Contoh soal : Kartini day in AprilKartini day on the twenty - first of AprilSoal :Earth day in...Earth day on the...Labor day in...Labor day on the...National Education day in...National Education day on the...National Awakening day in...National Awakening day on the...Reformation Commemoration Day in...Reformation Commemoration day on the...Pancasila day in...Pancasila day on the...National Children day in...National Children day on the...Independence day in...Independence day on the...Batik day in...Batik day on the...Indonesian National Armed Forces Day in...Indonesian National Armed Forces Day on the...Youth Pledge Day in...Youth Pledge Day on the...Heroes' Day in...Heroes' Day on the...Mother's Day in...Mother's on the...Jawabin dong, Kakak Besok mau di kumpul :(
1. Contoh soal : Kartini day in AprilKartini day on the twenty - first of AprilSoal :Earth day in...Earth day on the...Labor day in...Labor day on the...National Education day in...National Education day on the...National Awakening day in...National Awakening day on the...Reformation Commemoration Day in...Reformation Commemoration day on the...Pancasila day in...Pancasila day on the...National Children day in...National Children day on the...Independence day in...Independence day on the...Batik day in...Batik day on the...Indonesian National Armed Forces Day in...Indonesian National Armed Forces Day on the...Youth Pledge Day in...Youth Pledge Day on the...Heroes' Day in...Heroes' Day on the...Mother's Day in...Mother's on the...Jawabin dong, Kakak Besok mau di kumpul :(
✍︎ B.Inggris ❄︎
Laborday on thefive-September
Nationalawakening day on theTwenty-May
2. what do we celebrate on 22nd of july?batic daynational education dauchildren daynational children day
national children day sorri kalo salah
3. Apa arti dari children need per day based on their ages
kebutuhan anak perhari berdasarkan usia mereka itu artinya
4. 1 dayu is going to participate in a bike race to celebrate the indepedence daysiti........2 riana wins a reading poem contest anita says congratulation on riana s achievement riana responds to the expression bntu ya pliss
1.siti says good luck
2.riana says thank you
5. Kartini dayMay dayNational education dayWorld's children dayIndependence dayBatik dayYouth pledge dayNational teacher day21st April1st May2nd May1st June17th August2nd October28th October25th NovemberBased on table, we know that ....A. May day is on the sixth monthB.Batik day is on the eleventh monthC. Independence day is on the first monthD.World's children day is on the sixth month
because the children day is on six month
maaf kalau salah
6. Tolong bantu di jawab wahai suhu b.Inggris1. What is the subject of the poem?2. What is the theme of the poem?3. What does writer compare on his poem?4. What words help develop the tone of the poem?5. Paraphrase the poem in your own words in a fee sentence?
first of all I wanna ask you. Where's the poem? we can't answer those questions if you don't add the poem
7. Arti nasional children day
Hari anak
Maaf klo salah
8. B. Write the date for the National Days in Indonesia.31. Heroes' Day is commemorated on32. Batik Day is commemorated on33. Kartini Day is commemorated on34. National Education Day is commemorated on35. National Children Day is commemorated on36. National Awakening Day is commemorated on37. Youth Pledge Day is commemorated on38. Mother's Day is commemorated on39. Pancasila Day is commemorated on40. Indonesian National Armed Forces Day is commemorated on
31.Hari Pahlawan
32.Hari Batik
33.Hari Kartini
34.Hari edukasi nasional
35.Hari anak nasional
36.Hari kebangkitan nasional
37.Hari sumpah pemuda
38.Hari Ibu
39.Hari pancasila
40.Hari Nasional Tentara Nasional Indonesia(TNI)
9. On a particular day 55% of the visitors in the zoo were children and the rest were adults. there were 165 children. how many visitors were there at the zoo
perhitungan terlampir yaa^^
10. What is the effect on children of growing up in property?
The child will be spoiled, lazy and not loose with the property so he can not hang out with his friends
I hope this helps ✔️✔️✔️
11. Many play park children in on the sunday terjemahkan dalam bahasa indonesia
banyak anak-anak taman bermain di hari minggu
banyak anak anak di taman bermain pada hari minggu
12. bulan apa dilaksanakannya { National Children' Day) dan (Sport Day)
national children day: November
sport day: April
National Children Day is celebrate on the fifth of May / May the fifth.
Sport Day is celebrate on the ninth of September / September the ninth.
13. in your opinion what is the relation between home and love based on the poem
Love doesn't have to always be happy. Sometimes love can also make people sad. Sad because my feelings are chaotic lyrics, probably because of an unresolved conflict.
14. Apa yg dimaksud dengan children day
children day adalah hari anak
15. C. Answer the following questions based on the poem! 1. What is the social function of the poem? 2. What is the poem about the poem?3. What can you understand about the poem? 4. What is the message of the poem?5. How many lines are there in the poem? 6. How is the mood of the poem?7. Can you find imagery in the poem? If yes, write! 8. Does the poem use simile? Explain! 9. Can you find onomatopoeia in the poem? What is it? 10. Explain the rhymes of the poem! tolong segera ya
1. The role of mother in the family is very important. How a mother could take care of the whole family member with affection and love. The poem is written to appreciate mother.
2. An Appreciation to mother.
3. The poem tries to tell how a mother is full of love and affection when she takes care of family including her child and husband.
4. The poem tries to deliver a message about how lovely, caring, and affectionate a mother is.
5. Eleven lines
6. Heart-melting
7. Yes. I imagine a mother figure who is full of love
8. Yes. Like for the example the tenth line, 'Mysterious like the God above', the writer compares a mother to a God which completely different things.
9. Yes. In the line 5, a choo-choo train.
10. The rhymes of the poem are identical.
A poem is a group of spoken or written words that contains expressions of ideas or emotions in a powerfully structural and imaginative style. A poem is made of a particular rhythmic and metrical pattern. Technically, it is different from prose or ordinary speech, as it is either in a metrical pattern or in free verse.
Pelajari Lebih Lanjut
Materi tentang poem dapat juga disimak pada link berikut
16. Apa arti dari national children day?
Hari anak sedunia.
In 1995, President Clinton proclaimed National Children's Day as October 8th. He was later followed by President Bush in 2001 who declared the first Sunday in June as National Child's Day. However, National Children's Day is generally celebrated the second Sunday in June or October 8th.
national children day=hari anak nasional
education Illuminating darkness
Humans are born into the world equipped with senses
Do not know anything plain that has not been colored
Down the sharp road as hard as a rock
Armed with knowledge to break through rigid walls
O world ...
Now I am an adult and ready to face the twilight lantern
Together education frees from the dark past that used to be stupid
Brightly beauty of life in a sense of freedom
Happiness in nature adorned with knowledge sheets
O world ...
You look as bright as the starlight in the sky
Thanks to intelligent young people understanding the meaning of education
Prepare yourself with the best quality
To defeat a towering building
Because the education of the period changed to modern
Versatile sophisticated enjoy human creations
Feels easy with the light of science that continues to shine
Be aware of the importance of education
With self-education it becomes directed
Developing and being innovative in thinking long
Arranging steps for a brilliant future
Until the flying wings bring down the towering building
Thank you hero ...
Happy education day
Your story is beautiful in history
18. plsssss tolong bantuannya besok di kumpulin 1. Kartini day is in: 2. Youth pledge day is in: 3. National education day is in: 4.Independence day is in: 5.Heroes day: 6.National awakening day is in: 7.National children day is in: 8.Mother's day is in:
1. 21st april
2. 28th october
3. 2nd may
4. 17th august
5. 10th november
6. 20th may
7. 1st june (kalau di kalender dibilang sedunia,mohon maaf jika salah)
8. 22nd december
sekali lagi,maaf kalau salah
19. Write the date for the NationalHeroes' Day is commemorated onBatik Day is commemorated onKartini Day is commemorated onNational Education Day is commemoNational Children Day is commemoraNational Awakening Day is commemYouth Pledge Day is commemoratedMother's Day is commemorated onPancasila Day is commemorated onndonesian National Armed Forces Da14 Juni23° July2nd May21 April20th May
Jawaban :
Write the date for the National !
Heroes' Day is commemorated on 10th NovemberBatik Day is commemorated on 2nd OctoberKartini Day is commemorated on 21st AprilNational Education Day is commemo rated on 2nd MayNational Children Day is commemora ted on 23th JulyNational Awakening Day is commem orated on 20th MayYouth Pledge Day is commemorated on 28th October Mother's Day is commemorated on 22nd DecemberPancasila Day is commemorated on 1st JuneIndonesian National Armed Forces Day is commemorated on 5th OctoberPenjelasan :
Tulis tanggal untuk National !
Hari Pahlawan diperingati 10 November
Hari Batik diperingati 2 Oktober
Hari Kartini diperingati tanggal 21 April
Hari Pendidikan Nasional diperingati pada 2 Mei
Hari Anak Nasional diperingati pada 23 Juli
Hari Kebangkitan Nasional diperingati pada 20 Mei
Hari Sumpah Pemuda diperingati pada 28 Oktober
Hari Ibu diperingati 22 Desember
Hari Pancasila diperingati 1 Juni
Hari Tentara Nasional Indonesia diperingati pada tanggal 5 Oktober
Pelajari lebih lanjut :
Materi contoh soal dalam bahasa inggris pada link
20. PASSIVE VOICE 1. The children sent me messages every day. 2.Sarah brought her parents some juice. 3.The prince writes her a poem every day. bantu kakk
1. Messages were sent to me every day (by the children)
2. Some juice was brought to her parents (by Sarah)
3. A poem is written to her every day (by the prince)
Kalimat pasif adalah kalimat di mana subjeknya berperan sebagai patient (penerima aksi) di dalam kalimat. Pola umum kalimat pasif adalah:
Be + V3*Be = Is, am, are, was, were, been, being
Active: I bought a bagPassive: A bag was bought (by me)Bisa dilihat pada kalimat di atas, objek pada kalimat aktif a bag berubah menjadi subjek pada kalimat pasif dan menerima aksi was bought (dibeli) oleh pelaku aksi me.
Pelaku aksi pada kalimat pasif bisa dihilangkan.Bentuk be pada kalimat pasif berubah sesuai dengan subjek dan tense yang digunakan.Kata kerja utamanya selalu dalam bentuk ketiga (V3).Penjelasan jawaban beserta tense yang digunakan
Simple PastActive: S + V2 + OPassive: S + was/were + V31. Active: The children sent me messages every day.
⤷ Passive: Messages were sent to me every day (by the children)
Menggunakan were karena subjeknya jamak (messages=pesan-pesan)Send (V1) ➔ Sent (V2) ➔ Sent (V3)2. Active: Sarah brought her parents some juice.
⤷ Passive: Some juice was brought to her parents (by Sarah)
Menggunakan was karena subjeknya uncountable (some juice=beberapa jus)Bring (V1) ➔ Brought (V2) ➔ Brought (V3)Simple PresentActive: S + V1 + OPassive: S + is/am/are + V33. Active: The prince writes her a poem every day.
⤷ Passive: A poem is written to her every day (by the prince)
Menggunakan is karena subjeknya tunggal (a poem=sebuah puisi)Write (V1) ➔ Wrote (V2) ➔ Written (V3)
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