Find The Direction Cosines Of The Vector I 2j 3k

Find The Direction Cosines Of The Vector I 2j 3k

Besar vector u+v+w dengan vector u= -2i + 2j +k, v= i - 2j +3k, dan w= -3i -4j - 3k adalah

Daftar Isi

1. Besar vector u+v+w dengan vector u= -2i + 2j +k, v= i - 2j +3k, dan w= -3i -4j - 3k adalah

Mapel : Matematika
Bab : Vektor
Kelas : 11
Jawaban :

u + v + w

= - 2i + 2j + k + i - 2j + 3k + -3j - 4j - 3k
= - 2i + i + 2j - 2j - 3j - 4j + k + 3k - 3k
= - i - 7j + k

(-2i+2j+k) +(i-2j+3k) +(-3i-4j-3k)

2. diketahui: vektor a=i +xj -3k dan vector b = (x-y)i - 2j -3k , jika vector a = vector b , maka x-y =

jawabnya 1 donk
tuh dah jelas sekali
karna vektor a=b
maka 1=x-y

3. Diketahui: vektor a=i +xj -3k dan vector b = (x-y)i - 2j -3k , jika vector a = vector b , maka x-y =

jawabnya 1
sudah terlihat jelas ya krna vektor a=vektor b

4. Diketahui vektor u = i 2j 3k, v = 4i − 2j k . tentukan proyeksi vector orthogonal u pada v

Karena soalnya kurang lengkap, kemungkinan soalnya yaitu vektor u = i + 2j + 3k dan v = 4i - 2j + k. Maka proyeksi vektor orthogonal u pada v adalah [tex]\displaystyle \frac{1}{7} (4i-2j+k)[/tex].

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah

Diketahui :

u = i + 2j + 3k

v = 4i - 2j + k

Ditanya :

Proyeksi vektor orthogonal u pada v.

Jawab :

Menentukan proyeksi vektor orthogonal u pada v

[tex]\begin{aligned} u_v & = \frac{u.v}{|v|^2} v \\ & = \frac{1(4)+2(-2)+3(1)}{\sqrt{4^2+(-2)^2+1^2}^2} \ v \\ & = \frac{4-4+3}{\sqrt{16+4+1}^2 }\ v \\ & = \frac{3}{21} \ v\\ & = \frac{1}{7} (4i-2j+k) \end{aligned}[/tex]

Jadi proyeksi vektor orthogonal u pada v adalah [tex]\displaystyle \frac{1}{7} (4i-2j+k)[/tex].

Pelajari lebih lanjut

Materi tentang proyeksi vektor orthogonal →

#BelajarBersamaBrainly #SPJ4

5. the correct statement about vector quantity or scalar quantity is... a. Vector quantity is the quantity which has the magnitude / value and direction b. scalar quantity is the quantity which has the magnitude / value and direction c. vector quantity is the quantity which has the magnitude / value only d. scalar quantity is the quantity which has the direction only

The correct answer is A and I am absolutely sure about that :)The correct answer of that question is A

6. I can't change the direction of the wind. What does the sentence mean?




Apa arti kalimat itu?

Ican'tchangethedirectionofthewinddalam Bahasa Indonesia berarti

Aku tidak bisa mengubah arah angin


Semoga membantu (◕ᴗ◕✿)

7. Find the magnitude of: a.the vector joining the points (-3,-3) and (3,5) b.the vector joinig the points (-2,6) and (3,-1)

Vector a
x = 3 - (-3) = 6
y = 5 - (-3) = 8
[tex] magnitude = \sqrt{x ^{2} + {y}^{2} } [/tex]
Magnitude = 10

Vector b
x = 3 - (-2) = 5
y = 6 - (-1) = 7

Magnitude = akar 74

8. Besar vector u+v+w dengan vector u= -2i + 2j +k, v= i - 2j +3k, dan w= -3i -4j - 3k adalah Dengan cara lengkap !!


9. Diketahui 3 buah vector a = 4i + 3j -k b = -i -2j + 3k c = 3i -2j -3k Hitunglah besar vector r dan sudut antara vector-vektor tersebut dengan sumbu –z,jika r = 2a + b – c. Hitung juga sudut antara vector a dan b

a = (4i, 3j, -k)

b = (-i, -2j, 3k)

c = (3i, -2j, -3k)

~> r = 2a + b - c

= 2(4i, 3j, -k) + (-i, -2j, 3k) - (3i, -2j, -3k)

= (8i, 6j, -2k) + (-i, -2j, 3k) - (3i, -2j, -3k)

= (4i, 6j, 4k) ✓

~> |r| = √i² + j² + k²

= √16 + 36 + 16

= √68 ~ 8,246 satuan ✓✓

10. Diketahui vector a = 6i – 2j – 3k tentukan :a . panjang vector a b. vector satuan dari a


Maaf ane cuma bisa beri jawaban lewat foto, semoga membantu

11. What is the meaning of the sentence i cant change the direction wind .....

Apa arti dari kalimat i cant change the direction wind.....

mungkin maksud pertanyaan kamu adalah..

What is the meaning of the sentence, " I can't change the direction of the wind"


aku tidak bisa mengubah arah angin.


I = aku

can't = tidak bisa

change = mengubah

the direction of the wind = arah angin

semoga membantu^^

12. the direction of vibration in transversal wave is ................................. While the direction of travel is ..................................... So direction of vibration is ............................... To direction of travel.


1. is = vibrations in the rope and ripples on the air surface

2. is = perpendicular to the direction the wave is moving

3. is = by moving the vertical slinky up and down.


In a transverse wave, the particles are displaced perpendicular to the direction the wave travels. Examples of transverse waves include vibrations on a string and ripples on the surface of water. We can make a horizontal transverse wave by moving the slinky vertically up and down.



#Mapel Bhs-Inggris. ✓

#Materi transversal wave. ✓

#SemogaMembantu" :)

13. Please find the statement of direction to use *​


artinya adalah


silakan cari pertanyaan arah untuk digunakan

semoga membantu iya

14. Apa arti mention alan direction to find the location of the bus station

sebutkan alan arah untuk menemukan lokasi stasiun bus

15. diketahui vectora = i + 2j + 3k dan b = 6i - j maka nilai a.b adalah​


a.b = 10

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

a1.b1 + a2.b2 + a3.b3 = 10

2.6 + (-3).2 + m.(-4) = 10

12 - 6 - 4m = 10

-4m = 10 - 6

-4m = 4

m = - 1

16. The plane [tex]\pi[/tex] has equation [tex]r \bullet(i+2j-3k)=5[/tex] The line [tex]L[/tex] passes through the point [tex]P[/tex] with position vector [tex]7i+4j-6k[/tex], and is parallel to [tex]7i+3j-5k[/tex] (i) State the perpendicular distance from the origin to the plane [tex]\pi[/tex] (ii) Find the acute angle between the line [tex]L[/tex] and the plane [tex]\pi[/tex] (iii) Find the position vector of the foot of the perpendicular from the point [tex]P[/tex] to the plane [tex]\pi[/tex]. Hence find the position vector of the reflection of the point [tex]P[/tex] in [tex]\pi[/tex]


Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

17. Besar vector p + 2q + r dengan vector p = -2i + 2j + 2k, vector q = = i + 2j + 3k, dan r = -3i -4j - 2k adalah​









jadi p+2q+r=(-3,-6,6) atau -3i-6j+6k

18. i can’t change the direction of the wind"". what does the sentence mean?


It means "Saya tidak bisa merubah arah angin"


I = saya

can't = tidak bisa

change = merubah

direction = arah

wind = angin

Hope this answer is useful

19. " direction : find the perimeter abd area of each figure to see the differences" Pls help :(​


formula for perimeter

P=2x (base+height)

formula for Area

A= base x height


the working and the answer are shown in the pic.

semangat belajar....

20. Find the value of 2j - 9 when j = 6.​



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

2j - 9

= 2 x j - 9

= 2 x 6 - 9

= 12 - 9

= 3

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