The Use Of Flocculating Agent In Liquid Dosage Form Is

The Use Of Flocculating Agent In Liquid Dosage Form Is

5. What is not included in changing the form of an object into a liquid is .... *

Daftar Isi

1. 5. What is not included in changing the form of an object into a liquid is .... *

Answer : rock

Why? Because rocks can't turn into liquid : can't melt by oven, can't melt

2. What is the form of the verb do we use in this text


do not know  


verb? (Kata kerja)

kata (don't use) = just kerja

Kerja dalam bhs inggris Work

Penjelasan:gk paham T_T

3. 19. What is the form of the medicine? Capsule Powder Liquid Tablet

the answer is liquid




I hope this helps

4. some liquid are collected from the xylem in the stem of the plant. what is present in the liquid?




Xylem transports water and minerals

5. Complete the sentences. Use the first conditional form of the verbs in brackets.

Future Real ConditionalIf I don't feed the cat, she will be very hungry.The police will stop him if he doesn't slow down.If we take a map with us, we will find the way home.Nobody will like them if they behave like that. If Susie doesn't help me, I'll be in trouble



Conditional sentence atau kalimat pengandaian adalah kalimat majemuk bertingkat yang digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu situasi yang mungkin terjadi jika ada situasi atau syarat tertentu yang terpenuhi.


If it rains, we won't go. / Jika hujan, kita tidak akan pergi.He would come if you invited him. / Dia akan datang jika kamu mengundangnya.If I had known about it, I would have helped you. / Jika saya tahu, saya akan membantumu.

Secara garis besar, ada empat (4) tipe kalimat pengandaian dalam tata bahasa Inggris, yaitu:

zero conditional → menyatakan faktafirst conditional atau future realconditional → menyatakan sesuatu yang akan terjadi di masa yang akan datang.second conditional atau presentunreal conditional → menyatakan sesuatu yang seharusnya terjadi di masa kini.third conditional atau past unreal → menyatakan sesuatu yang tidak mungkin lagi terjadi.



Future real conditional atau first conditional adalah kalimat pengandaian yang menyatakan suatu situasi yang sangat mungkin terjadi di masa yang akan datang jika situasi atau syarat (condition) terpenuhi.

Kalimat ini terdari dari main clause (induk kalimat) dalam future tense dan if-clause dalam present tense.

Jadi, konstruksi kalimat pengandaian tipe pertama adalah:

Subject + will + infinitiveIF/UNLESS + subject + verb (-s)

atau jika if-clause diletakkan di depan:

IF/UNLESS + subject + verb (-s), subject + will + infinitive


Mother will allow me to play outside if I finish my homework. / Ibu akan mengizinkan saya bermain di luar jika saya menyelesaikan PR saya.If John stays here, he will be happy. / Jika John tinggal di sini, dia akan bahagia.


Pelajari lebih lanjut:zero conditional - conditional - conditional - conditional -



Year: 8

Subject: English

Category: Structure and Written Expression

Sub-category: Conditional sentences

Code: 8.5

Keywords: first conditional, future real, conditional type 1

6. -what is the function of fast form? - what will we use to ekspress states or events in the past

from planet jupiter.

7. Fill in the blanks. Use the words given in their proper form ofsuperlative. Number one is the example.​





5.most difficult

6.most useful

maap bila salah

8. The text about is in the form of..

translate : teks tentang adalah dalam bentuk(?)

teks nya disertakan dong dek:)

9. If 5 litres of a liquid has a mass of 850 g what is the density of the liquid in g/cm³


0,17 g/cm^3


mass = 850 g

volume = 5 litres = 5.000 cm^3

density = mass/volume

= 850/5.000

= 0,17 g/cm^3

10. The text below is in the form of…​


Describe about Dolphins

11. The text is written in the form of a......


Artinya Teks tetsebut di tulis dalam bentuk


Semoga membantu ya kak!^^

12. The change in form of a liquid to a solid is . . . . * A.boiling water B.Salt making cube is melting jan asal asal


A.boiling wat3r


panjang umur sehat selalu

maacih poinnya




B. pembuatan garam / salt making.



Garam adalah air laut yang di keringkan dan menjadi suatu benda yang asin berbentuk seperti keristal, " AIR LAUT YANG DI KERINGKAN SELAMA 1 JAM AKAN MENJADI GARAM ITU ADALAH PERUBAHAN CAIR MENJADI PADAT ".

Semoga membantu...



13. The drug is in the form of .....​


the drug is in the from of hospital

14. Answer the question correcrly!1. What is the use of present continous Tense and give formula (rumusnya) in Positive form, negative form and Interogative form?​


Present Continous Tense indicate an action which is in progress at that time of speaking or at the present time

Pattern :

(+) S + to be + V1ing + O

(-) S + to be + not + V1ing + O

(?) To be + S + V1ing + O ?

15. use the past tense form of the verb in parentheses in each the problem

1. We spent several hours last night discussing the problem.
2. Slept until noon yesterday.
3. The profit shrinked drastically last week.
4. He wrote the letter himself yesterday.
5. They built the building two years ago.
6. Mr. Waluyo drived his car to work this morning.
7. They spent ten days in Bandung.
8. They cutted the old tree beside their house two days ago.
9. The secretary put the report beside the typewriter.
10. She rode to the beach with her friends last Sunday.

Semoga Bermanfaat Ya :)

16. 1.)"you light the way" is in the form of............tense 2.)"I got all I need" is in the form of.............tense 3.)"you're getting me" is in the form of...........tense

1 Simple present tense 
karena S + V1 + O

2. Simple past tense
karena S + V2 + O

3. Present continous tense
Karena S + tobe + Ving + O

17. 4. The form of the medicine is ....a. liquidb. capsuleC. tabletd. powder​


b. capsule


maaf kali kalo salah,semoga membantu



4. Bentuk obatnya adalah ....


b. kapsul

c. tablet

d. bedak


Semoga membantu

18. What is the form ofthe medicine?a. Softgelsb. Liquidc. Capsuled. Tablet​


a. softgels ( gel lunak )

19. 7. How do we use the medicine ? **8.What is the dosage of the medicine ​


7. Bagaimana kita menggunakan obatnya? **

8. Berapa dosis obatnya

</s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> </s> orang </s>

20. 3. Form the label we know that the product is inform.A. gelB. liquidC. capsuleD. powder​

Jawabanny D.  Powder.

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