°)
= √{8²+5²+2.8.5.(-½)}
= √49
= 7 N

11. 1. There are four forces F1, F2, F3 and F4 working on the stick ABCD as shown on the picture below. F, = 10 N [F, = 5 N A B C D 2 m 1 m 3 m F₂ = 4N F. = 10 N If the mass of the stick is ignored. What is force moment (torque) to the point A?


I cant see the picture , Can you reUpload?





12. Ryan pushes a table with a 300 N force to the right, while Rio pushes the same table with a 200 N force to the left. The resultant of the two forces and its direction is ... Tolong dibantu kak menggunakan cara.. Terima kasih

Diketahui : F1 = 300 Newton
                  F2 = 200 Newton
Ditanya = Resultan gaya dan arah setelah didorong = ___?
Resultan Gaya = 
F = 300-200
F = 100 ke arah kanan
karena F1 masih ada sisa sehingga membuat meja terdorong ke kanan dikarenakan Ryan mendorong meja tersebut ke kanan sebesar 300 Newton.

13. Find the total work done by forces A and B if the object undergoes the displacement C. Hint : can you add the two forces first? Ini peljrn vektor

work = sigma forces x displacement. Try to find sigma symbol, I cant make is here with my cell phone.

Sigma means kumpulan, kalo bhs indonesia resultan gaya, atau jumlah gaya. Jadi gayanya dijumlahkan dulu terus dikali perpindahan.

14. what is the magnitude of the resultant forceminta bantuan kakitu gambarnya menunjukan nilai 10N semua ​




15. what is the resultant force and the acceleration of the object?​



[tex]a=\frac{F}{m}\\ a=\frac{4}{4} =1m/s[/tex]²



resultan gaya

R = 3 + 2 - 1

R = 5 - 1

R = 4N


f = m.a

4 = 4.a

a = 4/4

a = 1m/s

16. What is purpose of the allied forces?


APA yg menjadi kekuatan pasukan sekutu?

17. 1. The object has 3 forces, F1 = 30N, F2 = 40N (to the left), & F3 = 100N (to the right). the resultant forces are... A. 30N to the left B. 30N to the right C. 40N to the left D. 50N to the right 2. The object has 3 forces F1 = 30N, F2 = 40N, and F3 = 60N to the right. the resultant force are... A. 30N to the right B. 40N to the right C. 60N to the right D. 130N to the right

(1) to the right : 100 N = 100 N
     to the left : 30 N + 40 N = -70 N

∑F = 100 - 70 = 30 N to the right (B)

(2) to the right : 30 N + 40 N + 60 N = 130 N

∑F = 130 N to the right (D)

Hope this helps~

18. 11.The resultant of two vectors with the same magnitude of F is √3. What is the angle formed by the two vectors? A. 0 0 B. 300 C. 450 D. 600 E. 900​


Given :

The resultant of two vectors with the same magnitude of F is √3.

What is the angle formed by the two vectors?

The solutions:

let F1 = F2 = F

so, the equation is :

R² = F²+F²+2(F)(F).cos angle

(√3F)² = 2F² + 2F².cos angle

3F² = 2F² + 2F².cos angle

3F²-2F² = 2F².cos angle

F² = 2F².cos angle

cos angle = F²/2F²

cos angle = ½

the angle formed by the two vectors = cos`¹ ½

= 60°(optionD)

19. FIGURE 1 below shows a circular loop L1 of radius 7 cm carries a 12 A current and another one loop L2 of radius 1.6 cm, having 30 turns and carrying a 3A current is placed at the centre of loop L1. What will be the resultant magnetic field at point P if the two current flow in the opposite direction?

A circular loop L₁ with a radius of 7 cm carries a current of 12 A and another circular loop L₂ with a radius of 1.6 cm, has 30 turns and a current of 3A is placed at the center of the circle L₁. The resultant magnetic field at point P if two currents flow in opposite directions is equal to [tex]2,305\pi \times 10^{-3}~T[/tex] or [tex]7,24 \times 10^{-3}~T[/tex] with the resultant inward.

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:


Kawat melingkar L₁ dengan radius r₁ = 7 cm dialiri arus listrik 12 A.Kawat melingkar L₂ dengan N = 30 lilitan dan radius r₂ = 1,6 cm dialiri arus listrik 3 A.Kedua kawat sepusat pada titik P.


Berapakah resultan medan magnet di titik P jika kedua arus mengalir dalam arah yang berlawanan?


Rumus induksi medan magnet kawat melingkar di pusat lingkaran adalah sebagai berikut.

[tex]\boxed{B=\frac{\mu_0 I N}{2a} }[/tex]


B = medan magnet (T atau Wb/m²)I = kuat arus (A)N = banyak lilitana = radius (m)[tex]\mu_0 = 4\pi \times 10^{-7}[/tex]

Aturan tangan kanan pada kawat melingkar berarus.

Arah B = arah ibu jariArah I = arah putaran keempat jari tangan

Step-1: hitung medan magnet L₁

[tex]\boxed{B_1=\frac{(4\pi \times 10^{-7})(12)(1)}{2(7\times 10^{-2})} }[/tex]

[tex]B_1=3,43\pi \times 10^{-3}~T[/tex] dengan vektor B₁ berarah ke dalam.

Step-2: hitung medan magnet L₂

[tex]\boxed{B_2=\frac{(4\pi \times 10^{-7})(3)(30)}{2(1,6\times 10^{-2})} }[/tex]

[tex]B_2=1,125\pi \times 10^{-3}~T[/tex] dengan vektor B₂ berarah ke luar

Step-3: hitung resultan medan magnet di titik P

Misalnya acuan arah positif adalah ke dalam, maka [tex]\Sigma B = B_1 - B_2.[/tex]

[tex]\Sigma B = 3,43\pi \times 10^{-3}- 1,125\pi \times 10^{-3}[/tex]

[tex]\therefore \Sigma B = 2,305\pi \times 10^{-3}~T[/tex] atau [tex]\Sigma B = 7,24 \times 10^{-3}~T.[/tex]

Karena hasilnya positif, maka resultan medan magnetik berarah ke dalam.

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20. The forces of wearthing

Kekuatan pelapukan

maaf Kak kalau salah

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