Both Shruti And Pooja Randomly Choose A Colour From

Both Shruti And Pooja Randomly Choose A Colour From

A letter is chosen at random from the word “JANUARY’’. One letter is randomly selected and replaced it before another is randomly selected from the word. What is the probability that getting a vowel and a N?

Daftar Isi

1. A letter is chosen at random from the word “JANUARY’’. One letter is randomly selected and replaced it before another is randomly selected from the word. What is the probability that getting a vowel and a N?

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

n(s) = {J, A, N, U, A, R, I} = 7

n(a) = {A, A, U, I, N} = 5

p(a) = n(a)/n(s) = 5/7


2. makes 3 sentences ,choose randomly using word "look"


I think I'm ready to look for that car now. She finished chores and decided to go look for evidence.It's not a good look for you.

3. 1Plants and humans both benefit from​



Plants and humans both benefit

1. The benefits that can be obtained by humans and plants are, like O2 (oxygen), humans really need oxygen, and vice versa, plants need CO² (carbon dioxide).

I hope this helps


4. Choose an inventor and write events from their life​


5. Choose the correct answer. • It’s important to obey ... your father and your mother. A Either B Neither C Both

C. Both
( it’s important to obey both your father and your mother )

6. Tolong SempurnakanThe-Are-Leaves Changing-Red-Colour-Orange-And-From-IntoJawab Ya....​


and the leaves are changing colour from orange into red


The-Are-Leaves Changing-Red-Colour-Orange-And-From-Into

Answer : There are a leaves changing from red colour into orange


sorry if the answer not correct

7. 1. Choose the correct sentence!a.Both teachers and their students, seemed well informed and intelligent.b.Both teachers and their students seems well informed and intelligent.c.Both teachers and their students seemed well informed and intelligent.d.Both teacher and their students seemed well informed and intelligent.2. Miss Keller's later education is easy to understand and needs no ... explanation than she has given.a.farthestb.furthestc.fartherd.further​


1. B

Both teachers and their students seems well informed and intelligent.

2. D


8. Choose a graph from below, and write a description using the information in the graph. ​*tolong deadline hari ini:))​


Maaf kalo salah


In the beginning of 2010, during january to August, the salmon catches were higher than the trout catches. but at September, the trout catches overtook the salmon catches

9. ........ from the box, choose windows media player. And,........... you can choose your songs and play them. Jwbannya apa ya??

Out from the box, choose windows media player.
And, then you can choose your songs and play them.

Sepertinya begitu, maaf kalau salah

10. A letter is randomly chosen from the word “MATHEMATICS”. Write down all the possible outcomes.


Sebuah huruf dipilih secara acak dari kata "MATEMATIKA". Tuliskan semua kemungkinan hasil.

11. you can choose different colour,tolong terjemahkan ke dalam bahasa indonesia

Kamu bisa memilih warna yang berbedakamu dapat memilih warna yang berbeda

12. Untuk memilih objek dalampermainan maka dipilihchoose..SoundBackdropColourSprite​




karena sprite adalah objek yg akan diisikan dgn program seperti block-block dalam scratch

13. 2. A : “What colour of our flag ?” B : “Our flag colour is . . . and . . . ”​


Red And Blue

Semiga Membantu


Red and white

kalau indonesia karena tidak ada keterangan lain


14. choose five words from number I and then makes sentence using the words you choose using simple present tense

"pilih lima kata dari nomor 1 dan kemudian buat kalimat menggunakan kata-kata yang Anda pilih dengan menggunakan simple present tense"
Smoga membantu^^

15. Proses pembentukan Tata surya menuruti tori peasant Shruti adalah

Teori pasang surut pertama kali dikemukakan oleh Buffon (1707-1788). Menurut Buffon tata surya berasal dari materi matahari yang terlempar setelah bertabrakan doengan sebuah komet. Teori ini kemudian diperbaiki oleh Sir James Jeans dan Harold Jeffreys (1919).

Jeans dan Jefferys mengemukakan bahwa ada sebuah bintang besar yang mendekati Matahari sehingga menyebabkan adanya efek pasang pada kabut Matahari. Bintang besar tersebut juga menimbulkan kekuatan yang dapat menarik dan melepaskan sebagian massa Matahari. Massa yang terlepas dari Matahari itu pecah dan berputar, selanjutnya secara perlahan mendingin menjadi planet-planet dan satelit-satelit seperti yang sekarang. Teori ini lebih dikenal dengan sebutan Hiptesis Tidal James-Jeffreys.

16. answer from your friend has spent nearly three hour trying to choose a present for his a result both of you missed you bus home.what would you say


answer from your friend has spent nearly three hour trying to choose a present for his a result both of you missed you bus home.what would you say....

Temen kamu sudah menghabiskan hampir tiga jam mencoba untuk memilih hadiah untuk ibunya. Akibatnya, Kalian berdua ketinggalan bis untuk pulang. Apa yang akan Anda katakan ....


Kalau kamu ingin beli sebuah hadiah, akan lebih baik jika kamu sudah memikirkannya sebelum pergi untuk membeli, supaya kita tidak ketinggalan bis.

17. Perbandingan uang tri,alin,pooja adalah 3:4:5,selisih uang alin dan pooja Rp.2.500 berapakah uang masing masing?

T= 3x
A= 4x
P= 5x



Semoga Membantu

18. PR its colour is red and white, it is made from cloth what is it a. Globe C Flag 6.chair​


C. Flag


Question :

Its colour is red and white, it is made from cloth what is it a. Globe C Flag 6.chair

Translate :

Warnanya merah putih terbuat dari kain apa itu

a. Globe b. Kursi c. Bendera

jadi jawabanya bendera / flag

19. Laura decorated each of her 24 cookies. She decorated 15 cookies with green colour and 13 cookies with blue colour. How many cookies were decorated with both green and blue colour? A. 4 B. 3 C. 5 D. 6 E. 2

4 cookies (A) were decorated with both green and blue color

20. look at the pictures. Choose a word from A and a word from B to complete the sentences.​


1) at first

2) in fire

3) by hand

4) on fashion


maaf kalo salah :)

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