The Enthalpy Of Fusion Of Water Is 1 435

The Enthalpy Of Fusion Of Water Is 1 435

Which equation represents the standard enthalpy change of formation of water .....

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1. Which equation represents the standard enthalpy change of formation of water .....


equation represents the standard enthalpy change of formation of water

is 2H2​(g)+O2​(g)→2H2​O(l)

2. Exercise:1.How much heat is required to melt 10 kg of alcohol in solid? The heat of fusion ofalcohol is 6,9 x 104 J kg-1.2.How much heat is required to vaporize 5 kg of water? The heat of vaporization of wateris 2,27 3 106 J kg-1.​


1. 690000 joule = 690 kj

2. 11365 kj


1. diket : m = 10 kg

U = 6,9 x 10 pngkt 4 joule/ kg

jawab : Q = m x U = 10 kg x 69000 j/kg

= 690000 joule

2. diket : m = 5 kg

U = 2.273.000 j/ kg

jawab : Q = m x U = 5 kg x 2.273.000 j/kg

= 11.365.000 joule

3. The density of water is 1.0g/cm3. This is useful as it means we can measure themass of water and easily work out its volume. A. What is the mass of 1cm³ of water? B. What is the mass of 20cm³ of water? C. What is the volume of 10g of water? D. What is the volume of 22.5g of water​


The density of water is 1.0g/cm3. This means 1 g of water mass equals to 1 cm³ of water volume.

a. 1 cm³= 1g

b. 20 cm³= 20g

c. 10 g= 10 cm³

d. 22.5g = 22,5 cm³

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4. A cubic container is filled with 1000cm³ of water. If 1197cm³ of the water is added, find the height, in cm, of water in the container.​

Short answer:

13 cm


Cubic container = 1.000 cm³ + 1.197 cm³

Cubic container = 2.197 cm³

Cubic container = side x side x side

2.197 cm³ = side³

side = [tex]\sqrt[3]{2.197}[/tex] cm

side = 13 cm

So, the height of water in the container is 13 cm

5. The process of plants that give of the water/let out the extra water is called​


The process of plants that give of the water/let out the extra water is calles transpiration

Transpiration is the evaporation of water from the surface of leaf cells in actively growing plants. The process of transpiration provides the plant with evaporative cooling, nutrients, carbon dioxide entry and water to provide plant structure.


Proses tanaman memberi air / mengeluarkan air ekstra disebut transpirasi

Transpirasi adalah penguapan air dari permukaan sel daun pada tumbuhan yang tumbuh secara aktif. ... Proses transpirasi menyediakan tanaman dengan pendinginan evaporatif, nutrisi, masuknya karbon dioksida dan air untuk menyediakan struktur tanaman.



6. the edge of the water is ?​


part of the physical elements of the city that has the potential to be developed into a living area and a place for people to gather. In its development, the Waterfront concept in several countries in the world has a concept that tends to be the same.


sorry if it wrong

7. What is the consequent of the scarcity of clean water


There will be difficulty in finding clean water to be consumed.

People will have to spend many money just to find and use clean water.

People who don't have money might have to consume dirty water.

People's health in general wil deteriorate.

8. whic of following is not the nature of water

whic of following is not the nature of water=Berikut ini bukan sifat air

9. 4950 ml of water is poured equally into 10 bottles. [tex]\frac{3}{10}[/tex] of the bottles of water are used to water the plants. How many milliliters of water is used to water the plants?

Amount of water


Amount of water per bottle



Water that is for plants


=148,5 ml

So, the amount of water used is 148.5 milliliters

Semoga membantu♡´・ᴗ・`♡

10. 1 What is the price of a bottle of mineral waterAnswer.​


maybe 3,500


semoga bermanfaat


3.000 IDR


Most of brand of mineral water is about 3000 IDR.

11. A 1-litre jug is half full of water. Peter pours 30% of the water out of the jug. How much water is poured out Give your answer in milliliters.


600 mililiters

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

1 litre is half of jug means full jug is 2 litre.

peter pour 30% out of jug.

30%x 2ltrs = 0,6 liter= 600 mililiters


150 ml

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

the water that poured out of the jug =

30/100 x ½ x 1 litre =

0.3 x 0.5 x 1,000 ml =

0.15 x 1,000 ml = 150ml

12. The synonym of bubbling wateris ...​



13. The synonym of bubbling water is


Bubbly water


Bubbling water : air mendidih

bubbly water : air berbuih

moga membantu

14. 500 grams of ice at -10^oC will be melted down to become water at 5^oC. If the specific heat of ice is 0.5 cal/gr^oC, the heat of fusion for ice is 80 cal/gr and the specific heat of water is 1 cal/gr^oC. Determine the amount of heat needed * 20 poin​



- heat absorbed to reach 0 degree C

[tex]Q_1=mc\Delta T=500 gram\times 0.5 cal/gramK\times (0-(-10))K=2500 cal[/tex]

- heat absorbed to make it water

[tex]Q_2=mL=500gram\times 80 cal/gram=40000 cal[/tex]

- heat absorber to reach 5 degree C of water

[tex]Q_3=mc\Delta T=500 gram times 1 cal/gramK\times (5-0)K=2500 cal[/tex]

total heat absorbed


15. A water tank hold 2.000 kg of water and have base area of 1 m2. Pressure at the base of the water tank is ....​


20.000 Pa


Pressure (P) is Force or Weigth divide by an base Area.

P = F/A

F = w = mg = 2000 . 10 = 20.000 N

P = 20.000/1 = 20.000 Pascals

or around 0,2 atm

16. what is the consequence of the scarcity of clean water​


bahasa Inggris=

Impact of Clean Water Crisis

The direct impact of the lack of water needs, among others, is the occurrence of failure to plant and harvest which causes disruption of food supplies, poor sanitation and hunger which has an impact on the emergence of diseases due to lack of food and malnutrition

bahasa Indonesia=

Dampak Krisis Air Bersih

Dampak langsung dari kurangnya kebutuhan air antara lain yaitu terjadinya gagal bercocok tanam dan panen yang menyebabkan terganggunya persediaan bahan pangan, sanitasi yang buruk dan kelaparan yang berdampak pada munculnya penyakit akibat kurang pangan dan gizi buruk.


maaf kalok salah, jadikan jawaban terbaik

17. What is the function of the texts tsunami is a series of water waves?

descriptive function

18. the boiling poin of water is​



semoga bermanfaat

jadikan jawaban ini sebagai jawaban terbaik

19. 5. The volume of water tub in bathroom is 500 liters. The flow rate of the water tap is 25cm³/minute. How long that the water tub will be full of water?​

Materi : Bangun Ruang dan Volume

Volume = 500 L = 500 dm³

Debit = 25 cm³/menit



= 500.000 cm³/ 25 cm³ × 1 menit

= 20.000 × 1 menit

= 20.000 menit

= 333 jam 20 menit

= 13 hari 21 jam 20 menit

Semoga bisa membantu

[tex] \boxed{ \colorbox{navy}{ \sf{ \color{lightblue}{ Answer\:by\: BLUEBRAXGEOMETRY}}}} [/tex]

20. The meaning of"Water the flower!" Is...


water the flower is = sirami bunganya

maaf kalo salah


Siram Bunga itu !





semoga membantu

maaf kk klo salah

maksih ka

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