Some Data Regarding The Achievements So Far

Some Data Regarding The Achievements So Far

what are some if the greatest technological achievements​

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1. what are some if the greatest technological achievements​


maaf kurang faham


semoga membantu

1. the inovation of tesla(electronic vehicle) by elon musk

2. the invention of smartphone

3. the inovation of alibaba group(a protection company) by jack ma

4. the invention of camera

2. the stundents ... reading five chapters so far (finish)

The students Have been reading five chapters so far.

3. She …. five books so far. (write) The correct complete sentence is …. Pilih jawabanmu. 1 She has wrote five books so far. 2 She have written five books so far. 3 She did write five books so far. 4 She has written five books so far. 5 She wrote five books so far.

4.she has written five books so far5 she wrote five books so far

4. 3. the ticket of has sold.... ticket so far

the ticket of has sold out ticket so far

5. Neptune is located so far from the sun.Far means..... a.dekat b.jauh c.terjangkau d.tersembunyi


b. jauh

semoga membantu

6. "With me so far?" What does the Expression Mean?cepat dijawab besok mau dikumpulkan ​

That expression may be disappointed, sad, and surprised by the other person

In my opinion, its meaning: Are you with me when I explain / talk about something. Do you Hear me? Focus on me and understand to what I'm saying?

It can be used in class by teacher. So, for cheking his students' understanding, he says "With me so far?" in the middle of explanation, for make sure that his students still listen to him.

~Semoga membantu. Jika Bahasa Inggris saya kurang bagus, bisa diperbaiki atau kritik. Saya juga masih belajar ☆

7. A: how about going to the cinema ? that is so far​

i think so that is so far

I think that is so far

8. answer the true verbs we have ..... three short stories so far (write)​


karena merupakan v 3 dari write soalnya itu present perfect tense

Jawaban: written


9. so here we stand in our secret place where the sound of the crowd is so far away

quite with best friend
jadi disinilah kita berada/berdiri di tempat rahasia kita dimana suara keramaian orang terdengar sangat jauh

maaf kalo salah

10. Even though the cover didn't look interesting the story seems good so far

Meskipun sampulnya tidak terlihat menarik, ceritanya tampak bagus sejauh ini.

artinya : Meskipun sampulnya tidak terlihat menarik, ceritanya tampak bagus sejauh ini

semoga membantu

budayakan like

11. how many games ..... (the team/win) so far this season​


semoga benar dan maaf klo salah

12. Look! they are two ..... under the Umbrella. they are having .... at the beach. they want to build ..... far beyond some people are .... in the sea. it's so beautiful scenery


kid, fun, castle, swimming


i hope it's the correct answer :)

13. the children .... (be) tired because they (run)so far away that day

the children hadbeentired because they ranso far away that day

Past Tenses

The children were tired because they had run so far away that day.


Past tense adalah bentuk kata kerja yang digunakan untuk menceritakan kejadian yang dimulai dan selesai di masa lampau dari waktu kalimat tersebut diucapkan.

Ada 4 aspek dalam (past) tense, yaitu:

-simple →menyatakan suatu aksi yang hanya dilakukan sekali, berulang-ulang, atau keadaan permanen. S + v₂

-progressive →menyatakan suatu aksi yang dilakukan terus-menerus (sedang). S + was/were + v-ing

-perfect →menyatakan suatu aksi yang sudah selesai. S + had + v₃

-perfect progressive →menyatakan suatu bagian yang sudah selesai dari aksi yang sedang terjadi. S + had + been + v-ing



Kalimat di atas menggunakan past tense karena ada keterangan waktu that day, hari itu, yang merujuk pada suatu waktu di masa lampau.

The children were tired menggunakan past simple karena merujuk pada suatu kejadian di masa lampau yang hanya terjadi pada saat itu saja.

because they had run so far away that day menggunakan past perfect karena pada saat itu kejadian sudah selesai.

Tl; dr: Past perfect tense menyatakan suatu kejadian di masa lampau yang sudah selesai mendahului kejadian lampau lainnya.


Learn more about past simple and past perfect



Subject: English

Category: Structure and Written Expressions

Sub-category: Past Tense

Level: SHS X

Code: 10.5.7

Keywords: past simple, past perfect

14. unlike some people,we don't ..... about our achievements

unlike some people,we dont know about our achievements

15. Which of the following sentences is the correct form of present perfect tense? A. maya will have saw seven movies so far this month. B. maya has seen seven movies so far this month. C. maya have seen seven movies so far this month. D. maya has saw seven movies so far this month.​


B. maya has seen seven movies so far this month.

16. Complete the dialogue in the blue lineA. someB. longC. farD. much​


gak tau aku sumpah maaf ya


makanya pintar bahasa Inggris

17. apa artinya : okay so far

oke, sejauh ini... / sejauh ini sih okeOkay = Baiklah/Cukup baik
so far = sejauh (ini)

Berarti = Baiklah/cukup baik sejauh ini

18. How many classes have you had so far today? * a.I have several classes so far today. b.I have had several classes so far today. c.I had several classes so far today. d.I had had several classes so far today

B) I have had several classes so far today..

Semoga Membantu Dan Bermanfaat...


B. I have had several classes so far today

19. unlike some people,we don't ..... about our achievements artinya

tidak seperti beberapa orang, kita tidak ....... tentang preatasi kita.

20. Apa arti Dari So far

so far adalah sejauh ini


So far =

1. sejauh ini

2. sampai saat ini

3. sampai di sini.


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