A 1kg Stationary Bomb Is Exploded

A 1kg Stationary Bomb Is Exploded

45. She ... near the reef when the bomb exploded. (swim/explode) a. was swimming - exploded b. wet swimming - exploded c. swimming - exploded d. exploded - swimming

Daftar Isi

1. 45. She ... near the reef when the bomb exploded. (swim/explode) a. was swimming - exploded b. wet swimming - exploded c. swimming - exploded d. exploded - swimming

She was swimming near the reef when the bomb exploded

2. where was the second exploded bomb located?

kampung melayu 
semoga membantuAt dust number B
Semoga membantu

3. what were they doing when the bomb exploded ?

apa yang mereka lakukan saat bom nya meledak?

4. Where is the stationary ?


Stationary adalah bahasa inggrisnya perlengkapan tulis


I hope this helps


The stationary is in the pencil case, you can take it.

5. Stationary is a place for

Stasioner adalah tempat untuk

6. A... Is a place where you can buy books and stationary

A bookstore is a place where you can buy books and stationary

7. where is the stationary store?​


at the front


maaf kalau salah soalnya lagi ngerjain task!!

8. 4)The word "sedentary" is an antonim of :a. Stationaryb.let hargicc.active​


d. alibabikani


gw pinter

9. What club is destroyed bye the bomb

klub apa yang dihancurkan oleh bomklub apa yang dihancurkan oleh bom
maaf bila salah

10. A: Where is the bookstore?8: It is ... the post office and the stationary.​




between artinya diantara

semoga membantu

jika suka tolong kasih jawaban tercedas atau brainlinest answer. terima kasih



diantara kantor pos dan toko alat tulis


semoga membantu

11. A.... Is aplace where you can buy books stationary

A BOOKSTORE is a place where you can buy books stationary    Entah kalo salah...

12. 1. where is the stationary?2. is the stationary behind the writer's house?3. what will the writer do in the stationary?4. where is the hotel? 5. where is the campus?Tolong di jawab bentar lgi di kumpulin!!​


1. the stationary is on merpati street.

2. no, it is

3. buy some books

4. the hotel is located right next to stationary

5. the campus is located in front of hospital

13. Stationary is a place for=

selling such kind of school equipments..
ex : book, ruler, pencil, etc

14. A stationary wave of frequency 80.0 hz is set up on a stretched string of length 210 cm. what is the speed of the waves that produce this stationary wave?

Kecepatan rambat gelombang berdasarkan soal di atas adalah 168 m/s.

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Gelombang merupakan getaran yang merambat dari suatu titik ke titik lain melalui media tertentu. Dalam gelombang kita akan mengenal beberapa istilah, antara lain:

Frekuensi gelombang

Rumus dari frekuensi gelombang, yaitu:

[tex]f=\frac{n}{t} =\frac{1}{T}[/tex]

Periode gelombang

Rumus dari periode, yaitu:

[tex]T = \frac{t}{n}[/tex]

Panjang gelombangCepat rambat gelombang

Rumus yang digunakan untuk menghitung cepat rambat gelombang, yaitu:

[tex]v=panjang gelombang.f[/tex]


Panjang gelombang = 210 cm = 2,1 mFrekuensi = 80Hz


Cepat rambat gelombang?


Rumus yang digunakan untuk menghitung cepat rambat gelombang, yaitu:

[tex]v=panjang gelombang.f[/tex]

v = 2,1 m . 80 Hz

v = 168 m/s

Pelajari lebih lanjut

Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang cepat rambat gelombang pada https://brainly.co.id/tugas/15425027


15. where is the stationary​

Jawaban:I hope this helps

Penjelasan:The stationary is in the pencil case, you can take it.






on your home bang tolong kasi pertanyaan yang jelas lah kita mau jawab juga males jadinya

16. 1. where is the stationary?2. is the stationary behind the writer's house?3. what will the writer do in the stationary?4. where is the hotel? 5. where is the campus?​


1. the stationary is on Merpati street.

2. yes.

3. to buy stationary.

4. hotel next to stationary.

5. campus is in front of the bank.


sorry if i am wrong, hope it helps╹▽╹

17. Stationary is a place for

Bila yang dimaksud adalah

Stationary : Diam di tempat
Jawab : Is not moving

Bila yang dimaksud adalah

Stationery : Alat tulis/alat kantor
Jawab : Writing supplies/office supplies

Bila yang dimaksud adalah 

Station : Stasiun
Jawab : Where trains depart and arrive

Semoga Membantu :D

It is a place to buy goods and everything for the needs of students,especially some goods that is needed for school.


18. a place where you buy some stationary is a

drugstore kalau gak salahDrugstore kalu klu g dalah Semoga membantu

19. 'Had the bomb exploded, all the houses in this area would have been destroyed.'We may conclude that...a. some house were destroyedb. none of the house was destroyedc. the bomb destroyed all the housesd. the house could not be destroyed by the bombe. the house would not be destroyed by the bomb

C.the bomb destroyed all the housesthe answer is C. The Bomb destroyed all the houses

20. The new stationary store is...kartini street

the new stationary store is in kartini street

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