They Bring Me Tokens Of Myself

They Bring Me Tokens Of Myself

1. (+) They will visit my house(-)(?)2. (+) She will bring me a glass of juice(-)(?)​

Daftar Isi

1. 1. (+) They will visit my house(-)(?)2. (+) She will bring me a glass of juice(-)(?)​


1. (+) They will visit my house

(-) they will not visit my house

(?) will they visit my house ?

2. (+) She will bring me a glass of juice

(-) she will not bring me a glass of juice

(?) will she bring me a glass of juice ?

semoga bermanfaat :)


1. (-) They will not visit my house.

  (?) Will they visit my house?

2. (-) She will not bring me a glass of juice.

   (?) Will she bring me a glass of juice?

semoga membantu, jadikan jawaban terbaik ya kalo boleh :)

2. "Bring me a cup of tea, please!Mother told me(A) to bring me a cup of tea(B) brought her a cup of tea(C) bring me a cup of tea(D) bring her a cup of tea(E) to bring her a cup of tea​


Semoga membantu maaf klo salah :>


E) To bring her a cup of tea

3. Janie and Jasmine are playing three games at an arcade. Each of the games requires either 2, 3, or 4 tokens. The girls plan to play as many games as they can before running out of tokens. Let m represent the number of games that require 2 tokens; n represent the number of games that require 3 tokens; and p represent the number of games that require 4 tokens. Janie plays the 3-token game four times. Write two equivalent expressions to represent the number of tokens that Janie will need to play each of the three games at least one time.

It is gotta be 12 because 3 times 4 is 12

I hope my answer will be useful

Dont forget to make it the brainliest answer :)

4. Benjamin bought tokens at a funfair. He used 3/8 of them at the ring-toss booth and 2/5 of the remaining tokens at the darts booth. He then bought another 35 tokens and had 10 tokens more than what he had at first. How many tokens did benjamin have at first?

a = amount of token at first

used at ring toss = 3/8 a

used at dart = 2/5 × (remaining from ring toss)
                     = 2/5 × (a - 3/8 a)
                     = 2/5 × 5/8 a
                     = 2/8 a

remaining from ring toss and dart + 35 = total tokens + 10
(total - used at ring - used at dart) + 35 = total tokens + 10
(a - 3/8 a - 2/8 a) + 35 = a + 10
3/8 a + 35 = a + 10
35 - 10 = a - 3/8 a
25 = 5/8 a
a = 25 × 8 ÷ 5
a = 40

So, total tokens at first is 40

5. bring me a bout of Oil. jangan ngasal​

bawakan aku tentang minyak

maaf kalo salah :')

jadikan jawaban terbaik yaa

6. "please,bring me the screw driver."is an expression of...

angry ( marah)

semoga bermanfaat  :)
maaf seingat saya offering help

7. myself - me - allow - to - introduceThe correct sentence isA. Me to allow introduce myself.B. Myself to introduce allow me.C. Allow myself to introduce me.D. Allow me to introduce myself.bantu y​


D. Allow me to introduce myself



D. Allow me to introduce myself


Opsi D paling tepat karena memiliki arti

"izinkan saya untuk memperkenalkan diri"

8. Let me introduce myself. The sentence above is the example of ...​

Jawaban :

Let me introduce myself. The sentence above is the example of

sentence of self introduction

Penjelasan :

Memperkenalkan diri atau dalam bahasa inggris disebut self introduction merupakan betuk dari percakapan yang paling dasar yang harus dikuasai oleh seseorang yang ingin belajar bahasa inggris.

Contoh kalimat self introduction :

I am .....

       My name is .......

You can call me.....

       My nickname is .....

I come from......

       I am from......

I have been living in ..... for .....

       I have been living in ......since .....

       I have been living in..... for all my life

       I have been living in ...... since I was born

Another example :

Hello, Good morning everyone,

Let me introduce myself first, as a new student in BEC English Course. My name is Adi winata. I was born in Kediri, June 20, 2004. My hobby is writing and reading.  I am very grateful because now I have a chance to study in this university.

OK, that’s all that I can tell you a little about myself.

Thank you

Pelajari lebih lanjut :

materi contoh kalimat introduction pada link


9. I: I Myself do the task of English I do the task of English by myselfjawablah di bawah inih bikin seperti di atasyou:they:we :he :she :the mouse:​


You do

They do

We do

He does

She does

The mouse does


Kata yang dirubah hanyalah I dan do

10. "Please, bring me the screw driver" is an expression of..

expression of "asking for something"

artinya : ekspresi "meminta sesuatu"
"Please, bring me the screw driver" is an expression of asking for help.

11. Susie had 762 game tokensAfter losing 537 of them in a game, she had 169 fewergame tokens than AudreyHow many game tokens did Audrey have?​



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

penjelasan terlampir

note : fewer = lebih sedikit


12. Apa artinya will you bring some of these books for me.


maukah kamu membawakan beberapa buku ini untukku?


kalimat pemintaan bantuan...


arti dari "Will you bring some of these books for me" adalah

maukah kamu membawakan beberapa buku untukku?

13. Maria will bring invite me to they party ubah ke kalimat passive​


I was invited to they party by her

14. They... (bring) the cake of the baker hadir finished it


They are bringing the cake of the baker hadir finished it


maaf kalo salah

15. Danu : You bring a big bag.....Aini : Thanks. I can bring it by myselfa. Can I help you to bring ?b. Can you help me to bring? c. Would you like to bring? d. Will you mind bringing?

Danu : Kamu membawa sebuah tas besar.......
Aini : Terimakasih. Saya dapat membawa ini sendiri

Kalimat tawaran yang tepat adalah
A. Can I help you to bring

Semoga membantu :)

16. ... bring me aglass of tea. plis kak dikumpulin sekarang​


would you/will you / can you

maaf kalo salah

17. Bring me a glass of milk ubah ke bentuk negativ


Bring me a glass of milk (+)
Do not bring me a glass of milk (-)

18. susunlah kalimat dengan benar : of- tea-cup-bring-me​


Bring Me A Cup Of Tea


19. will you bring some of these books for me?​


maukah kamu membawakan beberapa buku ini untukku?


Akankan kamu membawa beberapa buku ini untukku?


jika ditanya jawabannya, bisa:

-Yes, I will (jika iya)

-No, I won't (jika tidak)

20. she will bring invite me to they paety ubah ke kalimat passive​


i was invited to they  party by her

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