Class 9 West Bengal Board Math Solution

Class 9 West Bengal Board Math Solution

Help Math class 9...................................​

1. Help Math class 9...................................​


Persamaan Kuadrat

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

9. 3x²+3x-36

--------------- x 1/3



(x+4)=0 / (x-3)=0

(x)=-4 / (x)=3


x₁=3 dan x₂=-4

4x₁+2x₂ = 4(3)+2(-4)=12-8=4

Opsi C

10. Luas persegi panjang 105 m²

Selisih panjang dan lebarnya = 8 m

P - L = 8


Luas = p x l

105 = p x l

105 =( 8+L)L

105 = 8L + L²



(L+15)=0 / (L-7)=0

(L)=-15 / (L)=7

P=8+L / P=8+L

P=8+-15 / P=8+7

P=-7 / P=15

Opsi A



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Jawaban sudah tertera semua yah

2. Help Math class 9...................................​


Persamaan Kuadrat

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

1. x²+3x-40=0


(x+8)=0 / (x-5)=0

(x)=-8 / (x)=5

Opsi B

2. ax²+bx+c=0

-7 dan 4






a=1 b=3 c=-28

⇒Opsi D



~Persamaan Kuadrat


– Soal Pertama


Himpunan penyelesaian dari persamaan kuadrat x² + 3x - 40 = 0 adalah ...

a. {8, 5}

b. {- 8, 5}

c. {8, - 5}

d. {- 8, - 5}

✧ Penyelesaian

x² + 3x - 40 = 0

(x - 5)(x + 8) = 0


Faktor pertama

x - 5 = 0

    x = 0 + 5

    x = 5


Faktor kedua

x + 8 = 0

     x = 0 - 8

     x = - 8

Sehingga didapat:

HP ➞ {x₁, x₂}

HP{5, - 8}Opsi B


– Soal Kedua


Jika - 7 dan 4 merupakan akar-akar persamaan kuadrat ax² + bx + c = 0. Maka nilai a, b, dan c berturut-turut adalah ...

a. 3, - 1, dan 28

b. 3, 1, dan - 28

c. - 1, 3, dan 28

d. 1, 3, dan - 28

✧ Penyelesaian


- 7 → y4 → z


 ax² + bx + c = 0

  (x - y)(x - z) = 0

(x - (- 7)(x - 4) = 0

 (x + 7)(x - 4) = 0

(x × x) + (7 × x) + (x × - 4) + (7 × (-4)) = 0

x² + 7x + (- 4x) + (- 28) = 0

x² + 7x - 4x - 28 = 0

x² + 3x - 28 = 0


Sehingga diperoleh:

HP ➞ {a, b, c}

HP ➞ {1, 3, - 28}Opsi D


– Detail Jawaban

Mapel: Matematika

Kelas: IX

Materi: Persamaan Kuadrat

Kode Soal: 2

Kode Kategorisasi: 9.2.9

3. Help Math class 9...................................​

Refleksi dan Translasi.

13. Pencerminan Terhadap Sumbu x.

Rumusnya :

A (x,y) = A' (x,-y).

A adalah Titik Awal dan A' adalah Hasil Pencerminan.

A = (7,6).

Maka A' = (7,-6) Jawabannya (A).

14. Rumus Translasi (Pergeseran) :

(x,y) + (a,b) = (x+a,y+b).

(x,y) = (-3,8).

(x+a,y+b) = (4,5).

x + a = 4.

-3 + a = 4.

a = 7.

y + b = 5.

8 + b = 5.

b = -3.

Nilai a + b = 7 + (-3) = 4 (B).

~Translasi & Refleksi


– Soal Pertama


Bayangan titik P (7, 6) setelah dicerminkan terhadap sumbu x adalah ...

a. (7, - 6)

b. (- 7, 6)

c. (6, 7)

d. (6, - 7)


Gunakan rumus:

A (x, y) ➞ A' (x, - y)


P (7, 6)

P' (7, - 6)OpsiA


– Soal Kedua


Bayangan titik Q (- 3, 8) setelah ditranslasikan oleh T (a, b) adalah (4, 5). Maka nilai a + b adalah ...

a. 3

b. 4

c. 7

d. 10


Gunakan rumus:

(x, y) + (a, b) ➞ (x + a,y + b)


(x, y) ➞ (- 3, 8)

(x + a,y + b) ➞ (4, 5)



x + a = 4

- 3 + a = 4 → Substitusikan nilai x

a = 4 + 3

a = 7



b + y = 5

b + 8 = 5

b = 5 - 8

b = -3



a + b = 7 + (- 3) → Substitusikan nilai a & b

a + b = 7 - 3

a + b = 4OpsiB

4. the white board is in the class room

Papan tulis ada di dalam ruangan kelaspapan tulis putih berada di ruang kelas

5. mariana doesn't like....math class​


mariana tidak suka mata pelajaran matematika


di artikan kan? maaf klo slh

6. Susun kalimat dibawah Perfect - Cirno's - Math - Class


Cirno's perfect math class


class math cirno's perfect jadikan jawaban terbaik ya

7. help my homework class 6sd Math practice!​


mudah mudahan berguna

maaf kalau salah

8. apa fungsi dan contoh class math​


Fungsi kelas math:

Untuk saat kita sudah bekerja karena pelajaran matematika sangat berguna bahkan untuk setiap hari. Tidak sekedar hanya untuk pelajaran jadi pelajaran ini berfungsi saat kita bekerja&sehari hari.

Untuk contoh class math aku kurang faham mksdny.



Kalau tidak keliatan

Boleh minta ulang ^_^

Semoga Bermanfaat!!

10. Help Math class 9...................................​


Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:


i) penceminan terhadap garis  y = b

x '= x  dan  y' = 2b - y

ii) dilatasi P(a,b) skala k

x' = k(x - a) + a

y' = k(y-b) + b


soal 15

y = 4x-9 di cerminkan  terhadap  y = -2

x'= x ⇒  x = x'

y' = 2(-2) - y

y' = -4 - y   ⇒ y=  -4 - y'

substisusikan ke  y = 4x - 9

bayangannya   -4 - y' = 4 x' - 9

-y' = 4x' - 9 + 4

-y' =  4x -  5

y' = -4x + 5

y =  -4x + 5

soal 16

A(-2, 4)  di D[ P(2,3), k = 4]

x' = 4(x - 2) + 2

x' =  4( -2-2) + 2

x' = 4(-4) + 2

x' = -16 + 2

x' = - 14

y' = 4(y - 3) +  3

y' = 4(4- 3) + 3

y' = 4(1) + 3

y' = 7

bayanagan  (-14, 7)

11. Help...Math Class 10​


f (x) = X2 - 5 dan g(X) = 2 X(f × g) (x) = (X2 - 5 ) ( 2 × ) (f × g) (X) = 2X2 X - 10 X

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

maaf kalau salah dan maaf juga kalau agak pusing liatnya

jadikan jawaban tercerdas ok.......

12. Help Math class 9...................................​



Jawaban terlampir dalam foto

Semoga membantu kak



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

17. Bayangan PQRS =>Dilatasi 3 =>Translasi T (-4,1)

P(-1,2) =>(-1x3,2x3)=>(-3,6)=>(-3-4,6+1) =>P´(-7,7)

Q(-5,2)=>(-5x3,2x3)=>(-15,6)=>(-15-4,6+1) =>Q´(-19,7)

R(-1,5) =>(-1x3,5x3)=>(-3,15)=>(-3-4,15+1) =>R´(-7,16)

S(-3,5)=>(-3x3,5x3)=>(-9,15)=>(-9-4,15+1) =>S´(-13,16)

Opsi A

18. Bayangan ABC =>sumbu x =>Rotasi (0,180⁰)

A(3,1)=> (3,-1) => A´(-3,1)

B(5,3)=> (5,-3) => B´(-5,3)

C(7,1)=> (7,-1)=> C´(-7,1)

Opsi B









13. homework mathclass 6 ​


1. -24+16= -8

2. -54+-15= -69

3. 84+(-13)=71

4.-70-2= -72

5. -21-(-10)=-11

6. 38-(-14)=52

7. -16×4= -64

8. -17×-11=187

9. -125:5= -25

10. -360:-90=4

11. (23*674)+(-12.205)=15.502+(-12.205)=3.297

12. 87+(75*42)-(-840:12)=



13. (125+75):8=200:8=25

14. 70*10:35=700:35=20

15. 8.463+(-5.256:12)=


14. There is white board in the class thewhite board osod to​


explain something to the student

semoga membantu˃ᴗ˂

Arti : Ada papan tulis di kelas papan tulis dulu

"Jika Jawabanku Bermanfaat Follow @sxgarbabyx Untuk Jawaban Lainnya!

15. Help Math class 9...................................​


11. B

12. C

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

11. xp = 1

-b/2a = 1

Hanya Option b yang memenuhi, -(-2)/(2*1) = 1

12. D = b^2-4ac

D = (-9)^2 - (4*1*14)

D = 81 - 56

D = 25

11. Rumus Pers. Grafik Fungsi Kuadrat bila diketahui Titik Maksimum dan Titik Sembarang ;

y = a(x-xp)^2 + yp.

(x,y) = Titik Sembarang = (0,-8).

(xp,yp) = Titik Maks. = (1,-9).

-8 = a(0 - 1)^2 + (-9).

-8 = a + (-9).

a = 1.

Substitusi Nilai a :

y = 1(x - 1)^2 + (-9).

y = x^2 - 2x + 1 + (-9).

y = x^2 - 2x - 8 (B) Jawabannya.

12. Nilai Diskriminan (D) = b^2 - 4ac.

F(x) = x^2 - 9x + 14.

a = 1.

b = -9.

c = 14.

D = (-9)^2 -4 . 1 . 14

D = 81 - 56.

D = 25.

Jawaban = C. 25

16. Buatkan story board dari legenda bukit kelam in west kalimantan menggunakan bahasa inggris.


Scene 1: Introduction

Setting: A dense jungle in West KalimantanCharacters: Local villagers, a young boy named KikiDescription: The villagers gather around a campfire, sharing stories of the legend of Bukit Kelam, a mysterious and ominous hill in the jungle. Kiki, a curious young boy, listens intently.

Scene 2: The journey

Setting: The dense jungle and Bukit KelamCharacters: Kiki, his older brother, a group of villagersDescription: Kiki convinces his older brother and a group of villagers to join him on a journey to explore Bukit Kelam. They set out into the jungle, facing many challenges and obstacles along the way.

Scene 3: The discovery

Setting: The top of Bukit KelamCharacters: Kiki and the group of villagersDescription: After days of trekking, the group finally reaches the top of Bukit Kelam. They discover an ancient temple hidden within the hill, filled with mysterious artifacts and carvings.

Scene 4: The revelation

Setting: The temple on Bukit KelamCharacters: Kiki, the group of villagers, an old priestDescription: An old priest appears and reveals to Kiki and the group that the temple was built by their ancestors to honor the spirits of the jungle and protect their village from harm. The villagers realize the importance of preserving the temple and its secrets.

Scene 5: The return

Setting: The villageCharacters: Kiki and the group of villagersDescription: Kiki and the group return to their village, where they share their discovery with the other villagers. They work together to preserve the temple and pass down the legend of Bukit Kelam to future generations.

Jawaban &Penjelasannya

Scene 1

Once upon a time, there was a village located in West Kalimantan. In this village, lives an old man and his wife. They have a daughter, who is very beautiful and kind.

Scene 2

One day, the old man heard a legend about a hill called "Bukit Kelam". The legend said that anyone who visited the hill would find eternal happiness.

Scene 3

The old man wanted to find the hill for himself, so he decided to go on a journey. He left his wife and daughter behind and set off on his journey.

Scene 4

After a long journey, the old man finally arrived at the hill. He was so excited to find the eternal happiness he was promised.

Scene 5

But when he reached the top of the hill, he was filled with sadness and despair. He saw that the hill was filled with darkness and death. He realized that the hill was cursed and that he would never find happiness there.

Scene 6

The old man returned home and told the story of Bukit Kelam to his wife and daughter. From that day on, the villagers of West Kalimantan avoid the hill, and the legend of Bukit Kelam has been passed down through generations.

To create a storyboard from a story using English, you can follow these steps:

1. Create your story outline. This should include the main plot, main characters, and key events that will occur in your story.

2. Choose visuals that will be used to represent each event in your story. This can be pictures, illustrations, or sketches.

3. Create panels for each event in your story. Each panel should include the chosen visuals and text that explains the event.

4. Arrange the panels in order according to your story.

5. Revise and edit your storyboard until you are satisfied with the results.

6. If needed, you can also add notes or comments to further explain the events or characters in your story.


17. Tuliskan 14 method umum yang sering digunakan dalam class math​


Penjelasan: dalam bahasa Java :

Pangkat : Math.pow(double a, double b)

Trigonometri : Math.sin(double radian), Math.cos(), Math.tan()

invers Trigonometri : Math.asin(double c),Math.acos(), Math.atan()

Maksimum dan Minimum : Math.max(x,y), Math.min(x,y)

Logaritma : Math.log10(double x)

Mutlak : Math.abs(x)

Pembulatan, Floor (Pembulatan ke bawah), dan Ceil (Pembulatan ke atas) : Math.round(x), Math.floor(x), Math.ceil(x)

18. Help with math homework class 4​


[tex]L=p \times l = 12 \times 8 = 96 \: {cm}^{2} [/tex]


[tex]L=p \times l = 10 \times 5 = 50 \: {cm}^{2} [/tex]


[tex]L=p \times l = 15 \times 14 = 210 \: {cm}^{2} [/tex]


[tex]L=p \times l = 20 \times 10 = 200 \: {cm}^{2} [/tex]


[tex]L=p \times l \\ 120 = p \times 12 \\ p = \frac{120}{12} \\ p = 10 \: cm[/tex]

19. BISMILLAH (Salam Math Lovers) CUCI MATA SOAL MATH MALAM MINGGUAN How to solution this problem ? Are you ready ? @ MONGGO @

A nya 2, B nya 2
atau -16
atau 4 mungkin.....
tinggal pilih aja jawabanya yang bener.....saya sudah coba untuk setiap x =bilangan positif bahwa... persamaan akan terpenuhi jika x>0

√x+64=a³ + √x
a³=√x+64 - √x

b³=√x+64 + √x

ab³=(√x+64 - √x)(√x+64 + √x)

mohon jika benar mohon jawaban terbaiknya... ^v^

20. my class has.......desks,......... chairs and......board ​

My class has 15 desks, 20 chairs, and 1 board

sebenarnya itu sesuai jumlah meja, kursi, papan tulis kamu yg ada di kelas kamu, tapi aku kasih contoh yg ada di atas :))

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