The following text is for questions number 10-13The West Sumatra provincial administration plans to promote the tourism potential of wild boar buntingin an effort to improve the welfare of local residentsThe plan has won the support of Governor Irwan Prayitno."The unique wild boar hunting activity has the potential to be developed as a leading tourism event inWest Sumatra," he said in Padang on Monday.Irwan added that boar hunting, aided by dogs in Matur Mudiak village in Auam regency, had attracted alarge number of participants and spectators.According to him by setting up food and beverage stations near hunting areas, boar hunting could helpspur local economies."We hope this kind of activity can also be developed as a tourism attraction in other regencies in WestSumatra" Irwan said as quoted by Antara news agencyIrwan noted that the boar hunting in West Sumatra had been popular for several decades.10. What is the topic of the text?A The uniqueness of wild boar hunting activity in West Sumatra.B. Participants taking part in the wild boar hunting in West Sumatra,C. The development of prominent tourism attraction in West Sumatra.D. Efforts to improve the welfare of local people in West Sumatra provinceE Planning to promote wild boar hunting as tourism attraction in West Sumatra11. How could wild boar hunting activity help push local economies?A. By improving local people's welfare.B. By setting up hunting areas in some places.C. By selling food and beverages near hunting areas.D. By asking for help of the local government.E. By attracting participants and spectators.12. We know from the text that ...A local people sell food and beverages in the hunting areasB. participants and spectators come from all over West SumatraC. the governor of West Sumatra has won the wild boar huntingD. wild boar hunting has been accepted for long in West SumatraE. hunters who get involved in the hunting activity must have rifles13. Wild boar hunting activity is very popular in West Sumatra.. it is unique and attractive.A asB. thatCthusD. due toE. though
1. The following text is for questions number 10-13The West Sumatra provincial administration plans to promote the tourism potential of wild boar buntingin an effort to improve the welfare of local residentsThe plan has won the support of Governor Irwan Prayitno."The unique wild boar hunting activity has the potential to be developed as a leading tourism event inWest Sumatra," he said in Padang on Monday.Irwan added that boar hunting, aided by dogs in Matur Mudiak village in Auam regency, had attracted alarge number of participants and spectators.According to him by setting up food and beverage stations near hunting areas, boar hunting could helpspur local economies."We hope this kind of activity can also be developed as a tourism attraction in other regencies in WestSumatra" Irwan said as quoted by Antara news agencyIrwan noted that the boar hunting in West Sumatra had been popular for several decades.10. What is the topic of the text?A The uniqueness of wild boar hunting activity in West Sumatra.B. Participants taking part in the wild boar hunting in West Sumatra,C. The development of prominent tourism attraction in West Sumatra.D. Efforts to improve the welfare of local people in West Sumatra provinceE Planning to promote wild boar hunting as tourism attraction in West Sumatra11. How could wild boar hunting activity help push local economies?A. By improving local people's welfare.B. By setting up hunting areas in some places.C. By selling food and beverages near hunting areas.D. By asking for help of the local government.E. By attracting participants and spectators.12. We know from the text that ...A local people sell food and beverages in the hunting areasB. participants and spectators come from all over West SumatraC. the governor of West Sumatra has won the wild boar huntingD. wild boar hunting has been accepted for long in West SumatraE. hunters who get involved in the hunting activity must have rifles13. Wild boar hunting activity is very popular in West Sumatra.. it is unique and attractive.A asB. thatCthusD. due toE. though
E Planning to promote wild boar hunting as tourism attraction in West SumatraC. By selling food and beverages near hunting areas.D. wild boar hunting has been accepted for long in West SumatraD. due toPenjelasan:
semoga membantu
2. lions are wild and storng
singa yang kuat dan liar
#smgmembantu:)singa itu liar dan kuat
3. Uy www8. Why are orangutans endangered?a. Habitat loss and hunting.b. Hunting and helping.Killing and reserving.d. Habitat loss and saving.
A. Habitat loss and hunting
4. jawab pliss1+1=2×2=3÷3=4×4=5000+100×2=8.000.000 + 8000 ×200I'm a wild boar
241165.2008.160.000Aku babı hutan.Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:
1 + 1 = 2 (1 buah lalu ditambah 1 buah ada 2 buah)
2 × 2 = 2 ada 2 terus ditambah = 2 + 2 = 4
3 ÷ 3 = 1 (pembagian angka yang sama = 1)
4 × 4 = 16 (4 ada 4 terus ditambah) = 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 = 8 + 4 + 4 = 12 + 4 = 16
5000 + 100×2 = 5000 + 200 = 5.200
8.000.000 + (800×200) = 8.000.000 + 160.000 = 8.160.000
I'm a wild boar = aku babı hutan / babı celεng.
#Jenius - kexcvi
5. a.wild animals are wild
Hewan liar itu liar
maaf kalo salah
6. it is a wild animal, it's favorite foods are fish and is a...
Honey Bear
Semoga Membantu
7. carilah kalimat pasive the hunters are hunting deer and birds (active)
Active sentences : The hunters are hunting deer and birds
Passive sentences : Deer and birds are being hunted by the hunters
8. The wild animals below are…. * and lionb.crocodile and tigerc.snake and birdd.chicken and giraffe
⏱Jawaban ➡b. crocodile and tiger⏱Pembahasan ➡
English :
The wild animals below are…. *
Indonesia :
Hewan liar di bawah ini adalah
Buaya umumnya menghuni habitat perairan tawar seperti sungai, danau, rawa dan lahan basah lainnya, namun ada pula yang hidup di air payau seperti buaya muara. Makanan utama buaya adalah hewan-hewan bertulang belakang seperti bangsa ikan, reptil dan mamalia, kadang-kadang juga memangsa moluska dan krustasea bergantung pada spesiesnya. Buaya merupakan hewan purba, yang hanya sedikit berubah karena evolusi semenjak zaman dinosaurus.
Harimau adalah spesies kucing terbesar yang masih hidup dari genus Panthera. Harimau memiliki ciri loreng yang khas pada bulunya, berupa garis-garis vertikal gelap pada bulu oranye, dengan bulu bagian bawah berwarna putih. Harimau adalah pemangsa puncak, mereka terutama memangsa .
Detail Jawaban✍Mapel : B. Inggris Kelas : SDMateri : Wild Animal9. “Android has been managing RAM usage and system resources extremely well for years now. The operator system (OS) Automatically suspends and closes apps you`re not using, freeing up RAM for whatever apps you are using.” What are OS and RAM used for ?
The operator system (OS) is used to close apps you`re not using to free up RAM
RAM is used to temporarily store all the information your device needs right now and in the near future.
10. Tolong beri tanda baca pada cerita( The wild boar and the fox )a wild boar was sharpening his tusks against a tree one day when a fox came bywhat are you doing that for asked the fox there are no hunters around everythinglooks very peaceful to me quaite true said the boar but when the hunter does comwith his dogs I shall be too busy running away to have time for this so let mesharpen my tusks while I can
a wild boar was sharpening his tusks against a tre.
One day when a fox came by what are you doing that for asked the fox. There are no hunters around everything. looks very peaceful to me quaite true said the boar but when the hunter does com with his dogs, I shall be too busy running away to have time for this so let me
sharpen my tusks while I can
11. wild animals are wild artikan dalam bahasa Indonesia
binatang buas itu liar
semoga membantu maaf kalok salah ☺️
12. 3.I am wild animal, I have long neck. I am a ..4. Lion, crocodile, and snake are wild animalsWild animals in Indonesian is ....5. Cow, sheep and chicken liveon ....6.arefor hearing.
3. giraffe
4. liar
5. the farm
13. "Lion like to prey on larger animals, like deer, wild boar, antelops, and other" Word "PREY ON" has most closest meaning with.... A. Attack B. Hunt C. Fly D. Swim
Prey on artinya memangsa/memburu. Jadi jawaban nya adalah B.Hunt
Maaff ya kalo salah
A. Attack
prey on = penyerangan
attack = serang
14. The goat and cock are not wild,but they are?
The goat and cock are not wild, but they are «Tame»
✐ Kambing dan ayam jantan tidaklah liar, tapi mereka jinakthe goat and cock are not wild but they are tame.
15. Tiger and wolf are wild animalis artinya...?
Harimau dan serigala adalah hewan yang buas
#$emoga membantu16. Apa arti dari what are you opinion about hunting as a sportWhat are you open your about hunting us a part
What are your opinion about hunting as a sport artinya apa pendapat kamu tentang kegiatan berburu sebagai sebuah olahraga?
17. elephants and giraffes are...animalsa. wildb. tamec. harshd. tough
pembahasan :
elephants and giraffes are wild animals. Karena gajah dan jerapah merupakan binatang buas.
semoga membantu....
18. 15. Wild boar is known as ... as Bear.A weakB. fierceC. more fierceD. the most fierce
B. fierce
Semoga membantu
B. Fierce
The wild boar (Sus scrofa), also known as the "wild swine", "common wild pig", or simply "wild pig", is a suid native to much of the Palearctic, as well as being introduced in the Nearctic, Neotropic, Oceania, the Caribbean islands, and Southeast Asia.
Hope this helps
19. Connie :What Are her cats like? Mike: they are.... a. playful and viciousb. cute and playfulc. tame and wildd. gentle and fierceBantuuAkuuPlis:)
Cute & Playful B. Karena cute mengartikan kucing itu lucu / mengemaskan playful mengartikan menyenangkan yang berarti kucing itu hiperaktif sehingga perlu diajak bermain
20. Apa artinya there are many kids of sport :walking, runing, hunting, cycling, swimming, and so on
Ada banyak jenis oleah raga : Berjalan, Berlari, Berburu, Bersepeda, Berenang, dan sebagainya
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