no more caption needed artinya?
1. no more caption needed artinya?
No more caption artinya tidak diperlukan lagi adanya penjelasan atau pejelasan tambahan tidak diperlukan.
Pembahasan : Sufficiency and ExcessSufficiency is a condition that what someone need is fulfilled. Excess is a condition that what someone need is more than then fulfilled.
SufficiencySubject + To be + Adj./Adv. + enough + to + verb
Example :
That motorcycle is old enough to rideThat kids is tall enough to be the basketball athlete She is beautiful enough to be the actressSubject + have/has+ enough + noun + to + verb + adverb
Example :
I have enough money to buy that shirts She has enough hand sanitize to use by her brotherGoogle have enough space to save your data ExcessSubject + To be + too + Adj + to + verb
Example :
Meira is too young to be an actress Sam is too short to be the soldier This t-shirt is too small to useSubject + Verb + too + Adj. + for ... + to + verb
Example :
The robber runs too fast for the police to chase Sam fix the transmission cable that too dangerous for the young man to do How we can Express Our Sufficiency to Reject Someone OfferHuman is live in social conditions that it is a possibility if someone offer me anythings they have, but in other perception, we have same thing that he/she have. So we can reject it with the polite word ? How can we do it ? Looks at the text :
Budi : "Hi Andi, I have some bread. Let's we eat it together !"
Andi : "Oh yes, thank you very much Budi, but uhm I'm sorry, I eated a lot of meatball portion an our ago"
Budi : "This okay Andi, have a nice day"
Andi : "Yeah sure, have a nice day too"
On the text we see that Andi is rejected the Budi offer because he eated a lot of meatball portion. Andi reject it with the polite word so Budi not feel angry about that.
Detail Soal :Kelas : 10
Mata Pelajaran : B. Inggris (Peminatan)
Materi : Bab 1 - Sufficiency and Excess
Kata Kunci : Suffieciency; Excess; How to reject the offer
Kode Kategorisasi :
Pelajari Lebih Lanjut : Apa yang dimaksud insufficient ? lebih lanjut mengenai sufficiency and excess
2. bahasa inggris making caption and meaning caption
If you can not be intelligent, be a good person.
Arti : Jika anda tdk bisa menjadi orang pandai, jadilah orang yang baik :)
*semoga membantu
3. Question no 16-20 based on the caption bellow! Pay attention the caption ! 16. What the meaning of the caption based on your mine?
i born in desember 2003
4. explain the meaning of caption buy using your own words artinya
artinya".jelaskan arti caption beli menggunakan kata-katamu sendiri."
5. Help me please .....caption 3 no.2 and 5caption 7 no. 4
caption 3
2. no
5. present tense
caption 7
4. past tense
6. apakah yg dimaksud dengan No Caption
Tidak ada keterangantidak jelas /tidak ada keterangan
7. what the meaning the caption of this picture?
"You realize, of course, it's not what you are that counts. It's who you know. Who do you know?"
kalau diterjemahkan:
"Kamu tentu saja sadar bahwa yang penting itu bukan apa kamu. Yang penting adalah siapa yang kamu kenal. Siapa yang kamu kenal?"
so the meaning of the caption of this picture is:
it doesn't matter how smart and how talented you are, or how many experiences that you have. if you're not around THE RIGHT people, then you will be nothing.
example, you want to be a painter, but you befriend business people or you study architecture. then of course you can't develop your painting skill. what you know will be useless because people around you appreciate other things.
semoga membantu :D
8. No caption Lelahhhhh !!!!
Nomor 2.Mencari jenis segitiga
[tex] \sf = a² + b² = c² \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \\ \sf = 13² + 11² = 18² \: \: \\ \sf = 169 + 121 = 324 \\ \sf = 290 < 324 \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: [/tex]
Jenis segitiga Tumpul
Nomor 3.Menentukan triple Pythagoras
[tex] \sf = a² + b² = c² \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \\ \sf = 16² + 12² = 20² \: \: \\ \sf = 256 + 144 = 400 \\ \sf = 400 = 400 \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: [/tex]
Termasuk Triple Pythagoras
Nomor 4.AB = 12 cmED = 12 cm (sama sisi)BD = 12 cm (sama sisi)BC = 9 cmPanjang sisi miring CD
[tex] \sf {CD}^{2} = {BD}^{2} + { BC}^{2} \\ \sf {CD}^{2} = {12}^{2} + {9}^{2} \: \: \: \: \: \\ \sf {CD}^{2} = 144 + 81 \: \: \: \: \\ \sf {CD}^{2} = 225 \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \\ \sf CD = \sqrt{225} \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \\ \sf {CD} = 15 \: cm \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: [/tex]
Keliling bangun ACDE
[tex] \sf Keliling = AB + ED + CD + BC \\ \sf Keliling = 12 + 12 + 15 + 9 \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \\ \sf Keliling = 12 + 12 + 24 \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \\ \sf Keliling = 12 + 36 \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \\ \sf Keliling = 48 \: cm \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: [/tex]
9. The word 'required' is similar in meaning to.... a. called b. helped trained d. needed οtolong bantu kak
d. needed
maaf kalau salah
semoga membantu ^^
kalau benar jadikan jawaban terbaik ya :))
The word 'required' is similqr in meaning to Needed
DETAIL JAWABANKELAS 1MAPEL BAHASA INGGRISTENTANG VOCABULARY IN ENGLISH LANGUAGE KATA KUNCI: VOCABULARY IN ENGLISH LANGUAGE SEMOGA MEMBANTU [tex] \colorbox{black}{\color{gold}{\boxed{\rm{answer~by~BRAINLYNEWW}}}}[/tex]10. Write example caption ?a. Caption in a pictureb. Caption in graphicC. Caption in table
B.caption in graphic
jangan lupa follow ya
maaf kalo salah ya
11. Bhs indonya no caption
"Tanpa keterangan"
maaf apabila salah
12. Write example caption ?a. Caption in a pictureb. Caption in graphicC. Caption in table
semoga membantu
13. what is meaning of the caption below ? please explain it !
The meaning of the captain"There's always a wild side to an innocent face" is there is always a bad side of a person who looks good. In other words, a person who looks nice also have bad things or bad characters in their life.
(Arti dari tulisan "Selalu ada sisi liar/buruk pada orang yang tampak polos" adalah selalu ada sisi buruk dari seseorang yang tampak baik. Dengan kata lain, seseorang yang tampak baik juga memiliki hal-hal atau karakter buruk di dalam hidupnya)
PembahasanCaption merupakan sebuah teks singkat atau deskripsi singkat yang menggambarkan pesan dasar dari suatu objek. Caption ditulis dengan kalimat yang singkat dan padat serta menarik untuk dibaca.
Berikut contoh caption.
Life is short.There are always difficulties in every phase of life.Be grateful then you'll be happy.Pelajari lebih lanjutMateri tentang pengertian, macam macam, dan ciri ciri caption dalam bahasa inggris:, tujuan, dan di mana kita bisa menemui sebuah caption: do people use caption?: jawabanKelas: 12
Mapel: Bahasa Inggris
Bab: Captions
Kode: 12.5.1
14. istilah no caption di ig?
Istilah no caption pada IG adalah tidak ada keterangan atau tidak ada penjelasan. Caption adalah penjelasan singkat atau keterangan yang menyertai suatu gambar. Caption dalam media sosial biasanya berupa status yang disertai dengan foto.
PembahasanNo caption berarti tidak ada keterangan atau status pada gambar yang dibagikan di IG. Jadi, yang tampil pada IG tersebut hanya gambar saja.
Dalam dunia jurnalis, seperti iklan, caption biasanya berupa tulisan yang berada di bawah gambar. Tulisan tersebut dapat berupa keterangan, pendapat, saran, kata-kata mutiara, dan lain-lain.
Contoh caption yang sering kita temui adalah publikasi anti-rokok. Di mana pun kita menemui gambar seorang bapak yang memiliki lubang di lehernya dengan tulisan 'Merokok dapat menyebabkan kanker, serangan jatung, impotensi dan gangguan kehamilan dan janin'. Tulisan inilah yang disebut dengan caption.
Dalam bahasa Indonesia, caption diartikan keterangan.
Pelajari lebih lanjutContoh caption beserta gambar dapat dilihat di
Pengertian caption dapat dilihat di
Detil jawabanKelas: -
Mapel: TI
Bab: Caption on IG
Kode: -
15. Write example caption ?a. Caption in a pictureb. Caption in graphicC. Caption in table
maaf kalo ada salahhh
jangan lupa follow nya
16. contoh soal caption in english
'never give up'
what is the meaning of the caption?
17. Explain the meaning of caption by using your own words
Menjelaskan arti caption dengan menggunakan kata-kata Anda sendiri
18. no ngasal caption nya
Semoga membantu : )
Jangan lupa pilih jawaban ini sebagai yang terbaik : )
19. Help me please ..... caption 3 no.2 and 5 caption 7 no.4
caption 3
2. no
5. present tense
caption 7
4. past tense
20. 1. identify each event in each caption2. identify the agent(s) in each caption3. identify the situation in each caption
1. mengidentifikasi setiap peristiwa di setiap keterangan.2. mengidentifikasi agen di setiap keterangan.3. mengidentifikasi situasi di setiap keterangan.
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