Vision Of India In 2047 Letter Writing 1000 Words

Vision Of India In 2047 Letter Writing 1000 Words

what the name of those words in personal letter​

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1. what the name of those words in personal letter​


apa nama kata-kata itu dalam surat pribadi?

maaf kalo salah kak

2. in the writing letter? jawabannya :no,......

i'm not writting letter now.. kayaknya seperti ituno, i am not writing the letter now

3. With love and admiration,… sincerely yours,…sincerely grateful,… in personal letter you will meet those words. What is the name of the words in personal letter

The name of words in personal letter is correspondent or sender. Yang dalam bahasa indonesia memiliki arti pengirim.


Surat adalah sarana komunikasi untuk menyampaikan informasi tertulis oleh suatu pihak kepada pihak lain dengan tujuan memberitahukan maksud pesan dari si pengirim. Informasi yang diberikan di dalam surat berupa pengantar, pemberitahuan, tugas, permintaan, perjanjian, pesanan, perintah, laporan dan putusan.  Surat digunakan untuk menyampaikan informasi atau bertukar kabar yang ditulis oleh suatu pihak lain dengan tujuan memberitahukan maksud dari pesan yang ditulis. Menurut kamus besar bahasa indonesia surat adalah kertas dan sebagainya yang bertulis atau berbagai isi didalamnya.

Berikut adalah fungsi surat antara lain

Sebagai sarana komunikasi.Bentuk kerjasama.Media penyimpanan.Alat bukti tertulis.Pelajari lebih lanjut

Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang ciri-ciri surat elektronik (



4. What are the purposes of writing letter​


apa tujuan dari menulis surat


untuk memberikan kabar terhadap seseorang atau memberikan pemberitahuan terhadap orang orang yang bersangkutan



to give news to someone or give notice to the people concerned


jangan lupa jadikan jawaban terbaik.......

5. ivan is writing a letter to one of his pen friends.complete his letter with am,are,or is.Rewrite the letter in your book​

Jawaban: in





moga membantu ,jadikan jawaban terbaik donk kaka :).

6. Nita was writing a letter in her room​

Tadi nita sedang menulis sebuah surat di kamarnya

7. What is purpose of writing the letter


to know news from a relative

translate : Apa tujuan menulis surat?

jawaban : The purpose of writing a letter is a communication medium that contains the sender's written message to the recipient.

translate : Tujuan penulisan surat adalah sebagai media komunikasi yang berisi pesan tertulis pengirim kepada penerima.

8. are you writing a letter in indonesian?No,.................... in english​


No, I'm writing a letter in English


Semoga membantu!! <3


No, i'm not. I'm writing a letter in English.


Ketika jawaban dari pertanyaan bersubjek "you" adalah "no", maka setelah kata "no" ditambah dengan subjek + tobe + not. Menjadi : no, i'm not.

9. what is the steps of writing formal letter ??

A good official letter when issued by an organization usually uses letterhead. There is a letter-making number, as well as the subject of the letter. Use the official language range applicable in that country. Opened and closed using the greeting commonly used by big people. One of the considerations or whether the official letter is a stamp or seal from the institution that issued the letter. If there is no seal, then the letter will doubt its authenticity.

Semoga membantu:)step 1. The heading : This includes your address and the date. Write it in the upper-right corner of the page and spell out the name of the month to avoid confusion.

step 2. The Salutation : This is the “hello” part of your letter and is also known as the greeting. It is located on the next line after the heading, but it is placed on the left side of the page about an inch from the edge. The name of the person should be capitalized and followed by a comma.

Step 3. The Body : Here is where you express thoughts and ideas. In other words, it is the reason for writing the letter. Start under the salutation, an inch from the left edge or the page (5 spaces).

step 4. The Closing : This is the “good-bye” part of the letter. Usually, words such as “Your truly” or “Love” are used here. Closings should make the reader feel like you really care or that you really mean what you have written. Place the closing about two-thirds of the way across the page from the left side or in the line with the heading.The first word in the closing should be capitalized. The last word in the closing should be followed by a comma. Also, if you letter is more than one page long, be sure to number each page after the first.

step 5. The Signature: Sing the letter in your own handwriting just below theclosing.

10. 1.who is the sender of the letter above? 2. what part of the personal letter is the first paragraph of the letter?3. what does the real intention of the sender of the letter in writing the letter?​


1. The sender is david

2. The heading

3.about the writer holiday

11. How using transition words in writing ?


nggak tau apa itu transisi jadi aku hanya menerjemahkan saja semoga membantu:)


artinya=bagaimana menggunakan transisi kata-kata secara tertulis?

12. 17. Personal letter involves ... in its writing process.​


17.surat pribadi melibatkan... dalam proses penulisannya.


Maaf saya hnya bisa mengartikan

semoga membantu

13. what is the purpose of writing the letter?

Jawaban simplenya, the purpose is to apply for a job at Jeans and Co.The purpose of writing a letter is to tell someone about news,for communucation,for an invite,for a job vacancy

Semoga membantu

14. what is the purpose of writing the letter......

tujuannya adalah agar si penulis surat bisa memberikan informasi kepada si penerima surat. maaf pake bahasa indonesia

15. a letter-in-she-her-writing-is-room

She is writing a letter in her room (Dia sedang menulis sebuah surat di kamarnya).





A letter-in-she-her-writing-is-room.

Dari tobe yang di gunakan dan karena ada V-ing, maka kalimat ini berkaitan ttg present continuous tense.

Berikut susunannya :

She is writing a letter in her room.

16. write down 8 steps of writing business letter

1.Decide what type of letter you need to write. ...
2.Write a short outline. ...
3.Use the right layout and salutation. ...
4.Use appropriate vocabulary for the type of letter you are writing. ...
5.Check your spelling. ...
6.Check your grammar. ..
.7.Check your punctuation. ...
8.Format your letter...

sorry if wrong

17. what is Nita's purpose in writing the letter​


artinya : apa tujuan nita menulis surat itu


maaf kalo salah

18. 1.who is the sender of the letter above? 2. what part of the personal letter is the first paragraph of the letter?3. what does the real intention of the sender of the letter in writing the letter?​


mohon maaf tapi gaada textny jadi gatau ini arti pertanyaannya


no 1 itu artinya siapa yang mengirim surat tsb

no 2 itu bagian mana yg termasuk bagian surat pribadi di paragraf pertama

no 3 itu apa tujuan atau niat si penulis surat buat menulis surat ini

19. Write down 8 steps of writing business letter

1. Decide what type of letter you need write
2. Write a short outline
3. Use the right lay out and solution
4. Use appropriate vocabulary for the type of letter you're write
5. Check your spelling
6. Check ur Grammar
7. Check ur Punctuation
8. Format ur letter.

20. What is the purpose of writing the letter

Inform everything, be it facts, data or events including opinions and views on facts, data and events so that the reader can gain new knowledge and understanding of various things that can or do occur on this earth.

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