Colonel Hunt Gave Me Three Flags Change The Voice

Colonel Hunt Gave Me Three Flags Change The Voice

passiv voice dari my father gave me the letter

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1. passiv voice dari my father gave me the letter

The letter was given me by him

2. try to change these sentences in pasive voice form? he gave me a book​


book is gave for me by him


a book was given to me by him

3. Change the following sentences to passive voice ! julia has rescued three cats


Three cats were rescued (by Julia)


'Subject (Julia) + verb (rescued) + object (three cats)' changes to:

'New subject (three cats) + verb (were rescued) + by + new object (Julia)'

The passive form of 'rescued' in the simple past tense is 'was/were rescued'. Since the subject 'three cats' is plural, the verb will also be plural 'were rescued'.

Subjek (Julia) + kata kerja (diselamatkan) + objek (tiga kucing)' berubah menjadi:

'Subjek baru (tiga kucing) + kata kerja (diselamatkan) + oleh + objek baru (Julia)'

Bentuk pasif dari 'diselamatkan' dalam simple past tense adalah 'was / were rescued'. Karena subjek 'tiga kucing' adalah jamak, kata kerjanya juga akan jamak 'telah diselamatkan'.

4. change to passive voice1.They should sell the package to me.​


the package should be sold to me


structure passive voice:Tobe+v3

5. change of the passive voice in active voice​

A. Ismail Mulyadi was repairing your car


A. Ismail Mulyadi was repairing you car.

6. change the sentece into passive into voice!1.present tensea.billy washes the floor everday2.past tenseb.they gave the food​


1. Billy is washing the floor

2. ???


present tense :

1. The floor is washed by Billy every day

past tense :

2. food is given by them

7. 5. Change into active voiceThe problem cannot be solved by me​


The problem cannot be solved by me​.

=> I can not solve the problem.

8. Change the following sentences from active to passive voice correctly. a. Andrian wrote three letters yesterday

ྀ༘ Passive voice┃Past tense ྀ༘


Three letters were written by Andrian yesterday.



Passive voice merupakan kebalikan dari Active voice di mana subjek kalimatnya menerima aksi sedangkan objeknya yang melakukan aksi. Bentuk ini lebih menekankan kepada subjek yang terdampak dibandingkan objek yang menjadi pelaku. Pada materi ini, bentuk waktu yang digunakan adalah Simple Past Tense.


ཽ Pattern:

•ᴥ• Active Voice

(+) S + V2 + O/C(–) S + did + not + V1 + O/C(?) Did + S + V1 + O/C

•ᴥ• Passive Voice

(+) S + was/were + V3 + by + agent(–) S + was/were + not + V3 + by + agent(?) Was/were + S + V3 + by + agent + ?


ཽ Aturan:

•ᴥ• Active Voice

Pada kalimat positif, kata kerja yang digunakan adalah bentuk kedua (V2). Sedangkan pada kalimat negatif dan introgatif, kata kerja kembali ke bentuk pertama (V1) karena sudah ada aux. verb ‘di’ yang menggantikannya.

•ᴥ• Passive Voice

To be ‘was’ digunakan untuk subjek: I, he, she, it, dan nama tunggal. To be ‘were’ digunakan untuk subjek: you, we, they, dan nama banyak.∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙Detail Jawaban:

Mapel: Bahasa Inggris

Kode soal: 05

Tingkat: SHS

Materi: Passive Voice

9. Change the sentence into passive voice A. The postman has sent the letter for me


Active : The postman has sent the letter for me

Passive : The letter for me has been sent by the postman


10. The apple has been eaten by me.Change the sentence above into active voice!​


I have eaten the apple.



Passive = The apple has been eaten by me.

Active = I have eaten the apple.


Present Perfect Simple

Active : S + has / have + V3 + O

Passive : O + has / have + been V3 + (by subject)

11. Change the following active sentences into passive voice she andini has eaten three cupcake this afternoon

Passive VoiceThree cupcakes has been eaten by her (andini) this afternoon

PEMBAHASAN Perintah Soal

Change the following active sentences into passive voice

Ubahlah kalimat aktif berikut ke dalam Pasif

Active-Present Perfect

she/andini has eaten three cupcake this afternoon

=> Dia (andini) telah memakan 3 kue siang ini

Keterangan:Subject => She (andini)Has + Verb-3 => has eatenObject => three cupcakes Adverb of time => this afternoon

Passive-Present Perfect

Three cupcakes has been eaten by her (andini) this afternoon

=> 3 kue telah dimakan oleh dia (andini) siang ini

Keterangan:Object => Three cupcakes Has + been + Verb-3 => has been eatenBy Subjek => by her (andini)Adverb of time => this afternoon

Pelajari Lebih LanjutPassive Voice:

DETAIL JAWABANMapel: Bahasa InggrisMateri: Passive VoiceLevel: SHSKode Soal: 5Kode Kategorisasi: 11.5


12. Change the following passive voice into active sentences.10. The article about passive voice was shared by me last week.​


I shared the article about passive voice last week.

13. change of the active voice in passive voice​


1. Mr.Syarif is signing the contract agreement in PT. Jaya Logistic Corporation right now.

Passive Voice: (C) The contract agreement is being signed by Mr.Syarif in PT. Jaya Logistic Corporation right now.

jadikan jawaban yang terbaik ya^•^

14. Change the following sentences to passive voice ! julia has rescued three cats


Three cats were rescued (by Julia)


'Subject (Julia) + verb (rescued) + object (three cats)' changes to:

'Subject (Julia) + verb (rescued) + object (three cats)' changes to:'New subject (three cats) + verb (were rescued) + by + new object (Julia)'

'Subject (Julia) + verb (rescued) + object (three cats)' changes to:'New subject (three cats) + verb (were rescued) + by + new object (Julia)'The passive form of 'rescued' in the simple past tense is 'was/were rescued'. Since the subject 'three cats' is plural, the verb will also be plural 'were rescued'.

'Subject (Julia) + verb (rescued) + object (three cats)' changes to:'New subject (three cats) + verb (were rescued) + by + new object (Julia)'The passive form of 'rescued' in the simple past tense is 'was/were rescued'. Since the subject 'three cats' is plural, the verb will also be plural 'were rescued'.Subjek (Julia) + kata kerja (diselamatkan) + objek (tiga kucing)' berubah menjadi:

'Subject (Julia) + verb (rescued) + object (three cats)' changes to:'New subject (three cats) + verb (were rescued) + by + new object (Julia)'The passive form of 'rescued' in the simple past tense is 'was/were rescued'. Since the subject 'three cats' is plural, the verb will also be plural 'were rescued'.Subjek (Julia) + kata kerja (diselamatkan) + objek (tiga kucing)' berubah menjadi:'Subjek baru (tiga kucing) + kata kerja (diselamatkan) + oleh + objek baru (Julia)'

'Subject (Julia) + verb (rescued) + object (three cats)' changes to:'New subject (three cats) + verb (were rescued) + by + new object (Julia)'The passive form of 'rescued' in the simple past tense is 'was/were rescued'. Since the subject 'three cats' is plural, the verb will also be plural 'were rescued'.Subjek (Julia) + kata kerja (diselamatkan) + objek (tiga kucing)' berubah menjadi:'Subjek baru (tiga kucing) + kata kerja (diselamatkan) + oleh + objek baru (Julia)'Bentuk pasif dari 'diselamatkan' dalam simple past tense adalah 'was / were rescued'. Karena subjek 'tiga kucing' adalah jamak, kata kerjanya juga akan jamak 'telah diselamatkan'.

15. Change the following active sentences into passive ones 1. The gave me a ticket for the concert


1. Ones the gave me a ticket for the concert → Aktive voice

The concert tickets were given to me by Ones → Passive voice


Passive Voice (Passive Sentence) is a sentence whose subject is subject to a job or suffering from something.

Semoga membantu:-)

16. change the active voice into the passive voice ​


1. Your house was painted by Wildan Yesterday.

2. He will be attacked by disease.

3. Your motorcycle had been repaired by Rudy.

4. The unique jacket was wore by Aminah.

5. The good bag was brought by Indiana.

6. The flower was gave to me by Rahma Farida in front of this class.

7. Juliet will be visit by Romeo next week.

8. Narendra was be listened by a good song yesterday morning.

9. The door was pulled by Lindsay until broken last week.

10. I was be heard with the radio every night.

17. change the following passive voice into active voice​


1. Someone threw the ball.

2. Someone has swept the rooms.

3. Someone bought Allen a car yesterday.

4. Someone tore the book covers.

5. Someone is writing the lesson now.

6. Someone will improve the house next week.

7. Someone has given my friend a gift.

8. Someone is teaching the students nowadays.

9. Someone eats the food.

10. Someone stole her bag last month.

11. Someone has picked the mangoes.

12. Someone was watering the flowers at 3 pm yesterday.

13. Someone doesn't shut the doors.

14. Someone informed me about her arrival.

15. Someone hit the snake last night.


Soal-soal di atas tanpa direct object, sehingga saya tambahkan subject "someone" sebagai pengganti subjeknya.

3. Direct object dari kalimat ini adalah a car. Sedangkan Allen merupakan indirect object.

7. Direct object dari kalimat ini adalah a gift. Sedangkan my friend adalah indirect object.

Pelajari lebih lanjut mengenai passive voice pada


18. she gave me the change after playing some money,change the setence below into passive or active

Kelas: SMA
Pelajaran: English
Kategori: passive voice

The sentence 'she gave me the change after paying some money.' is an active sentence.
The passive one would be like this
'I was given the change by her after paying some money.'

19. change the following sentencer to the active voice A aletter I's written by me​

active voice nya I write a letter


Me written letter


Maaf kalau salah

20. 9. Change to passive voiceActive voice : The Princess tosses the ball too highPassive voice10. Change to active voicePassive voice : The Prince gets married with the PrincessActive voice​


9. Change to passive voice

Active voice : The Princess tosses the ball too high

Passive voice : The ball is tossed too high by the Princess

10. Change to active voice

Passive voice : The Prince gets married with the Princess

Active voice : The Princess married with the Prince

*catatan:untuk no.10 bentuk passive voicenya saya rasa kurang tepat, sehingga mungkin active voicenya akan kurang tepat.


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