The Value Of T1 T2 In The Given Diagram Is

The Value Of T1 T2 In The Given Diagram Is

in the diagram , ABC is a straight line.find the value of x

Daftar Isi

1. in the diagram , ABC is a straight line.find the value of x

Karena garis ac melewati dua garis sejajar jadi
Sudut x = sudut bcd

Sudut bcd =(180-30)/2
= 150/2
= 75°

Jadi besar sudut x adalah 75°Hai Sobat Brainly!

Pertanyaanmu :
In the diagram, ABC is a straight line. Find the value of x!

Jawabanku :
Sudut CBD = 30°
Δ CBD = segitiga sama kaki, yang dimana dudt yang berada sebagai kaki sama besarnya,
maka Sudut BCD = Sudut BDC
Dan disini x merupakan sudut yang sama besarnya dengan BCD dikarenakan sudutnya sehadap.

Jika y merupakan besar sudut BCD dan BDC, maka
2y + 30° = 180°
2y = 180° - 30°
2y = 150°
y = 75°

y = x
x = 75°

So, the value of x is 75°

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⏮Detil Tambahan⏭️
Mapel : Matematika
Kelas : 7 SMP
Bab : 7 - Garis dan Sudut
Materi : Sudut
Kata Kunci : Sudut, Besar, Sepihak, Lurus, Siku Siku
Kode Soal : 2
Kode Kategorisasi : 7.2.7 [Kelas 7 Matematika Bab 7 Garis dan Sudut]


2. The value of the digit 8 in 0.98 is ....​



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

The value of the digit 8 in 0.98 is ....​ hundredths

8 in 0.98 = 8/100

3. tolong bantuannya. given that aob is a straight line, fund the value of the unknown in each of the following figures


Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

<AOC + <BOC = 180°

a° + 33° = 180°

a° = 180° - 33°

= 147°

4. In 61 803, the value of the digit 6 is​


Ten thousand (puluh ribu)

5. In the figure below, the value of x is..... cm


ok sorry salah
ok sorry salah
kalo benar follownyak

6. Given mathematics score of 10 students ; 5,8,7,9,7,6,7,9,10, x . If the mean of the data is 7,6 the value of x is ... ​

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:



68+x =7,6.10

68+x =76

x =76-68

x =8

Value of x is 8

7. in the figure below,the value of x is.... cm

6 / 18 = x / x + 16
18x = 6x + 96
18x - 6x = 96
12x = 96
x = 96/12
x = 8

8. 1.The place value of digit 5 in 345.678 is... 2.The place value of digit 5 in 345.678 is...​


1. tens


Often these will just appear with letters on them to represent each position Millions, Hundred Thousands, Ten Thousands, Thousands, Hundreds, Tens, Ones, tenths, hundredths, and so on.

9. what is the value of the digit 2 in 145 729​



10. 13. In Diagram 3, the FG is parallel to the line Hl. 3x Find the value of x. G 2x​

Based on the information provided, it is not possible to determine the value of x without additional information. The diagram and the statement "FG is parallel to the line Hl" do not provide enough information to solve for x. To find the value of x, we would need to know more about the size of the angles and the lengths of the lines in the diagram.

11. 3. in triangle abc, bccm, ac cm, and . given that the area of the triangle is 5 cm',work out the value of !​



pada segitiga abc, bccm, ac cm, dan . Diketahui luas segitiga adalah 5 cm',

tentukan nilai dari !

12. What is the value of the digit 5 in the product of 469 and 8?


The value of each 5 in the number 555 is: The value of the first 5 = hundreds The value of the second 5 = tens The value of the third 5 = units

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

13. what is the value of the 6 in the following numbers is: 3652 3.265 0.64=

three thousand six hundred and fifty two. three thousand two hundred and sixty-five. zero point six four

14. When the value of a number is given, the significant figures provide an indication of theuncertainty in the value; for example, a value of 2.7 indicates that the number lies between2.65 and 2.75. Give ranges within which each of the following values lie.

design ......... ........

15. in the figure below, the value of x is ... cm

sya pikir 5,5 cm dah kayanya kayanha8
*maaf kalo nggak salah*

16. What is the value of digit 9 in 392.75?​


r u sure it's 392.75 and not 39.275? if it's really 392.75, then the value of digit 9 is tens

17. Work out the value of x and y in the diagram.​

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

5x - 3 = 3x + 11

5x - 3x = 11 + 3

2x = 14

x = 7

8y - 4 = 3y + 16

8y - 3y = 16 + 4

5y = 20

y = 4

18. In 63.05, what is the value of the digit 5?



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Gtw tapi saya belum belajar kalo udah belajar baru saya jawab ya

19. 1. Complete the sentences a. the digit 5 in 175.236 is in Its value is....... b. the digit 9 in 123.598 is in Its value is...c. the 456.731 is in the hundred thousands place. Its value is....d. the value of the digit... in 679.035 is 70.000e. 850 613 in words is.....​


thousands, 5 000

tens, 90

4, 400 000


Eight hundred and fifty thousand, six hundred and thirteen

20. 1. Given that the factorization of 42 875 is 26 x 73, the value ofV21952 is​


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