The meaning of mirror is....
1. The meaning of mirror is....
A mirror is an object that can reflect the light of an object in front of it
maaf klo salah
The meaning of mirror is a reflective surface, typically of glass coated with a metal amalgam, that reflects a clear image.
Arti kata cermin adalah permukaan reflektif, biasanya dari kaca dilapisi dengan logam, yang mencerminkan gambar yang jelas.
Semoga membantu:)2. Write the difficult word and Find the meaning
punctual:tepat waktu
stubborn:keras kepala
3. " She is tall and pretty." The underlined Word has similar meaning with the word
dia (perempuan) tinggi Dan cantik
"dia tinggi dan cantik"
4. “He is polite and helpful”. The meaning of the underline word is ... .
where is the underline word ?,it doesn't says there
Jawaban: "Dia orang yang sopan dan Membantu" itu artinya maaf kalau salah :D
5. the predators word has the same meaning with the word bellow
Originally predator
6. What are the difference between semantic and word meaning
It is not the same. It appears to be the same because the difference is sutil, and "semantical" it's not in the dictionary because it can be a technical term in philosophy and linguistics. "Semantic" pertains directly to meaning. For example, a proposition is a semantic object. But "semantical" is about meaning. A semantical ambiguity is an ambiguity of meaning, but the ambiguity itself carries no intended meaning, that is why it's not a "semantic ambiguity". Damián Beanato.
7. Find the word and the meaninga. pronounb. nounjangan ngasal ngasal report
A.Before knowing what types and examples of pronouns are, you must first know the meaning of pronouns. Pronouns themselves have other names, namely, pronouns whose types of words replace nouns or noun phrases.
a pronoun is a type of word that functions to replace a certain noun or person that is not directly mentioned. The use of pronouns is intended so that a sentence is delivered more effectively and not long-winded.
B.-- liquid objects (goods) that can change shape according to the shape of the place (such as water, oil) because the molecules move freely;
-- the economy of useful and rare goods or services;
-- living things that grow, breathe, or move (plants, animals, humans);
-- black Fis ideal body that absorbs all radiation falling on it or entering it;
-- consumption of objects that are directly used to meet human needs;
-- celestial objects, such as the sun, moon, stars, and planets that are in space;
-- inanimate objects (things) that cannot move on their own and do not breathe (such as stones, iron, and houses);
-- solid objects (goods) that are solid and have a certain shape (such as stone, iron, and wood);
SEMOGA BERMANFAAT^^8. I am tall and slim the closest meaning of the underlined word artinya
Saya tinggi dan langsing arti terdekat dari kata yang digarisbawahi
Saya tinggi dan langsing arti terdekat dari kata yang digaris bawahi
maaf ya kalo salah
9. . The word “fluffy” has the same meaning with the word ...
semoga membantu
10. Match the word with the meaning!
1. Run out of means have none left/ use all of something
Arti: Kehabisan berarti tidak ada yang tersisa / gunakan semua sesuatu
2. Stick to means follow (a plan, a budget, etc)
Arti : Bertumpu pada berarti mengikuti (rencana, anggaran, dll)
3. Shopaholic means someone who enjoys shopping very much
Arti : Gila belanja berarti seseorang yang sangat suka berbelanja
4. Be broke means have no money
Arti : Menjadi bangkrut/miskin berarti tidak punya uang
5. Resist means fight, reject, hold back
Arti : Menahan berarti melawan, menolak, menahan
6. To save for a rainy day means to save money for future needs
Arti : Menabung berarti menabung untuk kebutuhan masa depan
7. Expenses means what you spend for
Arti : Pengeluaran berarti apa yang Anda belanjakan
8. Thrifty means careful in spending money
Arti : Hemat berarti berhati-hati dalam membelanjakan uang
11. what is the meaning of the word "cheap"and " I think"
Cheap artinya murah
I think artinya saya pikir
(kalo salah mohon dimaafkan)
12. You and me got a whole lot of history. The word WHOLE the same meaning with the word....
All, evenly,
Anda dan saya punya banyak sejarah. Kata SELURUH artinya sama dengan kata ....
* segala,semua,serata, segenap, dll
maaf jika salah
13. Apa arti dari:Look! The horse and the donkey look alike.” The underline word has the similar meaning with....
Lihat! Kuda dan keledai itu mirip.
look alike artinya mirip, sehingga sinonim dari look alike adalah similar yang juga berarti mirip.
Pembahasan:Cara mencari sinonim sebuah kata:
1. Cari arti kata dalam Bahasa Inggris tersebut ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia.
2. Setelah mengetahui arti dalam Bahasa Indonesia, akan lebih mudah menemukan padu padannya dalam Bahasa Inggris.
3. Jika kesulitan menemukannya, gunakan makna yang sama namun berbeda kata, lalu terjemahkan ke dalam Bahasa Inggris.
Contoh: sinonim dari impressed (kagum), dapat mencari di kamus terjemahan tidak harus kata "kagum", namun bisa mencari Bahasa Inggris dari takjub yaitu amazed.
Pelajari lebih lanjut materi tentang Synonym pada
14. "Look! The horse and the donkey look alike."The underline word has the similiar meaning with..
synonym of alike:
similar, identical
semoga membantu!
15. You and me got a whole lot of history. The word WHOLE the same meaning with the word....
All (Semua)
Anda dan saya punya banyak sejarah. Kata SELURUH artinya sama dengan kata ...
Sinonim kata seluruh:
Sarwa, seantero, segala, segenap, sekujur, semesta, semua, serata.
16. The soundtrack is impressive and includes ..." The underlined word has similar meaning with...
aku tidak mengerti maaf kalo salah
17. You and me got a whole lot of history. The word whole has the same meaning with the word....
legendary because he likes the same word history
18. The meaning of the word “Ability and willingness” (unit 2) Ada yg tau jawabannya?
Kemampuan dan kemauan
BELAJAR BERSAMA BRAINLY!19. touch the mouse and keyboard gently" the underlined word is closest in meaning
Arti dari "the underlined word is closest in meaning to" adalah makna paling dekat dengan kata bergaris bawah. Untuk mengartikan suatu kalimat ke dalam bahasa Indonesia, kita tidak harus mengartikannya dari depan ke belakang, tetapi disesuaikan dengan kaidah bahasa Indonesia baku.
Bila diartikan dari depan ke belakang kalimat " the underlined word is closest in meaning to" adalah kata bergaris bawah adalah paling dekat artinya dengan. Dalam bahasa Indonesia, arti dari kalimat tersebut tidak efektif karena menimbulkan penafsiran yang berbeda.
Perhatikan kalimat berikut.
Arti dari "what is the text about" adalah mengenai apa teks tersebut, atau tentang apa teks tersebut.
Bandingkan dengan arti ini: Apa teks tersebut tentang.
Kita lebih mudah memahaminya dengan arti yang pertama daripada arti yang kedua.
Pelajari lebih lanjut
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Kelas: SMP-SMA
Mapel: Bahasa Inggris
Bab: Instructions
Kode: -
20. the meaning of the word red
Answer :
the meaning of the wordred is kata merah.
Sekian, terima kasih.jawaban:merah : red
penjelasan:maaf kalo salah
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