Wastewater Story Class 7 Extra Questions With Answers

Wastewater Story Class 7 Extra Questions With Answers

Read the following story and make 3 questions with its answers!​

Daftar Isi

1. Read the following story and make 3 questions with its answers!​


What The color of the princess ball


Why The princess is crying

answer=because her ball fell into a pond

what happened when the princess threw the frog out of the floor

answer=the frog turned into a handsome prince

2. Write questions with ‘Why’ and answers with ‘Because’.


questions: Why are you crying?

answer : I'm crying because I can't find my mom.



Why is she crying?

I think it's because she can't find her mom.

3. Answer the following questions based on the dialogs in Activity 13. Share your answers with the class.​

dialognya gaada bikin soal baru

4. Complete the answers to these questions with infinitives of purpose. Use these verbs.​

2. learn

3. change

4. get

5. invite

6. make

7. see

8. drive

maaf kalau salah..

5. make 10 saols complete with answers in the Sangkuriang story ​menggunakan 5w + 1h


Who is sangkuriang?

Where is Dayang sumbi live?

Why Sangkuriang wants to marry a Dayang Sumbi?

What is cursed mean in Bahasa Indonesia?

When Dayang sumbi servant Sangkuriang?

How the setting of the atmosphere in the story?

6. Match the questions in the table with their suitable Answers . The questions and answers form a sequential dialog about the object in the picture . Practice the dialog with your friend


Terjemahannya adalahCocokkan pertanyaan dalam tabel dengan Jawaban yang sesuai. Pertanyaan dan jawaban membentuk dialog berurutan tentang objek dalam gambar. Latih dialog dengan teman Anda


Semoga Benar Selamat Belajar

7. Make text narrative along with five questions and answers

Once upon a time their lived a group of mice under a tree in peace. However, a group of elephants crossing the jungle unknowingly destroyed the homes of all the rats. Many of them were even crushed to death.Then taking of rats decided to approach the elephant's chief and request him to guide his herd through another route. On hearing the sad story, the elephant's king apologized and agreed to take another route. And so the lives of the rats were saved.One day elephant-hunters came to the jungle and trapped a group of elephants in huge nets. Then the elephant king suddenly remembered the king of the rats. He summoned on of the elephants of his herd, which had not been trapped, to go seek help from the king and told him about the trapped elephants.The rat's king immediately took his entire group of rats and they cut open the nets which had trapped the elephant's herd. The elephant herd was totally set free. They danced with joy and thank the rats.

8. Complete the answers to these questions with infinitives of purpose. Use these verbs.​

Semoga Membantu
Maaf kalau salah:)

9. task 10 match the questions with the answers


1. Why should I consider you for the position?

I am skilled at communicating with diverse people across all platforms - phone, email, and in person

2. What extracurricular activities were you involved in?

I love sports. I joined the school football club and played as a striker. We were a good team.

3. What would you consider your strengths?

I am probably best at researching for marketing purposes.

4. What is your biggest weakness?


5. So could you tell me why you are interested in changing positions?

Unfortunately, our company is shutting down due to the economy.

6. Tell me what you do in your spare time.


7. Why do you want the job?

I want the retail job at store because I know I would be terrific at it. I love engaging with people and providing them with assistance.

8. What are your goal for

My plan is to work full-time in a long term care environment or hospital for the next few years.


Do you work well with other people?

I am a patient listener and clear communications which is essential to being a sales representatives.

Untuk soal nomor 4 dan 6, saya tidak menemukan jawabannya

Pelajari lebih lanjut pertanyaan yang berhubungan dengan nomor 1 pada https://brainly.co.id/tugas/24866727


10. Make text spoof along with five questions and answers

Once a man was walking in a park when he across a penguin. He took it to a policeman and said; “What should I do?” The policeman replied; “Take it to the zoo!”.
The next day, the policeman saw the man in the same park. The man was still carrying the penguin. The policeman was rather surprised and walked up to the man and asked; “Why are you still carrying the penguin? Didn’t you take it to the zoo?” The man replied; “I certainly did. And it was a great idea because the penguin really enjoyed it. So, today I am taking it to the movie”.

1. what did the policeman say when the man asked him about the penguin?
he said to take it to the zoo
2. when did the policeman see the man again?
the next day
3. why did the police surprise?
because he saw the man was still carrying the penguin
4. did the man bring it to the zoo?
yes,he did
5. where did the man take it that day?
he took it to the movie

11. 4. Match the questions with the answers. ​


Ini Saya Menjawabnya Sesuai Huruf Ya... Berurutan Dari A-J Jadi Nomor Sesuai Hurufnya Tidak Berurutan. Kalau Mau Sesuai Nomor Dari 1-10 Silahkan Diatur Saja. Terima Kasih~

9. [A] How Are You Today?

I'm Fine, Thank You. And You?

4. [B]Did You Have Any Trouble Finding Us?

No, The Office Isn't Too Difficult To Find.

6. [C]Isn't This Great Weather We're Having?

Yes, It's Wonderful. I Love This Time Of Year.

10. [D]Tell Me About Yourself.

I've Just Graduated From Erlangga Vocational School. Every Sunday When I Was A Student, I Worked As A Mechanic Assistant For A Small Garage To Help Pay For My Education.

2. [E]What Type Of Position Are You Looking For?

I'm Interested In An Entry-Level Position.

5. [F]Are You Interested In A Full-Time Position. However, I Would Also Consider A Part-Time Position.

1. [G]Can You Tell Me About Your Responsibilities At Your Last Job?

I Work Well Under Pressure. When There Is A Deadline, I Can Focus On The Task At Hand And Structure My Work Schedule Well.

3. [H]What Is Your Greatest Strength?

I Collected Payments From Customers In A Fast Food Restaurant.

8. [I]What Is Your Greatest Weakness?

I Tend To Spend Too Much Time Making Sure The Customer Is Satisfied.

7. [J]When Can You Begin?

As Soon As You Would Like Me To Begin.


Semoga Membantu

12. exercise 7 make questions. give short answers​



A : Where did you and Beniro go last night?

B : A party.


A : Did Yoko and Ali do their homework last night?

B : No, they didn't.


A : When did you see Gina?

B : At dinner last night.

Semoga membantu

13. questions dan answers​


3. Lisa :

- Questions : Lisa, how about your mother? What does she do?

- Answers : She's a housewife. She takes a good care of us and our house

4. Udin :

- Questions : What does your mother do, Udin?

- Answers : She's a surgeon. She performs operations on her patients

5. Edo :

- Questions : How about you, Edo? What do you do?

- Answers : I'm a student


Semoga membantu, selamat mengerjakan bro.

14. tolong bantu y kak Write questions with ‘Why’ and answers with ‘Because’.


why are they carrying luggage?

because they are going on holiday


maaf kalo salah

Why are they going on a holiday?

It's because their kids are having a school holiday.

15. Taks 6. In pairs discuss the following questions about the text in taks 5. Share your answers with the class

Taks 6.

Berpasangan bahas pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut tentang teks dalam taks. Bagikan jawaban Anda dengan kelas.

16. Match the questions below with the appropriate answers!

1. C

2. B

3. D

4. G

5. F

6. A

7. H

8. E

9. J

10. I

11. M

12. N

13. L

14. O

15. K

smoga benar dan membantu terimakasih

17. please Make text hortatory exposition along with five questions and answers

Where was I when the rockets came to life
And carried you away into the alligator sky
Even though, I'll never know what's up ahead
I'm never lettin' go, I'm never lettin' go Uh uh, that's not a plane, that's me
I'm sittin' where I'm supposed to
Floatin' on the cloud, can't nobody come close to
The concrete and the sky switch places
So now my ceiling is painted with cosmic spaces
Firecracker to the moon, keep your eyes shut
Blastin' off like a rocket from the ground up
Heh, I used to catch a cab on the Monday
Now the taxi's sellin' lights on the runway, fly
Condo on the milky way
A house on the cloud and God's my landlord
And for my rent all I pay is my drive
Got that so If you need me you can find me in the alligator sky Uh uh, that's not a plane, that's me
I'm sittin' where I'm supposed to
Floatin' on the cloud, can't nobody come close to
The concrete and the sky switch places
So now my ceiling is painted with cosmic spaces
Firecracker to the moon, keep your eyes shut
Blastin' off like a rocket from the ground up
Heh, I used to catch a cab on the Monday
Now the taxi's sellin' lights on the runway, fly
Condo on the milky way
A house on the cloud and God's my landlord
And for my rent all I pay is my drive
Got that so If you need me you can find me in the alligator sky
"Those who don't learn from history are condemned to repeat it" and "A great nation is one which fully appreciates its heroes." say popular English aphorism and national adage. Then, proposing an important person who has taken a role in our nation history is important. I think Gesang should be a national hero.

Who have never heard Bengawan Solo song? I doubt it if there is. This keroncong song has been a part of national voices. Gesang is a senior composer whose songs gained fame all the way to Japan. He has received a number of awards in art and everyone will admit that his art talent was dedicated to this nation.

Government has declared the other great composer; WR. Suratman and Ismail Marzuki as national Heroes. Gesang might not be compared to others, but in my opinion, Gesang is as great as them. All of them are maestros. Due to his keroncong music maestro, Gesang has taken a role in building our national identity.

It is obvious that government should name Gesang National Hero. We should not delay aand wait for, in case, our neighbor countries or other international communities go a head to recognize him and grant an award for what he deserves.

1. what is the most popular song that Gesang created? bengawan solo
2. why does the writer think that Gesang should be a national hero?
because gesang is as great as the other composer
3. what kind is gesang's music? keroncong music
4. is gesang's song gained fame all the way? yes, it is
5. what is the writer's recommendation for gesang? governnent should declare gesang as indonesia national hero

18. questions dan answers​

Pertanyaan Dan Jawaban

19. Complete the answers to these questions with infinitives of purpose. Use these verbs.​

Maaf kalau salah :)

20. English Task ASSIGNMENT 1 (Total 10 questions) Make 5 questions with DO YOU …… ? Make another 5 questions with ARE YOU ……. ? Give answers with YES …../NO…….


1. Do you read books? Yes, I do.

2. Do you like to watch movies? No, I don't.

3. Do you want to go to Disneyland next week? Yes, I really do.

4. Do you play guitar? No, I don't.

5. Do you hear that? Yes, I do.

6. Are you moving out soon? Yes, I am.

7. Are you going to the park today? No, I am not.

8. Are you enjoying the view of the sea? Yes, I really am.

9. Are you doing your homework right now? No, I am not.

10. Are you liking the new shoes? Yes, I am.

Jadikan jawaban ini sebagai yang terbaik bila dirasa bermanfaat dan membantu!^^

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