my mother goes to market at twenty to seven. she arrives there at five past seven. it takes.........minutes from home to marketdibantu please
1. my mother goes to market at twenty to seven. she arrives there at five past seven. it takes.........minutes from home to marketdibantu please
my mother goes to market at twenty to seven. she arrives there at five past seven. it takes 25 minutes from home to market
6.40-7.05= 25
Semoga Membantu
2. her mother (go) to the market when deni (be) sick at home
Her mother was going to the market when deni was sick at home.
*Thanks*Her mother was going tothe market when deni was sick at home
3. 2. You want to go to school. You =......Your Mom =.....3. You go home from school with your friends. You. =....... Your friends=.... 4. Your teacher ends the class. Your teacher =..... Students=........
2. You want to go to school.
You =Mom, I want to go to school first
Your Mom =Yes, go, be careful on the road and study hard
3. You go home from school with your friends.
You=The school bell has rung, let's go home
Your friends=Yes come on, let's go home together
4. Your teacher ends the class.
Your teacher =Alright students, the lesson from the teacher is over, now you can rest for a while
Students=ok sir / madam teacher
I hope this helps>_<
sorry if wrong><
4. B. psychomotor announcement make an announcement about having online class from home due Covid-19
because of Covid-19 we have to undergo online schooling
Terjemah soal :Pengumuman psikomotor membuat pengumuman tentang mengadakan kelas online dari rumah karena Covid-19
Terjemah jawaban :karena Covid-19 kita harus menjalani sekolah online
# semoga membantu
#maaf kalok salah
5. Ibu pergi belanja ke pasarThe English sentences is...a. Mother goes shoping to schoolb. Mother goes cooking to marketc. Mother goes reading to homed. Mother goes shoping to market
d. Mother goes shoping to market
jawabannya D
semoga membantu:)
6. from follow market adalah
etalase atau tem0at penampil barang dagangan
7. b. Next tod. On ihy ngin18. Rearrange the words! (Market - to-the-next-the-is-bank)4 The market is to next the bankc. The market is next to the bankb. The market next is to the bankd. The market to is next the bankmyfrom the across the 15 - bank)
JADIKAN JAWABAN TERBAIK YA...8. beni want to market he bought vegetable and school stationery after going home beni to house shinta tolong di terjemahkan
Beni ingin membeli sayuran dan alat tulis setelah pergi kerumah shinta
Kalo salah maaf ya, semoga membantuBeni ingin ke pasar ia membeli sayur dan peralatan sekolah setelah kembali ke rumah ia menuju rumah shinta
9. Ardan is not at home now. ______ goes to the market with his mother.
Ardan is not at home. He goes to the market with his mother.
10. susun kalimatnya1. museum - likes - lampung - Siti - many - in - the 2. to - everyday - goes - almost - week - she - market - in - Your - from - is3. home - Poso - brother - far - his
1)Siti - likes - many - museum - in - the - lampung
3)Poso - his - brother - far - home
"2" nya ak gk tau
11. COMPLETE THE SENTENCE WITH THE PRESENT TENSE! 1. Deby .... (write) a letter to her friend. now. She .... (write) it since she got home from class
Deby is writing a letter to her friend now (ada keterangan waktu now, berarti kalimat ini present continuous, she + is+ verb1+ ing). She has written it since she got home from class (present perfect tense; tindakan yg terjadi di waktu lampau dan masih ada hubungannya sampai sekarang ditandai dengan kata 'since', rumusnya she + has + verb3 (written).)
12. 1. do you like to study from online class? you like to do the self quaran the during the covid 19 pandemy? you like to study using the internet? you like to study from home during copid 19 pandemy?
1. no. because we all study from online class , i like study in the school
2.ILikeitbutIM scareOfthevirus
4.YesILikeIt,ButihopeThispademyWill endsoonasfast
13. Situation 4: Class is over now. Udin, Beni, and Lina are going home. Udin: “Well friends, it’s time to go home.” Beni: “_____________________________________” ( what to do) Lina: “__________________________________” (what not to do) Situation 5: Siti, Udin, and Lina are shopping in the traditional market. Siti: “I need some chicken.” Udin: “_____________________________________” ( what to do) Lina: “__________________________________” (what not to do) Tolong dibantu
Beni: Well, let's go home
Lina: No, let's not go home now
Udin: So, let's buy some chickens
Lina: No, our wallet is empty
14. class is over nurul and her friend are rendy to go home
class is over, nurul andher friends are ready to go home
TerjemahanKelas selesai, Nurul dan temannya siap pulang.
Aku gatau ini disuruh ngapain, jadi aku terjemahin saja. Kalau salah, maafkan. Karena gak dikasih perintah suruh ngapain.
15. situation 4 class is over now. udin,beni,and lina are going home. udin : "well friends. it's time to go home". beni : ". "( what to do) lina : ". "(what not to do)
beni : dont go to forbidden places
lina : go to a friend's house without telling our parents
16. Situation 4 class is over now. Udin beni and lina are going home Udin : well friends, it's time to go home. Beni : ........... (what to do) Lina : ............ (what not to do)
Beni : "Let's go home together."
Lina : "Let's stay until evening in the school."
17. susun kalimatnya1. museum - likes - lampung - Siti - many - in - the 2. to - everyday - goes - almost - week - she - market - in - Your - from - is3. home - Poso - brother - far - his
1. Siti likes lampung in the many museum
18. 1. Give the Direction From SMK Yadika 11 to Cilengsi Market
1. Take Jl. Masjid At Taqwa to Jl. Alternatif Cibubur/Jl. Transyogi in Gunung Putri
2. Head west toward Jl. Lurah Namat
3. Turn left onto Jl. Lurah Namat
4. Continue onto Jl. Lembur
5. Turn left onto Jl. Masjid At Taqwa
6. Continue on Jl. Alternatif Cibubur. Drive to Jl. Raya Narogong in Cileungsi
7. Turn left onto Jl. Alternatif Cibubur/Jl. Transyogi
8. Continue onto Jl. Raya Cileungsi - Jonggol/Jl. Raya Jonggol
9. Keep left
10. Turn right at the 1st cross street onto Jl. Raya Narogong
19. Class is over now.udin,beni,and lina are going home. Udin:"well's time to go home" Beni:" "(what to do) Lina:" "(what not to do)
beni:oke..see you next time...bye
B : you have to go home right a way.
L : Don't hang out after school, because your mom will be worried waiting for you.
20. grammar worksheet have to
lembar kerja tata bahasa harus
ini di artikan maaf kalo salah
lembar kerja tata bahasa harus
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