The Sign Of Four Questions And Answers

The Sign Of Four Questions And Answers

tentang kisa apakah yang terdapat dalam cerita the sign of four?? hal apakah yang terdapat pada cerita The sign of four

1. tentang kisa apakah yang terdapat dalam cerita the sign of four?? hal apakah yang terdapat pada cerita The sign of four

the story is contained in the story of the sign of four ?? it is found in the story The sign of four

2. Make 5 questions and all of the answers is SURABAYA!


1. Where do you live with your parents?


2. if you wan't to get a perfect vacation where's your destination?


3. where's place that you born?


4. what is your favorite indonesian's city?


5. instead of bandung, what your favorite java's island city?



1. Where do you live? Surabaya.

2. What is your favorite holiday destination? Surabaya.

3. Where do you come from? Surabaya.

4. Where does Rujak Cingur come from? Surabaya.

5. Where is Heroes Monument located? Surabaya.

3. what is the purpose of the story the sign of the four

the pupose is to tell you the purpose is provide information to you, that you know what is written there.

4. G. Complete the questions and answers.TOLONG DONG PLS​


itu kamu buat sendiri maksudnya

5. complete the questions and give short answers​



1. Is she working on her homework? No,

she isn't.

2. Am I sitting in your seats? No, you aren't.

3.Are the students mopping the floor? Yes,

they are.

4. Is our mother looking for us? No, she


5. Are you listening to me? Yes, I am.

6. Is Alia cooking an omelet for me? No,

she isn't.

7. Are they cleaning the swimming pool?

Yes, they are.

8. Is my cat sleeping on your pillow. No, it


9. Are we waiting for someone? Yes, we


10. Am I doing something wrong? No, you



She/He/It > Is

They/We/you > You

#maaf klo salah

#Semoga membantu (。>‿‿<。 )

6. 10 Questions and Answers for the Flood Disaster ?

Flood disaster artinya Banjir

7. What is the story about The Sign of four?

What is the story about The Sign of four?

Apa cerita tentang Tanda empat

8. read the following text carefully and answers the questions tolong di jawab

1. He has a cat.

2. Cattie has black and white fur.

3. Because his fur feels soft.

4. He often goes out to find food at night.

5. He goes out at night.

9. ActivityMake questions and answers about the picture​

2. Can you wind surf?
= No I can’t

3. Are you capable of surfing?
=Yes, I’m capable of surfing

4. Are you good at playing basketball?
=Yes, I play basketball quite well

10. 1. Study the sign and answers the questions!SLOW ZONE20 KM/HCHILDREN & PETSAT PLAYa. What does the sign mean?b. Where can we usually find the sign?​


A. that means you shoul go slow because there are kids and pat playng

B park

11. write five questions uaing wh-questions and write the answers

1) Question : Why you are using that clothes?
Answer : Because my party dress is is torn
2) Question : Where is your house, kiddie?
Answer : Turn right, then go ahead, last we should turn left
3) Question : Who is borrowing my phone?
Answer : Andy did that
4) Question : What are you doing in our classroom?
Answer : Im hiding from Fadhel
5)Question : When you are going to school?
Answer : I guess tomorrowWhat are you doing in my house?
I just wanted to say goodbye because i'm moving.
Where are you last night?
I'm in the karaoke with my sister.
Why are they running around?
Maybe they are playing a game.
Who did you invite to your party?
Just you, Cindy, Kesha and Jasmine.
When are you going to visit your grandparents?
I'm going to visit them next week.

12. answer the questions below by writing the meaning of each sign! ​


A. Turn left

the meaning of the word Trun left is : belok kiri

B. Turn right

the meaning of the word Trun right is : belok kanan

C. Three - way junction

the meaning of the word Three - way junction is : pertigaan jalan


maaf jika salah

semoga membantu

13. Choose the appropriate answers of the questions below!​


Andrew usually goes to school on foot

3 - 1 - 5 - 4 - 6 - 2

Nadya is a nice girl. Everybody wants to be her friend

correct me if i wrong thank u so much


Jawabannya adalah

1. D ( 3 - 1 - 5 - 4 - 6 - 2 )

2. C ( Wants to be )

14. Please answer this 2 questions and the answers

Question 1 : Which month has the highest increase in sales?

Answer : April

Question 2 : What is the amount of decrease on May to June?

Answer : 8000-6500 = 1500 sales

15. make questions and answers about the picture​

The modal verb "can" is used to express that we know how to do something.

1. Are you good at swimming?

2. Can you play soccer?

3. Do you know how to play American football?


Contoh expressions of ability:

My brother can swim very well (Saudara lai - laki saya bisa berenang dengan sangat baik)I feel capable of painting the picture (Saya merasa bisa melukis gambar)I am able to do mathematics (Saya bisa mengerjakan matematika)I might be able to do the task (Saya mungkin bisa mengerjakan tugas)I know how to play a guitar (Saya tahu bagaimana bermain sebuah gitar)

Expressions of asking ability:

Are you good at dancing? (Apakah kamu bagus dalam menari?)Can you play the piano? (Bisakah kamu bermain piano?)Do you know how to fix the laptop? (Apakah kamu tahu bagaimana memperbaiki laptop?)Are you able to sing? (Akapah kamu bisa bernyanyi?

Pelajari lebih lanjut

Contoh expressions of ability:


Detil jawaban

Kelas: 11

Mapel: Bahasa Inggris

Bab: Expressing ability

Kode: 11.5.2

Kata Kunci: Ability, Expressions

16. C. read the text below and answers the questions! ​


1. tell us about mirna's family.

2. chicken soup.

3. in the kitchen.

4. mirna's father.

5. mirna likes to help her mother to cooking. mira likes to clean the house, like sweeping and moping it. and the little brother, medi, he likes to arranging a magazine and books in the bookshelf


bisa di koreksi jikalau ada yang salah, sekian dan terima kasih.

17. Mention the four expression of Greeting and the four of Parting  ​


kamu harus pintar mengecat

18. write five questions using wh-questions and write the answers

When did you atart school?
- Next week

Who is that person you're talking to?
- He is my classmate

What are you doing now?
- I am chatting with my friend

Where is Jane?
- She is at the canteen

Why are you smiling?
- Because I am happy

19. write questions and short answers. see the example

Subject: English


1. (a parking lot near here)

A : Is there a parking lot near here?

B. No, There isn't

2. (any interseting places in your town)

A: Are there any interesting places in your town?

B: Yes, there are

3. (any posters in your classroom)

A: Are there any posters in your classroom?

B: No, there aren't

4. (any computers in your school)

A. Are there any computers in your school?

B. Yes, there are

Semoga membantu:)

20. Answers the questions below! Make the examples of cause and effect by using Because


what happens because of littering?


sorry if wrong

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