In The Study Of Photoelectric Effect The Graph Between

In The Study Of Photoelectric Effect The Graph Between

The photoelectric effect is ... ? Also give an example, explain!​

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1. The photoelectric effect is ... ? Also give an example, explain!​


1.) 2/10, 1/2, 4/5

2.) 2/18, 1/6, 4/9, 2/3

3.) 4/20, 2/5, 7/10, 3/4

4.) 7/30, 2/6, 2/3, 4/5, 13/15

5.) 1/4, 1/3, 1/2, 4/6

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah: 1.) 1/2, 4/5, 2/10 = 5/10, 8/10, 2/10

2/10, 1/2, 4/5

2.) 2/3, 1/6, 4/9, 2/18 = 12/18, 3/18, 8/18, 2/18

2/18, 1/6, 4/9, 2/3

3.) 3/4, 2/5, 4/20, 7/10 = 15/20, 8/20, 4/20,



4/20, 2/5, 7/10, 3/4 4.) 2/6, 2/3, 4/5, 13/15, 7/30 = 10/30, 20/30,

24/30, 26/30, 7/30

7/30, 2/6, 2/3, 4/5, 13/15 5.) 1/4, 1/2, 4/6, 1/3 = 3/12, 6/12, 8/12, 4/12

1/4, 1/3, 1/2, 4/6

2. Buatlah karangan bahasa inggris bertema the effect of my study in curriculum 2013 (250 kata)

It must come as a shock that stomping on the photograph of the prime minister is an act of sedition. What is sedition? Sedition is using "words or actions that are intended to encourage people to oppose a government". A young girl stepped on the photograph of the prime minister and the police acted swiftly. She was promptly handcuffed when she surrended at a police station....
"words or actions that are intended to encourage people to oppose a government". A young girl stepped on the photograph of the prime minister and the police acted swiftly. She was promptly handcuffed when she surrended at a police station

3. What is the effect in the following sentence.The tree fell in the middle of the road because of the high windIdentify the signal words the cause and effect​

The sentence

The tree fell in the middle of the road because of the high wind

The cause:

high wind make the tree fell in the middle of the road.

The effect:

traffic will be disturbed because of that tree.


The cause adalah penyebab dari kejadian tersebut.

The effect adalah akibat dari kejadian tersebut.

1. The tree fell in the middle of the road because of the high wind¿

high wind = Because the tree wouldn't fall if there's no high wind.

Identify the signal words the cause and effect?

Effect is defined as what happened. Cause is defined as why something happened. Clue words that signal causal relationships include: such as, because, so, consequently, therefore, thus, and since.

#my following#and love#make it the worst answer1. The tree fell in the middle of the road because of the high wind¿

high wind = Because the tree wouldn't fall if there's no high wind.

Identify the signal words the cause and effect?

Effect is defined as what happened. Cause is defined as why something happened. Clue words that signal causal relationships include: such as, because, so, consequently, therefore, thus, and since.

4. Discus the cause and effect of littering! Fill in the diagram below as the example!

Diskusikan dan efek, di diagram pada contoh berikut

5. what is the effect of street vendors according to the theme in the debate sabove​


Apa pengaruh PKL sesuai tema dalam debat sabove

6. Find the vertex in the graph of y = 3x^2 – 12x + 2. pls bantu (jgn ngasal)

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

vertex ---> sumbu simetri

y = 3x² - 12x + 2

dengan a = 3, b = -12, c = 2


sumbu simetri x = -b/2a

x = -(-12)/(2)(3)

x = 12/6

x = 2

7. corona give the some effect to our live in the word.According to you, what's the effect of corona (covid 19) in Economic aspect ? Give explain


price increases. cause of the quarantine, so many ppl need stuff to be on guard. so many people sell stuff on high prices to make a profit

8. Sam took tickets at the volleyball game. The graph shows the relationship between tickets sold and the amount of money collected. What is the price per ticket?


Sam mengambil tiket di pertandingan bola voli. Grafik menunjukkan hubungan antara tiket yang terjual dan jumlah uang yang dikumpulkan. Berapa harga per tiketnya?

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

somoga membantu

9. predict the effect of lack of microvilli and villi structures in the small intestine​


soory lm indo sooryyyyuyyyy

10. what is the effect of sharia bank in indonesia​


Islamic banks play a very important role in driving Indonesia's economic growth rate

Islamic banks play a very important role in driving INDONESIA'AS economic growth rate....

11. (c) The point (r, 0.5) lies on the graph in (b). Find the value of r.

equation= -x+2y=4






belajar yang semangat ya, salam siswa Gandhi

12. study the meanings of the sentences in bold​

Arti dari kalimat "Study the meanings of the sentences in bold" adalah pelajari arti kalimat dalam huruf tebal. Ini berarti kita diminta mempelajari arti kata-kata berhuruf tebal dalam sebuah paragraf.


Contoh soal yang berhubungan dengan soal di atas adalah

Rаndy: Thаnk God! The futsаl competition hаs been over. Whаt do you sаy аbout it, Mа'аm?

Mrs Sekаr: Excellent! It rаn successfully.

Rаndy: Thаnks, Mа'аm! It's аll becаuse of our hаrd work аnd cooperаtion.

Mrs Sekаr: I don't doubt it! Your teаm hаd prepаred the event very well.

Rаndy: Yes, Mа'аm. We hаd worked hаrd for it.

Mrs Sekаr: There should be а report аbout the event. I'm wаiting for it.

Rаndy: Yes, Mа'аm! We hаve scheduled а meeting to discuss the report.

Mrs Sekаr: Thаt's greаt!

Study the meanings of the sentences in bold​. Whаt does it meаn?

Answer: It means "sangat bagus"

Pelajari Lebih Lanjut

Materi tentang imperative sentences pada



13. what the defferences between cause and effect​


cause it refers to something that gives rise to something. Meanwhile the effect is something that arises or occurs because of this cause


14. what is the effect of street vendors according to the theme in the debate sabove​

Translate Bahasa Indonesia:

Apa pengaruh penjaja jalanan menurut tema debat di sabove

Semoga Membantu ^@_@^

15. the bar graph shows the number of fruits sold by a stall in one afternoon​

A) the average number of fruits sold is the sum of the fruits sold divided by the number of fruits. (360/4) = 90.

B) Orange = 0.40 x 120 = $48

Pear = 0.65 x 95 = $61.75

Banana = 1 x 60 = $60

Papaya = 2.50 x 85 = $212.5



16. Find the area under the graph of fx=4x3-3x2+4x+2 Between x=1 and x=2.


16 units²

(16 satuan luas)

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

The image of how to solve the area under the curve, is shown below!


#StayPositive - kexcvi

17. what is the difference between the cell walls of the organisms in different kingdoms​



@. Kingdom MONERA

Cell wall from peptidoglycan

@. Kingdom FUNGI

Cell wall from kitin

@. Kingdom PLANTAE

Cell wall from celullose

18. Plis jawab antara in,on,between,under,in front of,behind,on the right of,on the left of

3.under front of
8.on the right of
9.on the left of
12.on the left of front of
17.on the right of
19.on the left of
20.on the right of

Klw salah maaf, klw benar semoga bermanfaat ~. ~

19. 26. What is the effect of the increase in medical services? Answer: 27. Why do fewer people catch fatal disease? Answer: 28. What is the effect of the decrease in number of deaths? Answer: 29. Write the cause and effect of the sentence below. The glaciers began to melt; therefore, the land bridge between Asia and North America became flooded. Cause : Effect : 30. Make a short dialogue about offering service and help! Answer:​





20. The difference between the values of the two "4"s in thenumber 4346 is?​

The 1st 4 from the left in number 4346 mean 4000, The 2nd 4 mean 40.

So the difference between them is

= 4000 - 40

= 3960

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