example of advertisement in english for listening
1. example of advertisement in english for listening
Coca-cola is a great-tasting, refreshing soft drink that has provided the moment of uplift and happiness every day for over 30 years.
Coca-cola is now the world’s leading soft drink and sold in more 200 countries around the world.
It has natural flavor
Gluten free
Suitable for vegetarians
Coca-cola is a sparkling soft drink
Coca-cola, feel the moment!
2. Apa artinya dari The students looking some texts in in for libary for about animais
Murid murid itu sedang melihat beberapa poster didalam perpustakaan tentang hewan hewan
3. 1.what is the main reason for people making advertisement ? 2.what do you expect to fine in an advertisement ?
1) inform about a product to consumers, so that the consumers but the product..
2) -use the good language
-not disparage other products
4. No budget/no worriesRODEO INNOffers minimalist accommodationvery suitable for backpackersStart from Rp. 80.000/night*book in advance (tel. 0271-333-444)The advertisement above is intended for ....A. familyC. businessmanB. studentsD. Travelers
D. Travelers
maaf klo salah, semoga membantu
5. (+) the students have been in the lab for two hours
(-) The students haven't been in the lab for two hours (yet).
(?) Have the students been in the lab for two hours?
1. Negative Sentence (Present Perfect)Form dari kalimatnya ->
Subject + haven't/hasn't + V3 + Object + Keterangan + yet.
Have dipakai untuk subjek "I, You, We, They".Has dipakai untuk subjek "He, She, It".Haven't dan hasn't merupakan singkatan dari " have not" dan "has not". Keduanya bentuk ini boleh dipakai dan tidak mengubah arti. Untuk V3 ada yang sama seperti V2, ada juga yang sama seperti V1 nya, ada juga yang harus dihafalkan yaa. 2. Interrogative Sentence (Present Perfect)Form dari kalimatnya ->
Have/Has + Subject + V3 + Object + Keterangan + ?
Penggunaannya sama seperti yang negatif, hanya berbeda di susunan kalinatnya saja.Semoga membantu!
6. Students get involved in brawls for the following reasons, expect?
Terjemahan'nya :
Inggris - Indonesia
Inggris :
Students get involved in brawls for the following reasons, expect?
Indonesia :
Siswa terlibat dalam perkelahian karena alasan berikut, kecuali?
Semoga membantu dan bilang kalo ada yang salah °_°
7. contoh advertisement in English tentang sebuah product
Cola-cola is a great-tasting, refreshing soft drink that has provided moment of uplift and happiness everyday for over 123 years!
Cola-cola is now the world’s leading softdrink and sold in more 200 countries around the world!
It has natural flavour
Gluten free
Suitable for vegetarians!
Cola-cola is a sparkling soft drink!
Cola-cola, feel the moment!
8. make an advertisement for planting the tree in your school ???tolong-!!jawabnya pakek bhs Inggris juga ya
Hi friends let's plant together
and don't forget to give fertilizers and soil to plant it in this school feels comfortable and delicious to learn in schools
Maaf itu soalnya membuat iklan menanam pohon di sekolah
Maaf klo salah jawab
Semoga Membantu & Semangat Belajar :)
Jadikan Jawaban Tercerdas✅
Plant trees for our school environment early on, take care of the plants in our school!
Flush with as much water as possible and don't forget to give fertilizers and soil, take care of a tree so it will take care of you!
Let's reforest, so that the forest is alive again, more oxygen, and it doesn't flood!
Let's do greening to save the earth, Dispose of garbage in its place for the preservation of the entire environment including the school environment
Because this is our job to take care of the earth!
some notes:
1. Words are made by using standard words to make them easy to understand
2. Using short words to be easy to see
3. Using colors that can attract attention such as bright colors
4. usually ads are made of interesting words so that they can be more noticed
sorry if im wrong and maybe to long, ganbatte!
9. There is aIn my school it is for sick students
there is a (medicine)
in my school it is for sick student
ada sebuah (obat)
di sekolahku
itu digunakan untuk murid yang sakit
10. To: the students of IX grade The students association holds a student gathering for students IX on august 16 at the hall. Please all the students come. For more information, contact Budy at the Students' Association office. Students Association What is the kind of the text above? A. Short message B. Announcement C. Advertisement D. Letter
jawabannyaB. announcementThe answer is B. Announcement
Karena teks diatas merupakan pengumuman yang diberitahukan kepada siswa kelas 9 tentang adanya acara perkumpulan siswa.
11. in my opinion joining an english course is good for students
menurutku ikut les bahasa inggris bagus untuk muridmenurut pendapat saya mengikuti kursus inggris itu bagus untuk pelajar
12. The students / wait for/ the bus / in the bus shelter.
The students wait for the bus in the bus shelter
ini di susun ya? klo disusun ini jwbnnya
13. Calculate how many students in the class in Activity 1 voted for each idea.There are 30 students in the class.1 1/2 of the students voted for Jose's idea:students2 1/3 of the students voted for Maria's idea:students3 1/6 of the students voted for Tiago's idea:students4 2/3 of the students would like a 2-day trip:students.challengeplss tolongonin saya
Hitung berapa banyak siswa di kelas dalam Kegiatan 1 memilih untuk setiap ide.
Ada 30 siswa di kelas.
1 1/2 dari siswa memberikan suara untuk ide Jose:
2 1/3 siswa memberikan suara untuk ide Maria:
3 1/6 siswa memberikan suara untuk ide Tiago:
4 2/3 dari para siswa menginginkan perjalanan 2 hari:
tolong tolong saya
14. The students …………….the examination in the classroom for ninety minutes.
yes i am the examination in the classroom for ninety minutes
klw salah maaf
15. The advertisement above is itended for ?
15. “I am really amazed by his habit.”
The underlined word is closets in meaning to
16. what is important library school for students (answer in paragraph)
able to read and borrow books
(bisa membaca dan meminjam buku)
kalo gajelas tanyain di komen...
17. In my opinion joining an english course is good for students
Menurut saya mengikuti kursus bahasa inggris itu baik untuk pelajar
18. Students get involved in brawls for the following reason,except
maksdunya terjemahannya? kalau terjemahannya, siswa-siswa mendapatkan kesulitan pada kekuatan/tenaganya karena suatu alasan, kecuali...
19. advertisement in indonesia is
Advertisement –> Iklan
Semoga membantu!
20. The main characteristics for advertisement *
1.It's promotional.
2.It's persuasive.
3.It's part of an overall marketing strategy.
4.It's targeted.
5.It's an investment.
6.It's original.
7.It's creative.
8.It's consistent.
9.it's pernsonalized
10.it's ethical
Sorry If Wrong/Maaf Kalau Salah
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