I Wish May You Live Long Meaning In Hindi

I Wish May You Live Long Meaning In Hindi

i wish you the best for may life

Daftar Isi

1. i wish you the best for may life


Semoga yang terbaik untuk hidupmu

What do you mean about 'i wish you the best for may life'

2. wish you luck What word is similar in meaning to look?​


look: see, view, notice, sigh, spot, observe, perceive, discern, behold, regard, sat eyes, spy,note,makeout,clapeye,


hanya itu yg saya tau, semoga Membantu JADIIN JAWABAN TERBAIK yah:)

3. Elsa: I live in Parigi when I was younger. Jackie: Really? How long 5 ..there ? A. did you live B. have you live C. do you live D. are you livebeserta penjelasannya ya​


A. did you live


Jackie: Really? How long did you live there?

4. What is the meaning of wish in Indonesia language


wish...dalam bahasa indonesia berarti harapan/berharap


Apa arti dari keinginan dalam bahasa Indonesia

5. Wish and Conditional If Sentences Rewrite the meaning 1. I wish you were here 2. She wishes her mother were not in the office 3. You wish you could swim ini the sea 4. They wish the teacher did not give the rest 5. I wish i could speak Japanese

1) aku berharap kamu disini
3)kamu berharap kamu bisa berenang di laut
4)mereka berharap gurunya tidak memberi pekerjaan rumah (pr)
5)aku berharap aku bisa berbicara bahasa jepang

6. x : .............. do you live? I live in Jember

Jawaban yang tepat untuk mengisi titik titik adalah = Where.Where
klo gk salah maaf ya klo salah

7. I wish you every success in.i artinya​


saya doakan anda sukses selalu




I artinya saya


8. A: I lived in Milan when I was younger.B: Really? How long ... there?a. Did you liveb. Have you livedc. Lived youd. Live youe. Living you​

ANSWER: b. have you lived

A : I lived in Milan when I was younger.

* A : Saya telah tinggal di Milan saat saya masih muda.

lived, kata yang berakhir -ed berarti telah terjadi.

B : Really? How long ... there?

* B : Serius? Sudah berapa lama kamu telah tinggal disana?

kamu telah tinggal = have you lived

maaf kalau salah

9. wish may you get well soon​


semoga cepat sembuh


makasih bang aku juga lagi sakit :)


Semoga cepat sembuh



10. the word "wish" in "Wish you a very happy birthday" is closest in meaning to …a. hope b. accompany c. wantd. expect

Wish you a very happy birthday
A. Hope

11. Activity 3 Read the greeting card carefully to aDear HannyIn this special day I wish you happy birthdayMay you always be happy healthy, long life, andsuccessfulGod bless youLoveJaniceOuestions:​


B Indo:

Kegiatan 3 Bacalah kartu ucapan dengan seksama untuk a

Hanny sayang

Di hari istimewa ini saya ucapkan selamat ulang tahun

Semoga Anda selalu bahagia sehat, panjang umur, dan


Tuhan memberkati Anda



Pertanyaan: Dan bagaimana kabarmu di sana, aku sudah lama tidak bertemu dengan mu, semoga kamu baik2 saja di sana

B. Inggris:

Activity 3 Read the greeting card carefully to a

Dear Hanny

In this special day I wish you happy birthday

May you always be happy healthy, long life, and


God bless you



Ouestions: Question: And how are you there, I haven't seen you in a long time, I hope you are fine there.


Maaf kalau salah

12. wish may you win are the winner​


semoga menang ya pemenangnya


seomoga menang ya pemenagnya

13. Write down the meaning and the impression in the table below 1. May I have your attention, please? meaning....2. Attention please meaning...3. listen to me meaning....4. I think so meaning...5. I know what you mean meaning...6. Do you understand? meaning....7. Are you following me? meaning...8. Is it clear? meaning....9. I 'm with you meaning....10. I understand what you are saying meaning....​


Tuliskan makna dan kesan di meja di bawah

1. Bisa minta perhatiannya, tolong? Maksudnya..

2. Perhatian berarti.

3. Dengarkan aku berarti …

4. Saya pikir begitu berarti

5. Aku tahu apa yang anda maksud jahat …

6. Kau mengerti? Maksudnya..

7. Kau mengerti? Maksudnya.

8. Sudah jelas? Maksudnya …

9. I'm dengan anda berarti …

10. Aku mengerti apa yang kau katakan.


semoga bermanfaat:)

14. which word in the text is closest in meaning to "wish"?

text nya yang mana? gada text nya mana bisa tau

15. Dani : I’m almost late. I have another appointment.Dio : Alright. . . . if you wish.The appropriate sentence for Dio is :A. You may come inB. You may stay hereC. You may leave nowD. You may not come here

b.You may stay here
(maaf kalau salah,semoga membantu)C.You May Leave Now
Karena dani bilang dia harus bertemu orang

16. it always floods in the rainy season . i wish i......(not live) near the river

i wish i did not live near the riverI wish I did not live near river

17. 1. you?-I-May-help2. go-school-on-I-to-Thursday3. Paris?-Does-live-in-she​


1. may i help you?

2. i go to school on thursday

3. does she live in paris?


i hope this helps..

sorry if there is a mistake

May I help you?I go to school on ThursdayDoes she live in Paris?

18. "May you have a wonderful experience...." The underlined word is closet in meaning to... ​


wonderful experience=pengalaman yang menyenangkan

19. 1. i wish i (live) ... in a bigger house.2. i wish i (not forget) ... my jacket.3. i wish i (have) .... lunch.4. i wish the teacher (not give) .... us so much work 5. i wish we (can) .... go outside​


1. saya berharap saya (tinggal) ... di rumah yang lebih besar.

2. saya berharap saya (tidak lupa) ... jaket saya.

3. saya berharap saya (memiliki) .... makan siang.

4. saya berharap guru (tidak memberi) .... kita banyak bekerja

5. saya berharap kita (bisa) .... pergi ke luar



20. the theree cards share similar structures mention themNote:To make a wish you con use-may: may Good bless you always-wish: I wish you all the best in your new jobwe wish you a Merry Christmaswe wish you the best of luckini artinya apah?tolong jawab​


tiga kartu memiliki struktur yang sama menyebutkannya


Untuk membuat keinginan yang Anda gunakan

-may: semoga kebaikan selalu memberkatimu

-wish: Saya berharap yang terbaik untuk pekerjaan baru Anda

kami ucapkan selamat Natal


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