Among The Four Students Of Class V

Among The Four Students Of Class V

Keinara is .......... student among all of the students in the class​

Daftar Isi

1. Keinara is .......... student among all of the students in the class​


Keinara is a good student among all of the students in the class​


Maaf kalau salah <3

2. The - always - happily - out-of-study - class - students - the - sidea. The sudents study always happily out side of the classb. Outside of the class the students always study happilyc. The students always out side of the class study happilyd. The students always study happily out side of the class.​


d. The students always study happily out side of the class.


d. The students always study happily out side of the class.

3. Among the students in my class,dony gets the.....score for the english test(good)




Among the students in my class,dony gets the best score for the english test


diantara beberapa siswa di kelas, Dony mendapatkan nilai terbaik untuk ulangan bahasa Inggris


artinya diantara beberapa siswa di kelas, doni mendapatkan nilai terbaik untuk ulangan bahasa inggris

maaf kalau salah

4. In 5th Grade class, there are 40 students. 18 of them are the girls and 22 of them are boy. What is the ratio of boy to the all students of 5th Grade class?


11 : 20

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Boy : all students of 5th grade class

22 : 40 (divided by 2)

11 : 20

5. a class consits of 42 female student and 18 male student. the percentage of male students in the class

siswa pria = 18
siswa wanita = 42
total siswa = 18 + 42 = 60
ditanya : persentase siswa pria = .....?
penyelesaian :
[tex]persentasi \: siswa \: pria = \: \frac{bnyak \: siswa \: pria}{total \: siswa} \times 100\% \\ = \frac{18}{60} \times 100\% \\ = \frac{3}{10} \times 100\% \\ = \frac{300}{10} \% \\ = 30\%[/tex]

6. 6. The negative form of " Is Budi a student? " is........Budi is not a studentBudi not a is studentBudi is a student notBudi a student is not7. The negative form of " They watch a movie " is........Do They watch a movieThey do not watch a movieThey does notwatch a movieThey do watch a movie8. The interogative form of " They watch a movie " is........Do They watch a movie?They do watch a movie?They does watch a movie?Does they do watch a movie?9. The interogative form of " The students are in the class " is........Do The students in the class?Do The students are in the class?Are The students in the class?Are do The students in the class?10. The negative form of " The students are in the class " is........The students are in the classThe students not are in the classThe students not in the classThe students are not in the class​


6. Budi is not a student

7. they does not watch a movie

8. do they watch a movie?

9. are the students in the class?

10. the students not in the class

sorry if im wrong..



6. Budi is not a student

7. They do not watch a movie

8. Do they watch a movie?

9. Are the students in the class

10. The students are not in the class


6. A

7. B

8. A

9. C

10. D

7. QUIZZ In 5th Grade class, there are 40 students. 18 of them are the girls and 22 of them are boy. What is the ratio of boy to the all students of 5th Grade class?

Good luck

8. A scholarship of $6000 is shared equally among some students. find the share of each student if there are n students.​


sop sop ao ap ayo di ayak direkeningmu


Ngomong apaan si B.Inggris???

9. The number of books in the class library is 17 more than 3 times the number of students in the class. If 5 students are absent, each student can borrow exactly 4 books from the library. Find the number of students in the class.

misal x = buku dan y = siswa, maka

x = 3y + 17 ... (i)

5 siswa absen dan setiap siswa dapat meminjam buku masing-masing 4 buku, artinya

(y - 5).4  =x

4y -20 = x ... (ii)

substitusi pers (i) ke (ii)

4y - 20 = 3y + 17

y = 37

Jadi, banyak siswa dalam kelas adalah 37 siswa


10. Is there any act of exclusivity among the students?

Kalo yes = yes, there is any act of exclusivity among the students
Kalo no = no, there is not any act of exclusivity among the students

11. Menyusun : week-the-students-of-in-the class-smp-english-twice-study

the smp students study english in the class twice in a weekThe smp student study english in the class twice a week

Semoga membantu

12. from the text we know that......will join the contestA.only good students of the school B.All students of smp persatuanC.Several students of each classD.The students of other schools Tolong artikan yak kk,pliis

Dari teka tersebut kita tahu bahwa hanya ..... dapat bergabung dalam kontes.
A. Hanya murid unggulan di sekolah
B. Semua murid dari smp persatuan
C. Beberapa murid dari setiap kelas
D. Murid-murid dari sekolah lainini sebelumnya ada textnya tidak?
kalau terjemahan dr pertanyaan tsbt ialah:

Dari bacaan tersebut kita tahu bahwa..yang akan mengikuti kontes
a.hanya murid terbaik dari sekolah
b.semua murid smo persatuan
c.beberapa murid dari tiap kelas
d.murid2 dari sekolah lain

13. ANNOUNCEMENTAll of students of class VIII H have to come to school At 07.30am. You are requested to decorate the classroom for the Beautiful Class Competition ofMTsN 5 Ngawi.Please, come on time, because we have to complete itthis afternoon."You are requested to decorate the classroom..." The word "you" refers to...a. The students of class VIIIH.b. All of the readers in the school.c. Some of the students in class VIIIH.d. All of the students who join the competition.​


A. The students of class VIIIH.


Good luck!


All of students of class VIII H have to come to school At 07.30am. You are requested to decorate the classroom for the Beautiful Class Competition of

MTsN 5 Ngawi.

Please, come on time, because we have to complete it

this afternoon.

"You are requested to decorate the classroom..." The word "you" refers to...
a. The students of class VIIIH.

b. All of the readers in the school.

c. Some of the students in class VIIIH.

d. All of the students who join the competition. Asalumis

14. one of forty students in this class..... choosen as the chairman of the classA.isB.wereC.areD.what

Jawabannya adalah B.jawabannya A

maaf kalo salah

15. One of forty students in this class..... choosen as the chairman of the class B.were C.are

A. is

Karena subjectnya menunjukkan 1 orang (dari 40 orang murid), sehingga kata kerja "be" yang paling tepat adalah dalam bentuk singular, yaitu "is".

One of forty students in this class is choosen as the chairman of the class

One of forty students in this class dapat diganti sebagai orang ketiga (He/She) sehingga to be yang tepat adalah is (A)

16. Calculate how many students in the class in Activity 1 voted for each idea.There are 30 students in the class.1 1/2 of the students voted for Jose's idea:students2 1/3 of the students voted for Maria's idea:students3 1/6 of the students voted for Tiago's idea:students4 2/3 of the students would like a 2-day trip:students.challengeplss tolongonin saya​


Hitung berapa banyak siswa di kelas dalam Kegiatan 1 memilih untuk setiap ide.

Ada 30 siswa di kelas.

1 1/2 dari siswa memberikan suara untuk ide Jose:


2 1/3 siswa memberikan suara untuk ide Maria:


3 1/6 siswa memberikan suara untuk ide Tiago:


4 2/3 dari para siswa menginginkan perjalanan 2 hari:



tolong tolong saya

17. (+)the students of X science are studying English in the class(-). . . . . . . . . . (?)(Q¹) (in the class)(Q²) (English) (Q³)(studying English) (Q⁴) (The students of X science)​


(-) the students of X science are not studying english in the class

(?) are the students of X science studying english in the class?


(-) s+be not +v ing

(?) be + s+ v ing

18. In a class of 30 students , 25% of them own a bicycle . How many students in the class have bicycle



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

30 x 25% = 7.5

7.5 rounded up to 8

19. .... be brave, the students are supported to perform in front of the class.​


Please, Just, Must, other.....

itu adalah kemungkinan jawaban titik-titik di atas ya❤

maaf kalau salah karena aku juga manusia❤

Jadikan brainliest answer❤

20. After class,one of the two student always erased the chalkboard This sentence gas the same meaning with.... A.the chalkboard always erased by one of the two students after class B.after class.the chalkboard ia always erased by one of two students of two students are erased the chalkboard after class D.the chalkboard always been erased after class

Active :

After class, one of the two students always erased the chalkboard.

Passive :

After class, the chalkboard is always erased by one of the two students. (B.)

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