apa itu climate change ? dan apa contohnya ?
1. apa itu climate change ? dan apa contohnya ?
adalah perubahan jangka panjang dalam pola cuaca di suatu wilayah. Contoh = pemanasan global antropogenik dan jumlah peristiwa cuaca ekstrem yang semakin banyak atau sedikit.
Maaf kalo salah
2. Write down five questions and answers from this reading
Pertanyaan :
1. When Nessa will have free time?
2. What will she do in her free time?
3. Why her mom will not cook on Sunday?
4. What food will Nessa's grandma cook?
5. What will Nessa's dad do on Sunday?
1. Nessa will have free time on Sunday
2. She will plant some flowers in her garden in her free time
3. Her mom will not cook on Sunday because her Grandma always cooks for her family
4. The food that Nessa's grandma will cook are fried chicken, mashed potato, salad, and Nessa's favorite food fried noodle
5. Her dad will wash his car on Sunday
I hope this answer helps!! :))
3. what are the of climate change on the nature and? describe
Apa perubahan iklim di alam dan ? menggambarkan
4. 1 What causes the Earth's climate to change? 2. How do you know that the climate is changing? 3 What can you do to help slow down climate change?
1.apa yang menyebabkan iklim bumi berubah
2.bagaimana anda tau bahwa iklim sedang berubah?
3.apa yang dapat Anda lakukan untuk membantu memperlambat perubahan iklim
mohon maaf klo salah
5. What are the effects of climate change on the nature and society? Describe
Climate change is already affecting the planet and society and will continue to do so for generations to come. The physical and chemical changes of human activities are being felt in natural ecosystems on land and at sea, on farms and ranches, and in cities and suburbs, but the changes are not happening uniformly. Differences in how regions are affected by varying degrees of warming, precipitation, and changes of animal and plant species are likely to get even more extreme as climate change continues. Some areas may actually get a bit cooler for a while! Similarly for rainfall, some parts of the planet will get drier, while others will get more precipitation in more extreme events.
The poles have already seen the greatest warming, and will continue to warm more rapidly than other areas. Already we’re seeing record losses of ice in the Arctic. That melting ice contributes to rising sea levels, affecting the entire planet. In addition, warm water expands, so sea levels will rise as the atmosphere warms. The ocean has risen 4-8 inches (10-20 centimeters) globally over the last hundred years. As sea level continues to rise, flooding and storm surges will threaten freshwater sources, as well as coastal homes and buildings.The effects will cause many victim, broke many house, and lost the properties.
6. what are the effects of climate change on the nature and society ? describe
when the nature and society change, the climate is the end of the world. :)
7. What is climate change?
perubahan iklim
8. jelaskan pengertian akan pernyataan dibawah ini the development of policies for the implelementation of adaptation and mitigation strategies. 1. formulate a national development strategy that supports agricultural sustainability,contributes to food security and climate change adaptation. 2.increase investments in agricultural reseach and extension programs,and support community-based adaptation strategies 3.improve global,regional and national data collection,dissemination,and analysis,and raise agricultural adaptation as a key agenda point within the international climate negotiation process
ini tentang adaptation dan mitigation strategies itu cara2nyahow to develope strategies and police for the implementation of adaption and mitigation
9. Can climate Change effect on animals? Why?
karena ya begitulah I tak tahuDapatkah PERUBAHAN IKLIM berpengaruh terhadap Hewan ?
Karena ?
- Hewan akan atau mau tidak mau harus menyesuaikan diri dengan tempat / lingkunganya yang baru (SELEKSI ALAM)
ini asumsi saya... okey ?
10. What is the definition of national parks in indonesia
What is the definition of National parks in Indonesia?
=> Apa arti dari "National parks" Dalam bahasa Indonesia.
NATIONAL PARKS = Taman Nasional
11. what will climate change force animal to do ? how will climate change impact animals ?
climate change force animals to do :
1. move out from the habitat's where they used to live this will cause alot of animals goes extict
2. animals are going to extict due to a variety human disturbances
12. What is the definition of national parks in indonesia
National parks = Taman Nasional
13. what will climate change force animals to do? how will climate change impact animals?
climate change force animals to do :
1. move out from the habitat's where they used to live this will cause alot of animals goes extict
2. animals are going to extict due to a variety human disturbances
14. What causes the Earth' climate of change
apa yang menyebabkan iklim bumi berubah
mohon maaf bila salah
15. Apa arti dari global climate change
perubahan iklim globalArti dari global climate change adalah perubahan iklim global.
Smoga Membantu Like dan Follow
16. How do forest fires affect climate change?
forest fire affect the climate by air pollution and holes in ozone layer.
Trees can absorb CO2 and convert them to oxygen which is very important to living things, especially humans. Forest fires mean losing trees and can cause the Earth warmer. We should protect trees and not getting rid of them regardless.17. Arti dari Global Climate Change
Global Climate Change adalah perubahan iklim bumi. Yang dimaksud dengan perubahan iklim adalah perubahan variabel iklim, khususnya suhu udara dan curah hujan yang terjadi secara berangsur-angsur dalam jangka waktu yang panjang antara 50 sampai 100 tahun (inter centenial).
18. jelaskan apa yang kamu ketahui tentang IPCC (intergovernment panel on climate change)
Intergovermental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) adalah sebuah badan internasional yang mengkaji aspek ilmiah terkait dengan perubahan iklim.
semoga membantu.
sukai dan tandai jawaban saya sebagai jawaban terbaik
19. what are the of climate change on the nature and ? describe
depletion of ozone
-> the depletion of ozone is cause by the gas that produced by cars and motorcycle.. the gas cause the ozone layer becoming thinner then its should be.. the effect of this climate change can be the forest fire,the melting ice in south and north pole.
20. what the effect of climate change on the nature and society? describe
menggambarkan dampak buruk dan baik
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