Teater india yang berasal dari andhra pradesh adalah
1. Teater india yang berasal dari andhra pradesh adalah
kuchipudi kyaknya nmanya
2. teater India yang berasal dari andhra Pradesh adalah
veethi nataka berarti drama jalanan yang populer di Andhra Pradersh
3. daerah berikut yang bukan merupakan kawasan pertanian di india yaitu...a. benggalab. andhra pradeshc. tamil nadud. dekan
c.tamil nadu
maaf kalo salah :)C.tamil nadu , karena tamil nadu bukan kawasan pertama pertanian di india
4. dolce:why didn't you become to biology class yesterdas? candice:...
Sorry I have permission to help my parents move
move di situ artinya pindahan
5. another student in your class asks to share your textbook, saying "can i share your textbook ?" you agree and say :
my pleasure/ofcourse you can.
semoga membantu
no problem
6. Buatlah kalimat dengan menggunakan bahasa inggris dari kata: Online Textbook Assingments Website Important Sure Course Syllabus Software Installed
I have an online shop! You should check it out sometimes I sell cute bags
I left my texbook in my room
We have a lot of assignments due tomorrow
The website last night were down because our server having errors.
It's very important to wash our hands before eating because it can cause disease
I'm very sure that you'll do good at my turnament tomorrow
I can't go out tonight because I have a private course
The new syllabus for math and science is already revised a week ago
The new software is available on 9th April
The new update is installed last night
7. Utar Pradesh ada di negara .....
Utar Pradesh berada di negara IndiaUtar pradesh berada di India
8. Should digital textbook replace printed textbook??
Digital textbook can't replace printed textbook.
As much as e-books are super convenient, that is one of their only few advantages. When you are holding a physical book, it is always much easier to absorb the information - you can feel everything within a paper book much more, whether it be fiction or non-fiction, of any type.
Paper books are much more portable and can be taken anywhere, and do not rely on power. You can read them in more places and the information is always easier to flip between. It's much more natural and after having read so many books, both paper and digital - I can tell you now, our bodies and minds are more inclined towards more natural, physical things such as books and instinctively respond to them much more.
For now, paper books cannot replace e-books - maybe in the future the need for convenience will overpower the clear benefits of paper books, but in the meantime paper books aren't going anywhere. And I'd even bet that paper books will see a rise in popularity as e-books slowly refresh in peoples' minds the strength that comes from physical, paper books that you can hold and move so flowingly and beautifully and so on.
9. How many time ... The biology class meet each week?
How many time does The biology class meet each week?
10. the textbook for the class was cheap
buku teks untuk kelas itu murah
11. state the word class in English with example
kalo bener jadikan jawaban terbaik
12. Mr. Achmad is teaching biology in the ninth A class(-)(?)
Mr. Achmad is teaching biology in the ninth A class.
(-) Mr. Achmad is not teaching biology in the ninth A class.
(?) Is Mr. Achmad teaching biology in the ninth A class?
(-) Mr. Achmad isn't teaching biology in the ninth A class
(?) is he teaching in the ninth A class ?
13. Nikita's class has a biology.... Today
nikita's class has a biology test todayNikita's class has a biology exam today
14. the students are in the class room. ... are studying biology
they are. studying biologyThe students are in the classroom . They are studying biology
hope it's useful
15. When do you think the dialog takes place? A.before the biology class b.before the diolog test c.during the dialog biology class d.after the biology test .soalnya ada di lks kls 8 semester ganjil halaman 63.KAK TOLONG JAWAB
d. after the biology test
maaf kalau salah ya
16. India merupakan negara konsumen susu terbesar di dunia. India mampu memproduksi lebih kurang 146,31 juta Ton susu setiap tahunya. Daerah Penghasil susu di India, anatara lain Haryana, andhra pradesh, punjab, dan rajasthan ,, perbaikan kata konsumen pada paragraf tersebut adalah
perbaikannya adalah produsenPerbaikan kata konsumen pada paragraf tersebut adalah "India merupakan negara konsumsi susu terbesar di dunia."
konsumen adalah menggunakan barang atau jasa, sedangkan konsumsi adalah orang (india) yang menggunakan barang dan jasa.
(maaf kalau kurang jelas)
17. explain what should teacher do before using Textbook in the class?
jelaskan apa yang harus dilakukan guru sebelum menggunakan Buku Teks di kelas?
18. how many time ... the biology class meet aech week ?
How many times do the Biology class meet in each weeks?
I hope this may help you, have a nice day :)
19. I...in biology class right now
am (to be ) kayak nya
20. Our biology class is so fun and very interesting .....
maaf kalau salah
That is why I chose biology than social class
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