Kaziranga National Park Information In Marathi

Kaziranga National Park Information In Marathi

the largest national park in america terjemah kan​

1. the largest national park in america terjemah kan​

Taman nasional terbesar di Amerika


• The Largest National Park In America

• Taman Nasional Terbesar Di Amerika

Inggris > Indonesia


Maaf Ya Kalo Salah :')

No COPAS !!!

2. 1.what information do you get from a descriptive text about national park?


A national park is a park in use for conservation purposes. Often it is a reserve of natural, semi-natural, or developed land that a sovereign state declares or owns. National park is a public park, so anyone can go to the  national park.

Saya memohon maaf apabila jawaban tidak memuaskan atau kurang tepat. Apabila jawaban cukup memuaskan, semoga membantu dan bermanfaat.

-Vonka Kls.7 ^^

3. What is the definition in a national Park

national park is a park in use for conservation purposes

4. way kambas national park is located in....Lampung.tolong jawab yaa

bandar.......maaf klo salah. the bandar............

5. What islands are three in the Bunaken national park area


- Nain Island

- Siladen Island

- Bunaken Island


Maaf kalau salah.

6. what is the total park ? of coral ecusytem in bunaken national park​

Bunaken National Park is a marine park in the north of Sulawesi island, Indonesia. The park is located near the centre of the Coral Triangle, providing habitat to 390 species of coral as well as many fish, mollusc, reptile and marine mammal species.

7. Apa bhsa indonesia tanjung national park Tanjung national park is an internationally famous ecoturism destination , which is located in the southwest of central kalimantan peninsula.

Taman nasional Tanjung adalah tujuan wisata internasional yang terkenal, yang terletak di barat daya semenanjung kalimantan tengah.

8. a lot of wild animals(...)in the national park(see)

seen in the national park

9. What is the name of dormant volcano in bunaken national park

Apa nama gunung berapi aktif di taman nasional bunaken ?

*jangan lupa jadikan jawaban terbrainly yah (^_^)/

10. we cannot find ..except in simien national park​




we cannot find them except in simien national park




we cannot find The except in simien national

Nocopas-Terima kasih

11. what can be found in Tanjung puting national park?​


We can found animals such as Orang Utans and Proboscis Monkeys in Tanjung Puting National Park

12. Are there some endangered animals in Way Kambas National Park?​

there are, including:

Sumatran rhinosSumatran elephants,Sumatran tigers

Terjemahan :

Ada Diantara yaitu:

Badak SumateraGajah sumatera,Harimau Sumatera


Are there some endangered animals in Way Kambas National Park?

↪ Adakah hewan-hewan Langka pada taman nasional way kambas?


Park: Taman

Way kambas: Nama Tempat

National: Nasional

Endangered: terancam punah , Langka

13. tanjung puting national park

Taman nasional tanjung putingTaman Nasional Tanjung Puting di Semenanjung Kalimantan Tengah (Central Kalimantan Peninsula)

14. How many islands you can visit in the Ujung Kulon National Park?​

Berapa banyak pulau yang bisa Anda kunjungi di Taman Nasional Ujung Kulon


Maaf kalau salah semoga bermanfaat


Ga bisa basa Inggris


15. 1.what information do you get from a descriptive text about national park? 2.what should you mention in a descriptive of a place?

1 informasi apa yang kamu dapatkan dari teks deskriptif tersebut tentang taman nasional?  2 gk tau

16. Natural Bridge National Park

Jawaban:6 d

7 c

8 a



6. D

7. C

8. A

17. Tanjung puting national park

taman nasional tanjung putingtaman nasional tanjung putih

18. there....two komodo dragons found dead in komodo national park​


There are two komodo dragons found dead im Komodo National Park

Jawabannya "Are"


Kenapa "Are" ??

Karena kalimat diatas merupakan kalimat Prural atau Jamak

Biasanya subjeknya itu You,They,We atau digunakan oleh lebih dari satu benda atau objek.

yang menggunakan predikat Are

dan contohnya

-You are a doctor

-They are coming last night

-We are never give up

-There are five cat in your home

Ya begitulah penjelasannya

Ok semoga membantu

Jadikan jawabannya terbaik :)

Sayonara,chu :3




Topic: simple present passive




19. we see orangutan in tanjung puting national park,,menentukan passive

Passivenya adalah orangutan karena subjek ini dikenai oleh subjek yang pertama

20. What Is an inactive volcano in Bunaken national park like


Bunaken National Park is a marine park located in North Sulawesi, Indonesia. The park is located in the Coral Triangle, providing habitat for 390 species of coral reefs as well as various species of fish, molluscs, reptiles and marine mammals. Bunaken National Park is representative of Indonesia's marine ecosystem, including seaweed, coral reefs and coastal ecosystems.

This national park was founded in 1991 and covers an area of ​​890.65 km². 97% of the national park is marine habitat, while the remaining 3% is land, covering five islands: Bunaken, Manado Tua, Mantehage, Naen and Siladen.


semoga membantu ^^

maaf klo salah ^^

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