Due To Heavy Flood In A State

Due To Heavy Flood In A State

3. the-due-was-clownpour-to-flood-heavy the​

Daftar Isi

1. 3. the-due-was-clownpour-to-flood-heavy the​


Due to the downpour, the flood was heavy.


3. The-due-was-downpour-to-flood-heavy-the​.


Due to the downpour, the flood was heavy. = Karena hujan lebat, banjir itu deras.

2. thousand of people ... evacuated due to the heavy storm and the local government declared a state of emergency​

thousand of people were evacuated due to the heavy storm and the local government declared a state of emergency

Ribuan orang dievakuasi karena badai berat dan pemerintah setempat menyatakan keadaan darurat

3. ....the heavy rain, flood hits the capital A. Because B. So that C. As long as D. Caused by E. Due to

Due to

soalnya kalo pake because harusnya because of

koreksi kalau salah '-'Because of the heavy rain, the flood hits the capital.

Because of the heavy rain, the flood hits the capital.

4. 1.Teddy drank much coffee (due to/as)....he was sleepy 2.(due to/since) ......the flood, some people lost their houses and properties Tolong kak konjungsi yang benar​


1). due to (karena dia minum kopi untuk tidur)

2). since (menyatakan waktu)


1. due to



semoga membantu.

5. A lot of trains ... late today due to the heavy storms. ​

Banyak kereta ... terlambat hari ini karena badai besar.


Semoga terbantu

6. the road so slippery (because/due to).... the heavy rain this morning


the road so slippery due to the heavy rain this morning


Due to merupakan preposition yang memiliki makna seperti menjelaskan mengenai penyebab




Maaf kalau saya salah

7. to state purpose in doing something​


to state the purpose of doing something we have to experiment


semoga membantu maaf kalau salah

8. In southern Colombia, there were 260 people ... children who were killed due to flood and landslides.


Di Kolombia selatan, ada 260 orang ... anak-anak yang tewas akibat banjir dan tanah longsor.

9. What caused the flood? a. low water level b. A sudden heavy rain C. A sudden rise in the water d. A sudden continuous heavy rain e. A combination of heavy rain and bad timing


d. A sudden continuous heavy rain


d.A sudden continuous heavy rain

10. I couldn’t get any driver (pick) ........ me up last night due to the heavy rainstorm.



maaf klo salah :)

11. 1. this hate is....your charactea. because ofb. Due toc. Thanks to2. ...the teacher's guidance, we are able to solve the problemsa. Because ofb. Due toc. Thanks to3. Her loss of appetite was... a stomachachea. because ofb. due toc. thanks to4. the soccer match was delayed... heavy rain.a. because ofb. due toc. thanks to5. i reach higher education.. my boss.a. because ofb. due toc. thanks to​








maaf ya kalo salah

semoga bermanfaat ya

jangan lupa follow aku ya please

12. 17. We know from the text that....a. River can sweep heavy floodb. Water flood is absorbed by landc. The destruction by flood is always less severed. People can make money from floode. Typhoons caused heavy flood​




sorry if it's wrong I am very sorry

13. What is the CAUSE in the following sentence !“The tree fell in the middle of the road due to the heavy rain”​


The heavy rain / heavy rain.

Semoga membantu ♡,



What is the CAUSE in the following sentence?

“The tree fell in the middle of the road due to the heavy rain”​

The cause in the sentence is the heavy rain.


“Pohon tumbang di tengah jalan karena hujan deras”​ jadi yang menyebabkan pohon tumbang di tengah jalan adalah hujan deras (The Heavy Rain).

Semoga membantu ya.

14. Ten years ago, the government … to begin a food program. there … many people got starving due to the flood.


Sepuluh tahun yang lalu, pemerintah ... memulai program pangan. disana… banyak orang kelaparan karena banjir.

15. 0 The road is closed due to yesterday's big floodCauseErrect​





16. Thousands of people...evacuated due to the heavy stormand the local goverment declareda state of emergency.The correct word to complete thesentence is ...AamBisCare​




thousands adalah lebih dari 1 sehingga berventuk jamak

17. Ellen : I bet it's going to rain dogs and cats.Lia : I worry it's going to be flooded everywhere.Ellen : Why do think so ?Lia : ...What does Lia probably reply ?A. Flood reduces people's productivity.B. Flood can cause property damage.C. Flood can happen in any part of the city.D. Flood is often caused by a heavy rain. ​


D. Flood is often caused by a heavy rain. ​


18. Write a brief explanation about a flood caused by heavy rain!​


Write a brief explanation about a flood caused by heavy rain as follows:


the cause of flooding is caused by the actions of irresponsible human beings like.

Throw trash in the gutter or river

cutting down trees without refoliation will cause the air not to be absorbed properly

not clean gutters or clogged times either leaves or other rubbish.

19. change into Passive form! b. heavy rain causes flood.​

Jawaban:Berubah Menjadi Bentuk Pasif!B,Hujan deras menyebabkan Banjir



berubah menjadi bentuk Pasif! b. hujan deras menyebabkan banjir.

20. Short message in situation there is a heavy rain and flood anywhere you need your mother/father/brother to pick you up from school

Dear Sean

Bro, I'm sorry to interrupt you. You know that right now it's heavy rain. I can't bear to ask mom to pick me up because we know mom isn't feeling well. Can you pick me up when the rain subsides a little. It doesn't matter if I'm waiting for you. But make sure you pick me up. If not, everyone in this city will see me as homeless . and you don't want to have a homeless brother right? So pick me up. If it possible , you can pick me right now . I'm waiting for you , Big Bro !


Mom, could you please pick me up? It's raining badly here and there's flood everywhere. Thanks, take care!


Ma, bisakah Mama jemput aku? Disini hujan sangat deras dan banjir dimana-mana. Terimakasih, hati2!

Semoga membantu!

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