mumnyılı:2010: Vividh tuge vuurvulouwr ll
1. mumnyılı:2010: Vividh tuge vuurvulouwr ll
Aku gak ngerti
2. bahasa inggris class 11.....
1. that's true but don't forget you need money for your living
2.that's true but it's much more better to save half of what you learn
3. that true but without it there will be more problem to appear
4. that's not true, you can learn to balance your time and energy
5. that's not true because it will cause misunderstanding4. I don't think so. We can have both of them. If we do it properly then we'll have a good career and a good family also.
5. Well, i don't think so. It's still important to use the right grammar in English, but of course in learning English we'll do some mistakes and we have to fix it.
3. bahasa inggris class 11 smk .....
1d 2c 3f 4i 5a 6e 7h 8j 9b 10g
1 apartment
2 among
3 cemetery
4 battle
5 queue
6 substance
7 provide
8 save
9 originally
10 electSubject : English
Category : Vocabulary
Level : SHS XI
1. d
2. c
3. f
4. i
5. a
6. e
7. h
8. j
9. b
10. g
1. apartment
2. among
3. cemetery
4. battle
5. queue
6. substance
7. provides
8. save
9. originally
10. elect
4. Bahasa lain dari kelas maya adalah... a. invisible class b. maya class c. learning class d. interconnected class e. virtual class
E. Virtual class
bahasa lain dari kelas maya adalah virtual class merupakan lingkungan belajar yang dilakukan melalui internet
5. Perbedaan abstrak class dan class biasa
=> Abstract class adalah sebuah class setengah jadi (abstrak) yang memuat/memiliki method dan atrribut.
Abstract class sebenarnya adalah sebuah class, sehingga memiliki semua sifat dari class biasa (punya konstruktor).
Hanya saja sifatnya masih abstrak, karena itu biasanya method kosong/belum di implementasikan.
Maaf kalau salah...tq
6. Seorang peternak ayam mempunyai persediaan makanan untuk 1000 ekor ayam selama 2 minggu. Jika ia menambah 400 ekor aayam lagi maka persediaan makanan itu akan habis dalam waktu berapa hari? *
jika menambah 400 ekor ayam lagi maka akan habis 8 hari
7. Persilangan antara ayam berbulu Abu abu (aa) dengan aayam berbulu kuning (AA) menghasilkan keturunan semuanya berbulu kuning. tuliskan diagram persilangan untuk F1 nya!
jadi, F1 = Aa (ayam berbulu kuning) karena AA bersifat dominan terhadap aa.
8. English class 11tolong dibantu ya
1.Jane and Chris will not show you the way home
2.Gerald will not take the dog for a walk
3. Will dinner be ready at six o'clock tonight?
4.Will the birds eat the food in the garden?
5.We won't go to the bakers to buy some bread
6.Will he go to the theatre with his parents?
7.Will ben lend you the money for the shopping?
8.Andy will not be on holidays tomorrow
9.Will there be some new students in the class?
10.They won't sleep in the new bed when it arrives
She will live in Manchester
you will stay at a hotel
He will buy an expensive bike
tolong kasih yang terbaik yah
9. 11. Urutan takson dalam pengklasifikasian makhluk hidup yang benar adalahA. Divisio-class-ordo-familia-genus-speciesB. Divisio-class-familia-genus-ordo-speciesC. Divisio-class-ordo-familia-species-genusD. Class-Divisio-ordo-familia-genus-species
A. Divisio-Class-Ordo-Familia-Genus-Species
Semoga Membantu:)
maaf kalo ada yang salah:)
Urutan takson dalam pengklasifikasian makhluk hidup yang benar adalah
A. Divisio-class-ordo-familia-genus-species
Arti masing² :
Divisio = divisiClass = Kelas Ordo = OrdoFamilia = FamiliGenus = GenusSpecies = Spesiesmogabermanpaad
10. A: .............. English class at 10:00? B: No, It .......... . ........ at 11:00.
A : it's english class at 10.00 ?
B : No, it is not.English class at 11:00
11. Assigment #2 condotional sentence type 1 (class 11 sma)
1 you will disturb the other classes
2 you must change it
3 we cannot play volleyball
4 you should go to bed
5 dont switch on the fan
6 i will give you a reward
7 call the ambulance
8 it will melt
maaf kalau salah kak
12. A: .............. English class at 10:00?B: No,It.......... . ........ at 11:00.3 jwaban
A : IS english class at 10:00?
B : No, it ISN'T. IT IS at 11:00
13. 11. In my class there are many_____a)childrenb)childsc)chills
kalo child kan cuma 1 atau singular
kalo are many kan berarti banyak atau plural
bentuk plural child adalah children
a) children
maaf kalau salah
semoga bermanfaat
14. angiospermae 11. Urutan tingkatan takson mulai dari paling banyak persamaan hingga yang paling sedikit persamaan adalah ... . A Kingdom - Phylum - Class - Ordo - Familia - Genus - Species B. Kingdom - Divisi - Ordo - Class - Familia - Genus - Species C. Species - Genus - Familia-Class - Ordo - Divisi -- Kingom D. Species - Genus - Familia - Ordo - Class - Phylum - Kingdom
semakin tinggi tingkat takson semakin banyak persamaanya
15. mtk pmt class 11 semester 1
tan (x + 15°) = 110°
interval = 0° ≤ x ≤ 180°
• persamaan
tan (x + 15°) = 110°
tan (x + 15°) = 110° + k(180°)
tan x = 95° + k(180°)
• utk k = 0
tan x = 95° (√)
• utk k = 1
tan x = 95 + 180
tan x = 275° (x)
• utk k = -1
tan x = 95 - 180
tan x = -85° (x)
Hp = { 95° }16. Jika diketahui 2 kelas: class c2 { }; class c3 { }; untuk membuat multiple inheritance dari kedua kelas di atas adalah? A. class c4 : c2, c3 { }; B. class c4 : public c2, public c3; C. class c4 : class c2, class c3; D. class c4 : c2{}; class c4 : c3{};
B. class c4 : public c2, public c3;
17. Alat gerak phylum mollusca (class scapopoda, class Amphineura, class gastropoda, class pelecyphoda, class cephalopoda) berupa? serta letak alat gerak tersebut!
Scapophoda = tentakel keras
Amphineurophoda = kaki dibagian perut
Gastrophoda = otot perut
Pelecyphoda = kaki pipih seperti kapak
Cephalophoda = tentakel
18. Do activity 11 on page 59 class 7
lakukan kegiatan 11 di halaman 59 kelas 7
maaf kalau salah ya
semoga membantu ya
19. apa yang di maksud high class,midlle class,lowwer class.
high : atas /tinggi
middle : menengah
lower : bawahhigh class = masyarakat/objek kalangan kelas atas
middle class = masyarakat/objek kalangan kelas menengah
lowwer class = masyarakat/objek kalangan kelas bawah.
20. Kelas maya disebut juga... A. ITC class B. Cyber class C. Internet class D. Mirror class E. Window class
D. Mirror class...... B.Cyber Class atau disebut E-Learning
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